Not to mention that the unvaccinated and the vaccinated are paying for the vaccines, imagined being charged for something you can't use and don't want. It's like our tax money going towards abortions, thankfully that was ended.
I just read the fourth "sudden death of a young person" story on my news feed this morning. Comments are getting full of vax statements. People are getting wise to it.
That was why I thought the satanists made a strategic mistake by pushing the clot shots on children.
When it was just adults dying from the clot shots, they could brush it off as coincidence. But when children are dying, even normie sheep start to realize they've been lied to.
A massive betrayal on all the trusted fronts. The population trusted the Government AND the independent Science community. Both allowed themselves to be corrupted and then captured.
Yes, they all got VEI (vaccine enhanced infection) basically vaccine induced AIDS. In some (but not all) trials all the animals eventually died further down the line. But even when all the animals didn't die, they were still left with destroyed immune systems.
Modern videogames in a nutshell. Though, you could attribute it to any modern subscription-based service including vaccines, apparently. Never thought I'd see these fuckers actually attempting this shit in my lifetime.
There is something even more sinister about these vaccines than I originally thought.
I'm a nurse in the UK facing losing my job in April due to vax mandates. I took an antibodies test earlier this month since I'd had COVID back in February, I wanted proof I had antibodies and didn't need the vax.
Results came back and yes sure enough I have antibodies from previous infection.
According to the test I also have antibodies from a vaccine.
I never took the jab, and I will never take the Jab so how the fuck do I have vaccine aquired antibodies????
Vaccine by proxy???
. . . and SOMEHOW normies have decided this makes perfect sense! You know why? Because they’ve been proven wrong over and over again - sometimes suffering devastating losses as a result - but somehow it’s much more important to stick to the narrative and pretend nothing happened than to honour the lives lost and try to ensure the same won’t happen to other innocents. People who’ve lost children to this jab will make sure to tell the world how important it still is to vaccinate their kids . . . even if it kills them. I guess misery really does love company. They’ll suck you right down into that hellhole with them if you dare to get close enough.
Not to mention that the unvaccinated and the vaccinated are paying for the vaccines, imagined being charged for something you can't use and don't want. It's like our tax money going towards abortions, thankfully that was ended.
The vaccines are the new form of abortion. 28x increase in stillbirths in Canada.
Yep, not only abortion but very likely sterilization for at least a good chunk of people who took this poison.
My sister had a miscarriage after she got her shot. I don't remember exactly when she got it, but it was definitely before the miscarriage.
Maybe it’s better these women aren’t reproducing... as cold as it sounds.
Isn't it amazing that even our own relatives won't listen to us?
Correct. It's a precursor to transhumanism, but then again I do realize I have radical views.
California is going to become abortion sanctuary, women get paid for holiday when they have abortion in that state
I have no idea what this man does for a living, but I know I always agree with his quotes, I like Zuby🇺🇸
He's from a rich family, was very well educated. He makes music but he also put out a fitness/self help book. Not sure what he'd say his day job was.
He also holds a record in women's weightlifting.
WHITE women's lifting, right?
I just read the fourth "sudden death of a young person" story on my news feed this morning. Comments are getting full of vax statements. People are getting wise to it.
That was why I thought the satanists made a strategic mistake by pushing the clot shots on children.
When it was just adults dying from the clot shots, they could brush it off as coincidence. But when children are dying, even normie sheep start to realize they've been lied to.
This Zuby dude has the creative brain of one Thomas Sowell.
A massive betrayal on all the trusted fronts. The population trusted the Government AND the independent Science community. Both allowed themselves to be corrupted and then captured.
And didn't it kill all the animals During trials?
Yes, they all got VEI (vaccine enhanced infection) basically vaccine induced AIDS. In some (but not all) trials all the animals eventually died further down the line. But even when all the animals didn't die, they were still left with destroyed immune systems.
The key to winning this war is knowing we are in it.
All the ferrets died. Which mRNA vaccine successfully passed animal trials?
I'd never heard of Zuby before the scamdemic, but I love him!!
Very right thinking, bright guy!
Sounds like a Microsoft product if you ask me...
Modern videogames in a nutshell. Though, you could attribute it to any modern subscription-based service including vaccines, apparently. Never thought I'd see these fuckers actually attempting this shit in my lifetime.
There is something even more sinister about these vaccines than I originally thought. I'm a nurse in the UK facing losing my job in April due to vax mandates. I took an antibodies test earlier this month since I'd had COVID back in February, I wanted proof I had antibodies and didn't need the vax. Results came back and yes sure enough I have antibodies from previous infection. According to the test I also have antibodies from a vaccine. I never took the jab, and I will never take the Jab so how the fuck do I have vaccine aquired antibodies???? Vaccine by proxy??? WTAF!!!
Oh. so windows
Muh products completed lia... not so much liability.
Kinda sounds like DLC's for Paradox games
. . . and SOMEHOW normies have decided this makes perfect sense! You know why? Because they’ve been proven wrong over and over again - sometimes suffering devastating losses as a result - but somehow it’s much more important to stick to the narrative and pretend nothing happened than to honour the lives lost and try to ensure the same won’t happen to other innocents. People who’ve lost children to this jab will make sure to tell the world how important it still is to vaccinate their kids . . . even if it kills them. I guess misery really does love company. They’ll suck you right down into that hellhole with them if you dare to get close enough.
So accurate it's pathetic