President Trump..." I watched that craggy smug face of Woodward as he"bullshits" the public and said to myself, "I wonder if history will really believe this stuff?"...
๐ Crime & Corruption ๐ธ

I Fucking Love this man...He says it like it is, No bullshit....Now, Thats a Leader...!!
I wish the same for South Africa someday.
I Hope so...From your mouth to GOD's ears...
I think we need to give you folks automatic citizenship and an airlift here.
I think it's over, over there. And I hope I am wrong.
Off now to go watch Breaker Morant again. :)
Sooner the better Mr. President
History will have to notice how 80% of the nation ignores the Main Stream Media and don't read their lying newspapers or listen to their "reporters" anymore.
When people ask in the future why the USA no longer has anything but propaganda that nobody listens to... they will eventually reach the truth. The media committed suicide by becoming so corrupt.
You can thank Obama and Biden for the propaganda onslaught after 2011โฆ
Their administration repealed the Smith-Mundt Act (Jan. 1948) which Truman signed to keep the media from using propaganda against the American peopleโฆ
Now why would a government wanna use propaganda on its people ? Mockingbird? MK Ultra?
exactly, one of the first orders of business if/when we take back the House in 2022 should be to reinstate that Act.
I'm thinking about running for the House next year (depends on what happens with my job and mandates). Definitely a big talking point to bring up.
So many are unaware of this shit. They bitch and moan about misinformation but made it legal lol
Waitโฆ was Truman good? I thought he was cabal.
I think they were all controlled to some degree.. but itโs a good question ? Any Truman Autists out there ?
Good for him
He also allowed PhyOps to be run on American citizens
Do you really think that 80% of this nation does NOT watch MSM ??? If you think that's true you are truly living I'm this echo chamber way to much. Yes the MSM are catering, but 8 out of 10 people ignoring them. Your dreaming.
It may not be 80% but all of their viewerships have dropped dramatically. Problem is we don't yet have a comparable network to challenge all the stupidity - people like us have to go to 'alternate' sources in our quest for what's really going on. Hopefully the new 'Truth Media' platform that is being spoken about will come out sooner rather than later and be able to get into the normie's homes...
That's exactly it...A lot of people can't be bothered to find alternate credible sources for the news...much easier to just watch the MSM...
Yes, 80% ignore Main Stream Media. They may watch the channels, but most realize that they are just pushing leftist propaganda crap.I
There is a big difference between letting MSM play in the background and actually believing what they say. Most people understand it's just lies and propaganda. That's why the MSM has such a hard time selling the Covid "vax". That's why they had to cheat so badly in the 2020 elections. Even most minorities aren't believing a word they say anymore. They've told too many lies too often.
You could be right. However, one possibility that you may not have considered is that some Liberals who absolutely hate Trump got tired of the shitstorm of news and turned it off. People who used to watch news everyday couldn't handle it any more, because it pissed them off too much. I know because I've talked to some. This was before the whole pandemic bs.
"CHOP CHOP" - Mr Early Riser !!! Get on "IT" Mr President !!! Were "Dying" out here . . . If you need help ??? There are 270 million AMERICAN PATRIOTS who are crashing the gates, to get running , to - Make America Great Again. "WAKE" the "Sleeping Giant" ??? I'm "UP" - Lets Gooooo ..... Happy Thanksgiving - Merry Christmas - some day NCSWIC.
Great. Here's something YOU and every registered MAGA Republican can do that will help alot.
Https://theprecinctstrategy.com Https://theprecinctproject.com
Bannon and many Q followers with alt media began highlighting this savvy plan early this year. Its already been so successful that last month Establishment Media began rage seething about what's happening.
Please. Read. Share. Do. Pray. "CHOP CHOP". ๐
I tried - ( site can't be reached. ) I work in Construction. On 9 11 I went from paying attention just a little bit - to full blown so-called Conspiracy Theorist. That morning , was a breaking point. Friends at the time thought i was nuts , for my opinions ( post extensive broadening my knowledge - of things. ) The few of those original friends who i still associate with - are all in our same camp now. The others are dumb / blind / willful libtard idiots. I'm gonna dig into that Precinctproject after i run my malware program. Hopefully , it will pull up.
I like the last 6 words. Sounds like he's coming back
Get โem, Mr. President! ๐๐ผ
Russia Russia Russia...
Final Draft of the A.G. Bill of Complaint Exhibit annex prepared by Mike Lindell associated lawyers is available on https://frankspeech.com/ (links below)
Exhibit 4 is off the chart...
Declaration of Col. John R. Mills (USAR) 21 November 2021
21 / There is also a possible intersection between the expanding remote access operations and capabilities with the spying effort directed toward President Trump in 2016. I also was present and a witness to several events in what has become known as โSpygateโ or โRussiagateโ. Within days of the November 2016 election, I was asked to participate in urgent inter-agency meeting to produce a Russian connection narrative, through the finalization of an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) which has now been established as being composed of false statements17 from Mr. John Brennan and Mr. James Comey. I have presented extensive evidence to U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, Mr. John Durham chronologizing these events.
31 / All this work was the foundation of remote access at a massive scale โ some of which overwhelmed, skirted, or was complicit with murkiness of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA)34 process. I knew and trusted many of the leaders overseeing these operations at the time but was also disturbed to find out later about the participation of some of these trusted, senior leaders in nefarious palace intrigue that leveraged these capabilities for personal political agendas. For example, in early 2018, General (Ret) Hayden sat 24 โ 36 inches away from me coordinating his daily talking points in his almost daily phone call with James Comey, John Brennan, and others in their coordinated efforts to topple President Donald J. Trump.
Lindell associated attorney Kurt Olsen, one of the Bill of Complaint authors, stated in the 7:00 PM CT Thanksathon segment that Col Mills has whistle blower status in regard to the Durham Investigation.
Attorney Kurt Olsen Interview (Highlight of Day 1 of Thankathon)
https://frankspeech.com/video/attorney-kurt-olsen-mike-lindell-and-brannon-howse-reveal-explain-and-discuss-peoples-us (1 hr 52 min)
Exhibit 4
Exhibits / Bill of Complaint
A.G Bill of Complaint / Final Draft (not filed at this time)
KaBlamo!!! FU DS!!! Only President allowed in Forbidden City you azzhats.
Worse than Watergate. Clearly.
Trump is Awesome ๐ always tells it like it is
This is the greatest President this country has ever hadโฆPERIOD!
In the actual-Nixon-Woodward interview, Nixon owns him and he comes off like a total fool. The movie is a piece of fiction based on fictitious events (that "Nixon" lost the debate).
"taking it back" says the prez who can't even reach out to his supporters properly (without twitter and other social media)
:/ 2 more weeks?
Two more weeks is a pacing meme. Two more weeks is a humorous way to build endurance. Endurance is needed to win "marathons" like our current World War which is a life or death struggle with the Globalists Death Cult.
Keep in mind, two more weeks may be too much for newbies or damageds. For instance, AA recommends taking it one day at a time. For some, even that may be too long at first.
Bottom line, the KEY is to build endurance. As Q pointed out, this is NOT a sprint.
I reckon Trump's been swearing alot more lately, saw a video where he dropped the F bomb, its a bit uncomely, a sign of waning emotional control. Perhaps something is happening in the background?
"Its a sign of waning eMoTiOnAl cOnTrOl". ๐๐๐๐
Thanks for chiming in, dear Church Lady. ๐
Interesting timing on how he is discussing โscammers and a general Milley.โ
He also says, โHow do you get their reputation back.โ
It just stood out to me because of what Gen. Flynn is going through. I am a big fan of Gen. Flynn and really hope he comes out with an apology and explanation. If not, I cannot support him.
OMG "you can't support him" if he doesn't do want YOU want. Noooooooo!!! Whatever will he do without your support? ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
Your Father will judge YOU as you judge others. Perhaps pray more. Tsk post less. Or dont. Your choice. Your judgement.
That was creepy, but there is a good chance he was given that "prayer card" erroneously attributed to St Michael by an "I AM" member. They deny Jesus as Christ, so he should make that clear to his Christian supporters.
General Flynn is his Fathers child NOT yours. Perhaps deal with the 2x4 in your eye rather than worrying about potential specks in the eyes of others, or is admonition from Christ not in YOUR bible?
"Christian supporters" respond with heart felt prayers. Neo pharisees reflexively respond by tossing word stones.
What? He calls himself a Christian (Catholic) and "prays" a NWO/theosophist blasphemy? This NWO "I AM" group denies Jesus as Christ, so he was either fooled or he is a NWO creature. Note that he did not disavow the anti-chtist "prayer" buut mentioned his Catholisism a lot. The two are incompatible. If you deny Jesus as Christ, you are NOT a Christian. There is no argument to be had here.
I neither trust nor distrust him, and that goes for all the players, but keep sucking cock and playing into the game.
Why?? He read an incantation from the NWO/theology cult at a Christian gathering, you dolt, and laughed it off later. He may have been misled and given that"prayer" by the satanists, but he just doubled down oe on beingba Catholic and laughed it off. Catholics DO NOT not deny the divinity of Jesus Christ like the NWO. "prayer" he chanted.
Use your postmodern horseshit elsewhere. Talk like a human, faggot. I neither trust nor distrust him. He is a spymaster, you'd be a moron to do either, normie mong.
For one thing, The New Age, satanic Prayerโฆ.Then an explanation for Pegasusโฆ
Those two would be a great startโผ๏ธ
Like I said, I have supported Gen. Flynn, but I donโt support anyone blindly. If they are a traitor, and are wolves in sheepโs clothing, it is what it is. We have to face it NOWโผ๏ธ
We are ALL "full of shit", including you. As Christ said, he who is without sin, cast the first stone.
Perhaps pray more so you have less time to cast word stones? You are choosing the way YOU will be judged by how you choose to judge others now. Please reconsider the Ultimate Judgement you're demanding from Your Father.
" all of them wOrShiPpEd". ๐๐๐๐
Formulaic tourist post: Inviduality erasing hallucinations muh "those associated with the GrEaT AwAkEniNG", mind reading delusions and the conflation of admiration/,appreciation with worship; hilarious projection from a cultist.
Response? Laughter, pity and prayers. ๐
This is a place for Q researchers. If you don't like that, leave, to any other site on the internet. We won't allow this place to be overrun by doomers, provacateurs and ridiculors. Questions and concerns are regularly discussed, but when you are obviously shilling to waste people's time, kindly fuck off. GW P.W are very similar ideological and politically, you are welcome to ridicule Q there.
We're getting buried with a mudslide and he is talking about the rain.
And what would you like him to do...? Flip a switch and make everything alright...? Doesn't fucking work like that ...
At least he could mention the mudslide.
Daddy Trump isn't doing what I waaaaaaant. Waaahhhhhhh!!!! ๐
That's because he is controlled opposition.
And you are talking about......?