posted ago by MissMagaMillenial ago by MissMagaMillenial +52 / -1

Ever since the coof started, I’ve been looking into the benefits of different vitamins and supplements to help the immune system, help your body fight covid etc. I started taking D3, vitamin C, zinc and NAC. Since I’ve been taking these supplements, I’ve noticed a huge decrease in my depression. So much of a decrease that I was able to wean off of my antidepressant ! I’ve been off off it for over a year now, and feel great. I want to dive in to learning more about what supplements can do for other illnesses and to prevent future problems. Google searching leads me to some info, but it’s hard to know which info is trustworthy and efficacious. Do you pedes have any suggestions on reading material or resources to get me started learning more? TIA❤️