MimTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course they did. You only have to look at the debate where Trump told him they caught them all, and he, Biden was the one who suggested the Logan act for General Flyn PedoBidens face was that of a man hit with the Thor hammer of truth.

MimTime 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work in a Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Unit where we put our kids through a gruelling regime of chemo to destroy their bone marrow before we transplant the doner Bone Marrow. We watch blood counts and adapt medication to how their bodies are reacting to the new marrow. These kids are seriously sick, and can take months before they start to get well. During this period we lose many of our patients, which used to break my heart every single time. A wise woman told me that each death is God's ultimate healing. No more pain, no more illness no more invasive medical intervention. This resonated deeply within me, to the point I no longer see death as the end, but as a beautiful begining... May God bless you and help ease your pain.

MimTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta admit I pulled out of selling my house until after the flu season. My logic being there will be so many "perfect" homes to choose late in spring from thanks to the vax 😁

MimTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

I begged my friend of 50 years to try dog wormer, she was diagnosed with a brain tumour last Christmas. She was on CBD oil and chose to stay with it, and it appeared to work. Tumour stopped growing and started responding to treatment Last week she was told her tumour had spread further and was now going deeper into her brain. I'm back to begging her to try it now she has nothing to lose, tho I feel it may be too late.

MimTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is something even more sinister about these vaccines than I originally thought. I'm a nurse in the UK facing losing my job in April due to vax mandates. I took an antibodies test earlier this month since I'd had COVID back in February, I wanted proof I had antibodies and didn't need the vax. Results came back and yes sure enough I have antibodies from previous infection. According to the test I also have antibodies from a vaccine. I never took the jab, and I will never take the Jab so how the fuck do I have vaccine aquired antibodies???? Vaccine by proxy??? WTAF!!!

MimTime 11 points ago +12 / -1

It was an attempt to gaslight the audience by a reporter, pathetic attempt yes, backfired Bigly yes. Lets not give the Left credit for something they didn't do 😉

MimTime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hardly wasted. I plan to print that info off and leave a stack in every staffroom, prayer room and public toilet in the hospital I work in. Thank you on behalf of the many future babies that will be saved if just a fraction of the staff and footfall read and act upon it 👍

MimTime 4 points ago +4 / -0

Both myself and husband are looking at being fired under the UK'S dictatorship as they toy with the idea of firing 100k healthcare workers for non compliance, therefore toying with our lives. I'll go first, I point blank refuse to partake in a global clinical trial, the husband has had 2 shots, refuses boosters so will eventually be fired. We are lucky, we have enough equity to sell up and do whatever we please. I'm leaning towards using some on a mobile home.

Almost 20 years of nursing children with cancer, bursting with pride as each one beat it, collapsing in a heap every single time we lost one. I'm kinda looking forward to being liberated.

MimTime 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know for a platform that boasts “millions“ of users world wide, 64 k to trend a hashtag seems a bit off shall we say 😉

MimTime 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see they have stepped up in the hygeine department, I don't think I've ever seen such clean terrorists 🤷

MimTime 3 points ago +3 / -0

This twat is a legend in his own mind, nothing more. Serious Q though. Why has he ALWAYS got scabs round his mouth? Every time I see this fucka he looks like he has been at the crack pipe!

MimTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hardly. Q's drop to confirmation radio has been on point. Flawless even. My comment regarding Wray is my opinion. Expressing ones opinion is part of one of the most important rights America is fighting right now. I'm not American, but I do understand how important the First Amendment is to your freedoms. If the people who stand shoulder to shoulder as we hold the line turn on each other for something as simple as expressing an opinion we don't agree with we are no better than the scum we are fighting because that's what they do all day long.

MimTime 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why would a military base be communicating with its staff via public social media? ?

MimTime 1 point ago +1 / -0

He must use the same plastic surgeon as MJ