Only if they are allowed to. Assuming this is mostly a movie that is the point. Let them go as crazy as they want to and it will destroy their party and their agenda when they lose the consent of the governed which is happening quicker than we have ever seen
Me too! Washington could have been a King but he was a free mason. 32nd secret is God is the devil. This how they wanted it. We will have our king soon. So here we are in our deep state world. The old world will return. God is in our side. We must not play games with Dems or the GOP. Tired of getting deep state fucked over and over. No more f’n Glen Youngkin Carlyle Group types, Bush, Biden, Clinton, Romney’s, his damn niece is a deep state devil angel. They think we are stupid and will keep playing their games.
I also wonder about that...But you know what keeps me going...? I say to myself that this is the part I have to play at the moment however shit it gets... and Who knows what the future holds...
That's a good perspective. It's just so infuriating that people are embracing their abusers... The media, the politicians, the "experts." All of which care not about us... And then we point it out and we're the delusional assholes that end up ridiculed and marginalized.
I know only this frens: people who are systematically abused tend to stay with their abusers because comfortable… it’s obviously not logical to do that, but that is, after all, the nature of the beast. The wait sucks because we literally just sit here and cry… there’s absolutely nothing we can do with these people if/and until they are ready. Be patient pede. We’ll get there when God says so and that’s enough for me…
The story. You were in it. You have value in that, you can share what you saw and be here to support people. We all get low, even if we lose, we lost together. I think we will win but maybe not in the way we envisioned
Biden orders release of FIFTY MILLION barrels of oil from US reserves today in a bid to lower prices at the pump - which have hit $4.84 a gallon in California...
"No president wanted to pay the price of filling them up"
Man, isn't that crazy?
Just SO WEIRD how we never "had any money" to do things like fill up completely and then some, our Strategic Oil Reserves, but I've never heard of a welfare recipient missing a check, or ANY dem BS social engineering scam not being able to find gov funding.
If you approach this from the theory that they hate us and our country, and want to destroy us, what they are doing makes a lot more sense, because no one who gets near the annals of power can possibly be as stupid as the whole Biden Administration seems to be.
Texas, Pennsylvania, The Dakotas, Alberta, and on and on.
Xcel Energy is raising rates 20% to pay for "Green Energy Projects." ~ SGT Report.
It looks like it is going to get much worse.
Everything will go up. Rent, entertainment, thrift store prices, walking on the beach, used skateboards, pony rides, grandma's hairdresser. Everything!
I’m growing weary of these announcements. To quote the king of rock and roll “ a little less conversation a little more action”
Get real Biden is Left. Those who voted for him knew he was going to do this. It isn’t a surprise. Those who want the Green New Deal don’t realize this is a piggy bank for the high up, just like the infrastructure bill. There will be no improved infrastructure, just like the Green New Deal, climate change will not change the environment. The mandate of electric cars will give money to China-cobalt, which makes the batteries was sold off to China, windmills-come from China, and the oil we use, will come from OPEC.
My concern.
Even if Trump comes back and does a good job. After he leaves office.
The deep state can just reverse what he did again.
Only if they are allowed to. Assuming this is mostly a movie that is the point. Let them go as crazy as they want to and it will destroy their party and their agenda when they lose the consent of the governed which is happening quicker than we have ever seen
You assume that they will escape the rope.
👆 WORD!…”You assume that they will escape the rope! @Munchaussen
As long as we have mechanisms in place to do so. The first time around the swamp was quite unphased and now are more emboldened than ever.
When Trump comes back he will not leave. That’s the plan and always has been. One God, one country, one leader Trump.
I am looking forward to it!
Me too! Washington could have been a King but he was a free mason. 32nd secret is God is the devil. This how they wanted it. We will have our king soon. So here we are in our deep state world. The old world will return. God is in our side. We must not play games with Dems or the GOP. Tired of getting deep state fucked over and over. No more f’n Glen Youngkin Carlyle Group types, Bush, Biden, Clinton, Romney’s, his damn niece is a deep state devil angel. They think we are stupid and will keep playing their games.
Praying it's soon.
Yes please!
I hate this fucking movie. Life in general is shit and has been since birth.
What's the goddamn point!?
I also wonder about that...But you know what keeps me going...? I say to myself that this is the part I have to play at the moment however shit it gets... and Who knows what the future holds...
That's a good perspective. It's just so infuriating that people are embracing their abusers... The media, the politicians, the "experts." All of which care not about us... And then we point it out and we're the delusional assholes that end up ridiculed and marginalized.
It's total shit.
Absolutely it is...And i shake my head all day long when I see "them"...Its driving me
I know only this frens: people who are systematically abused tend to stay with their abusers because comfortable… it’s obviously not logical to do that, but that is, after all, the nature of the beast. The wait sucks because we literally just sit here and cry… there’s absolutely nothing we can do with these people if/and until they are ready. Be patient pede. We’ll get there when God says so and that’s enough for me…
The story. You were in it. You have value in that, you can share what you saw and be here to support people. We all get low, even if we lose, we lost together. I think we will win but maybe not in the way we envisioned
VERY STABLE genius, my good man!
Biden orders release of FIFTY MILLION barrels of oil from US reserves today in a bid to lower prices at the pump - which have hit $4.84 a gallon in California...
50,000,000 ain’t gonna do crap
Note the word "Attack"
"No president wanted to pay the price of filling them up"
Man, isn't that crazy?
Just SO WEIRD how we never "had any money" to do things like fill up completely and then some, our Strategic Oil Reserves, but I've never heard of a welfare recipient missing a check, or ANY dem BS social engineering scam not being able to find gov funding.
Crazy how that works!!!
They have been raiding everything for years, does anyone really believe social security does not have enough funds they took it all of it.
If you approach this from the theory that they hate us and our country, and want to destroy us, what they are doing makes a lot more sense, because no one who gets near the annals of power can possibly be as stupid as the whole Biden Administration seems to be.
Sounds like a good way to ruin a country.
A very good piece of info to pound the blind with.
US Oil Prices up 65%!
We were energy independent.
We were a net energy exporter.
We are importing oil from Iran.
We are importing natural gas from Russia.
Shutdowns and layoffs everywhere.
Lives destroyed.
Texas, Pennsylvania, The Dakotas, Alberta, and on and on.
Xcel Energy is raising rates 20% to pay for "Green Energy Projects." ~ SGT Report.
It looks like it is going to get much worse.
Everything will go up. Rent, entertainment, thrift store prices, walking on the beach, used skateboards, pony rides, grandma's hairdresser. Everything!
Scream from the rooftops...
Can we please END this EVIL Regime already and bring back our rightful President, Trump
I’m growing weary of these announcements. To quote the king of rock and roll “ a little less conversation a little more action”
Who’s big mike?
Michelle Obama and his 12 incher.
Balls deep in Barry.
No doubt!
Are these for us? Because the people that NEED to see these...aren't going to. Even if they saw them, would they listen? Highly unlikely.
Get real Biden is Left. Those who voted for him knew he was going to do this. It isn’t a surprise. Those who want the Green New Deal don’t realize this is a piggy bank for the high up, just like the infrastructure bill. There will be no improved infrastructure, just like the Green New Deal, climate change will not change the environment. The mandate of electric cars will give money to China-cobalt, which makes the batteries was sold off to China, windmills-come from China, and the oil we use, will come from OPEC.
What did he expect from a CCP sponsored POTUS who stole the election?
He's clearly just saying shit to say it.
According to Clif High we are in for a “constitutional crisis” in the next couple weeks early Dec. no idea what? I think we can sum it up.
Sure, if you want to destroy it.
If Kim Clement was talking about 2021, then within 30 days, Trump will be back in a leading capacity.
Total short term thinking. What next, just print more money to pay for the infrastructure bill?