I keep reading how freemasons are evil and do horrible things. Yet I grew up with masons. I'm not evil, nor do I do horrible things. So, being new, and open minded. I would like to have a civilized discussion about the freemasons! And remember. I come from family members whom are passed now, but, were. Masons. I'm open to here. Thank you.
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Ok, thank you, so just because my family members were masons. Doesn't mean they were evil, correct? I mean, I know we all live our own lives. I have both of their, oh gosh Mason levels in email form. As I -2 yrs ago per family request contacted both of their I guess home lodges. Papa was just a regular freemason in good standing. Resignation. Great grandpa ( other side ) Scottish right mason didn't mention a degree, said wife good standing. The only difference on his was the year of birth. 10 yrs difference. Could be a typo. Idk. I didn't ask. Family didn't question.
Yeah, being freemason doesnt mean evil, but it surely means naughty - because freemasons take oaths to put other freemasons ahead of anyone else in business / government etc. This gives unfair advantage to freemasons - for example a freemason going to court will find the judge (who is also a freemason) would be highly biased towards them, and hence better chance of winning the case.
Similarly a business contractor who is freemason, making a bid for the project has higher chance of winning the bid if the person on the other end is also freemason.
So, this is not nice, but at the same time not evil (But definitely slippery slope). These are usually the same people who are really successful in life, and laugh at others for being straight on narrow. Not saying your dad and granddad were the same, but chances are, being freemasons they were taking advantage of the society to some extent.
With the coming Awakening and increase in spiritual awareness, this is perhaps something you can meditate on, and maybe look back at the family fortunes and perhaps think about ways to give it back to the society.
This is how they hook you.. give you a taste of riches then get you to do more.. etc.
Neither were rich. Nor had riches. Maybe I'm missing something, do you mean other than money? Well, neither had that. I really just want to learn. And am being as honest as I can.
Probably too honest to be promoted to evil riches rank.
its about POWER
This sounds suspiciously like a troll bot reply...
I know I'm gonna sound like an asshole, but that's reaaaaaaally close to socialism there.
Note close, it was a bullseye. That's the same language the reparations cult uses.
Voluntary charity/helping his community is not socialism.
Someone suggesting to redistribute their wealth is not charity.
Sins of their fathers and all...
I don't believe in that.
There were/ are no family fortunes. That's one reason I don't understand why they say freemasons are so evil. And cabal etc.. neither of my families have money or treasures or anything. That's why I would like to learn and discuss.
Would be really good to find out what level they were both at. If they never made it past 3, it would explain why no family fortune and also the fact they were actually very nice people. At the first 3 levels its more like a fraternity than anything else.
Yea, I have both of their emailed paperwork from the lodges. Different states of course. But neither say what degree they were. Papas from VA. is totally different than great grand pa's from ILLINOIS. Like I said different sides of family.
Makes me recall the Rittenhouse trial where he preformed the Master of the Second Veil standing before the judge.
OR, maybe he was just putting something in his jacket pocket.
Not every picture of someone with their hand in their jacket is Masonic.
Name checks out! How the Mighty have fallen!
Silly assumption, really. Every person who has a photo taken at the moment they reach inside their jacket, is a Satanist now.... nah.
Who did that?
Rittenhouse did.
What is that?
Some thing that they are said to do to show off who they are or something
I don’t know that I would call supporting other member naughty... In court proceedings, yes, but you’d be hard pressed in business where a competitive edge would be given if potential connections went to the same college.
As a privately held company you are free to do business with whomever you want. If you are a public company then there will be more regulations and corporate responsibilities you might be breaking. You might break anti-trust laws. If you are in a bank and favour certain people while making loans etc, you might be breaking a whole bunch of regulations.
Naughty is probably an understatement in these cases.
Because that happens in business, freemasons or not.
Scientology recruits help feed the poor at stalls giving hand outs to the needy, up the food chain it's racketeering, kidnap, stalking, murder etc.
Ok, another interesting angle. That side of family from the South, not that means scientology couldn't be involved. Would you mind elaborating?
Well, when you say involved, all these things are ran by the same people basically. DYOR but could start here.
I was making a more generalised point though that just about any organisation, any, the people lower down are plebs, the middle ranks are full of true believers getting paid nothing for the effort they put in, and the top are sharks. This is true whether we're talking about walmart, the dnc, nike, whatever. Specifically though, most alternative belief systems and cults and whatever else are ran by the puppet masters.
Nope way dead before this. Both of them. And the wives. But thank you.
As i mentioned a lot of veterans joined together after the wars keeping the brotherhood together so to speak, to the lower levels it was a means of business networking so perhaps your grandfather joined up as my grandfather did …. Let’s shake on that lol , most are Presbyterian as for some reason you can’t join if your a Catholic
Well if ur a freemason you also can't be Catholic so there. ANATHEMA
Papa reg freemason never went to church. Don't know if that means anything. Great grandpa Scottish right mason was Lutheran. Don't know if that means anything?
Lutherans are Germanic Presbyterians or closely associated with.
Papa wasn't religious. He was very Patriotic. That's where I get that from. Just not religious. I get that elsewhere.
I think a lot of it at the lower levels is benign. More like a club than secret society. My family members going back up the tree included many masons. Some were good people and I am sure didnt make it very far. One was not a good person and was very high up regionally and possibly nationally. My great great grandfather so theres not a lot of specific info other than family lore. He however was not a good man. I think its a chicken/egg situation. Being a mason doesnt make you bad, you are what you are and at a low/entry level you are still that person. But at each level you take another oath, at the highest levels cursing your own family and generations after. You at that point are trapped and couldnt get out if you wanted to. I would have to believe there is a reason you arent allowed to leave. They arent worried you will talk about the great bourbon and cigars you shared over the weekend. They would only require those oaths if there was more to hide. My mother spent a lot of time researching the rites, oaths and curses at each level to try to break her children, me and my siblings, from that line of generational curses. I will see if i can get some of her resoures she used and pass them along to you to research for yourself. If you family was in the Illinois area its quite likely they knew mine if they went up to a high enough level. I will see what I can find and share it
Thank you, I appreciate that.
I didn't know that... my brothers a mason- we were raised Catholic, he doesn't participate in Catholicism anymore (nor do I).
Another brother went to a few meeting and stopped going.... the mason absolutely hates him over it.
Catholics have been at war with Masonry since the Babylonian religion infiltrated & corrupted the knights Templars back in the 13th Century.
Roman Catholicism is the Babylonian religion, and has merely disguised its pagan traditions with Christian terminology in many cases.
Wrong. The RCC has been burning witches, conquering pagan lands since Rome was converted to Christianity. You wouldn’t have a Europe much less Christiandom had it not been for the RCC.
The RCC has been at war with the Babylonian mystery religion since it executed the Knights Templars we’re tempted & seduced by the Kabbalah. Freemasonry is nothing more than black Magik Kahbala for goys; research the centuries worth of quotes from Catholic Popes that warned against Freemasonry. Popes we’re against it as recent as Pius XII. After him, Masonry took over the church & ruined it with Vatican II. Show me a Prodestant leader that openly opposes Freemasonry.
Sorry, there’s a reason why Communists & Masons have tried desperately to destroy the true church of Christ. There is a reason why Satanists have black masses & imitate the Holy Sacramentd & pray in Latin; it’s because the Traditional Roman Catholic Church is the TRUE church of Christ.