Listen very carefully (again).
Note past (2) years.
Note next (6) years.
You were told what was going to happen.
You were told what battles we face.
Patriots in control.
I think we have four more years before this movie ends based on the post above. This is a long term fix. It's painful. It's uncomfortable. But it has to be this way.
We will have a rebirth of America by the time this operation is done but it has to be right. It can't happen overnight as much as I'd like to skip to the ending. We have to go through the darkness. I don't think we've even hit the precipice for many unawakened yet.
No offense but if you and/or Q believe this powder keg isn't going to blow up sometime in the 4 fucking months much less 4 years you're all freaking idiots.
These lunatics are doing far too many things that are triggering people who are just average citizens. Eventually they are going to start fighting back for real. All the Q posts in the world won't stop that. Biden is going to send a bunch of goons to do something, to raid someone's house, to arrest some militia member etc and they are going to march right into a buzz saw. I'm not calling/asking for it. I'm saying it is INEVITABLE.
You can babble at me all you want about that's what these guys want is violence, but I'm telling you if they keep doing this stupid bullshit and someone like the military or Q or someone doesn't do something about it everyday citizen WILL!!! Frankly I'm shocked it hasn't happened already.
And do not doubt for one fucking millisecond it can't happen. It only take maybe 100+ guys with skills... vets and the like the fucking tear a whole goddamn state to shreds. In some places it wouldn't be hard to get 1000 guys who are so pissed off they won't think twice about pulling that trigger.
And yeah many of them don't/won't commit crimes etc. They won't start it... but when 40 feds show up to arrest one of them and they are ready for it. They won't start it, but they will fucking finish it. They will swarm them like white on rice. Then what... It won't be fucking WACO or Ruby ridge. The police won't fucking win. They will all fucking die. Now what.
Q better get off his ass or the choice is going to be taken out of his hands. Like I said. I'm not asking for it. I'm not calling for it. I'm telling you its inevitable. Once it starts it will only grow and then no one will be able to stop it. Why do I say that?
If I look at the net and see a video of a fucking tank blasting a god damm house like its Iraq because they got their asses handed to them so they bring out REAL military gear to use against civilians... I'm grabbing my rifle. Its time for a fucking fight. Full on 1776... fuck these bitches. You and I know I won't be alone either.
This is our fucking country. We aren't fucking subjects. We are citizens. If the government turns on us WE WILL FIGHT BACK. Wake the hell up.
I've been quiet until now so I didn't get banned or shit on here. But unfortunately I think this is all that's left. It's only going to take the right catalyst and then we will suffer like a mother, birthing a new nation. It won't be quick. It will be pure hell. Unimaginable hell. Find the lord and keep your weapons ready. God bless America. See you on the other side patriot.
Agreed. The anger is boiling over. Good people are suffering, their lives are being destroyed and future generations are being poisoned. If this continues on much longer, we cannot recover. Enough with the false hope and empty promises. It's long overdue that action is taken. Those still asleep have had ample time and opportunity to wake up. We've spoon fed them long enough. If they choose to remain in their delusional state, too bad. Sometimes the only way to finally wake somebody up is by throwing a bucket of ice cold water on their face.
It's definitely a powder keg situ. I was like that (I still get like that too) when I was waking up. But I was "alone". I had you guys to real me back in. And I was given the luxury of time to learn and digest what I could handle. It was rough but very gentle compared to what the newly awakened are going to face.
Imagine a entire group waking up on top of learning their loved ones were murdered in the hospitals, they themselves were vaccinated & vaccinated their children -- people realizing they were LIED to by people they trusted... on top of them realizing the truth WAS out there and they mocked & ridiculed it - millions of people with absolutely nothing left to loose are gonna be extremely dangerous.
You are 100% right! We feel it and you just explained why—everything is boiling right? From the maxwell case, smollet verdict, mask & vaxx mandates being voted down WHILE they are pushed by schools & businesses, fauci is exposed as a cruel scientist running experiments on puppies and children, biden is running our country into the ground, VAERS data shows more and more injuries and deaths, Senator Johnson just held a vaxx injury conference in DC, where the injured spoke and doctors verified that the vaxx is gene therapy. So much is going on that has been hidden. We stand there with our eyes open and KNOW there is no 4 years —no 6 years. It’s happening now wether the rest of the people see it or not! We will not break. We will not yield. We will not back down. We will not give up. We will never, ever surrender!
Overall, I agree. It has to happen sooner. By allowing it to get this far it will create an unending situation without a fix.
Right now there's not much in the way of outward winning.
Traditions and culture are being destroyed. The ability for people to feed their families are being removed. The right to bodily autonomy is being eroded further every day. Your right to work is being killed.
What happens when the citizenship go full guerilla? Nations have taken decades, longer even, to stop that.
You don't want a population without any faith, and faith will not be returned in any form to a group of people who have allowed so many to suffer and die.
Division is, at this point, being sown much more deeply than ever because no one has faith or hope, and everyone has to struggle just for day to day life.
It is idealistic to think that this can 180. If there is truly a war going on behind the scenes, why can't anyone come out and say it? If the other side are so bad, how are they not removed yet?
There are so many holes and not enough ways to plug them right now. More are made every day. If you allow yourself to be used as a pawn or currency for any side in this, you are the deepest of cucks.
Respectfully disagree with your interpretation of next (6) years. Yes, the rebuilding will continue for a long time as more and more areas of the society will keep getting cleaned up, like rebuilding the education system, rebuilding the scientific community, rebuilding financial systems etc - everything from scratch.
However, it does not mean that the current situation is going to keep going for another 4 years. There will be nothing left worth saving if at the very least vaccinations are not exposed and media is not exposed. If these two are exposed and our brothers and sisters start fighting along side us rather than against us, we can happily endure another 10 years if need be.
Right now families are shattered, kids dont talk to their parents, brothers and sisters dont talk to each other, neighbours are suspicious of each other - this kind of division cannot keep going on for too long.
Unfortunately, I agree, Grimby. In addition to the evidence you entered into your post, Q emphasized that people need to be pushed to the brink to truly change.
I dread the future as I expect things to get much, much worse. The only exception is if the sheeple wake up much faster and push back harder. Otherwise, I interpret Q's words as things getting bad enough that it leaves a psychic scar on the entire populace.
My gut has told me for a long time that things are going to get bad enough that those of us who are awake will likely spend the rest of our lives struggling to forgive those who took so long to awaken.
Just tossing this out there but one of the prophetic pastors I sometimes listen to said he could see a shift in locations and power and hinted that we may end up with a North America country that includes Canada and Mexico
I don't think we are and here is why.
Q post 3387
Posted July 9th 2019, it says: Listen very carefully (again). Note past (2) years. Note next (6) years. You were told what was going to happen. You were told what battles we face. Strategic. Pre_planned. Patriots in control. Q
I think we have four more years before this movie ends based on the post above. This is a long term fix. It's painful. It's uncomfortable. But it has to be this way.
Another post, 2628 This is not another 4-year election…. Listen very carefully. Power returned to the people. Long term solutions. Panic. Q
We will have a rebirth of America by the time this operation is done but it has to be right. It can't happen overnight as much as I'd like to skip to the ending. We have to go through the darkness. I don't think we've even hit the precipice for many unawakened yet.
No offense but if you and/or Q believe this powder keg isn't going to blow up sometime in the 4 fucking months much less 4 years you're all freaking idiots.
These lunatics are doing far too many things that are triggering people who are just average citizens. Eventually they are going to start fighting back for real. All the Q posts in the world won't stop that. Biden is going to send a bunch of goons to do something, to raid someone's house, to arrest some militia member etc and they are going to march right into a buzz saw. I'm not calling/asking for it. I'm saying it is INEVITABLE.
You can babble at me all you want about that's what these guys want is violence, but I'm telling you if they keep doing this stupid bullshit and someone like the military or Q or someone doesn't do something about it everyday citizen WILL!!! Frankly I'm shocked it hasn't happened already.
And do not doubt for one fucking millisecond it can't happen. It only take maybe 100+ guys with skills... vets and the like the fucking tear a whole goddamn state to shreds. In some places it wouldn't be hard to get 1000 guys who are so pissed off they won't think twice about pulling that trigger.
And yeah many of them don't/won't commit crimes etc. They won't start it... but when 40 feds show up to arrest one of them and they are ready for it. They won't start it, but they will fucking finish it. They will swarm them like white on rice. Then what... It won't be fucking WACO or Ruby ridge. The police won't fucking win. They will all fucking die. Now what.
Q better get off his ass or the choice is going to be taken out of his hands. Like I said. I'm not asking for it. I'm not calling for it. I'm telling you its inevitable. Once it starts it will only grow and then no one will be able to stop it. Why do I say that?
If I look at the net and see a video of a fucking tank blasting a god damm house like its Iraq because they got their asses handed to them so they bring out REAL military gear to use against civilians... I'm grabbing my rifle. Its time for a fucking fight. Full on 1776... fuck these bitches. You and I know I won't be alone either.
This is our fucking country. We aren't fucking subjects. We are citizens. If the government turns on us WE WILL FIGHT BACK. Wake the hell up.
I've been quiet until now so I didn't get banned or shit on here. But unfortunately I think this is all that's left. It's only going to take the right catalyst and then we will suffer like a mother, birthing a new nation. It won't be quick. It will be pure hell. Unimaginable hell. Find the lord and keep your weapons ready. God bless America. See you on the other side patriot.
The suffering of a mother birthing is optional (many more videos on youtube about this topic).
🤣 what the fuck dude lmfao. I mean I'm excited for the fight but my words were for the scared. Holy crap that was funny hahaha
Agreed. The anger is boiling over. Good people are suffering, their lives are being destroyed and future generations are being poisoned. If this continues on much longer, we cannot recover. Enough with the false hope and empty promises. It's long overdue that action is taken. Those still asleep have had ample time and opportunity to wake up. We've spoon fed them long enough. If they choose to remain in their delusional state, too bad. Sometimes the only way to finally wake somebody up is by throwing a bucket of ice cold water on their face.
Only one disagreement here. We will ALWAYS recover. For that is the nature of being a resilient man.
It's definitely a powder keg situ. I was like that (I still get like that too) when I was waking up. But I was "alone". I had you guys to real me back in. And I was given the luxury of time to learn and digest what I could handle. It was rough but very gentle compared to what the newly awakened are going to face.
Imagine a entire group waking up on top of learning their loved ones were murdered in the hospitals, they themselves were vaccinated & vaccinated their children -- people realizing they were LIED to by people they trusted... on top of them realizing the truth WAS out there and they mocked & ridiculed it - millions of people with absolutely nothing left to loose are gonna be extremely dangerous.
When people do finally wake up and realize they were lied to and fooled into damaging and even murdering their own children there will be hell to pay.
I'm praying for a cure
You are 100% right! We feel it and you just explained why—everything is boiling right? From the maxwell case, smollet verdict, mask & vaxx mandates being voted down WHILE they are pushed by schools & businesses, fauci is exposed as a cruel scientist running experiments on puppies and children, biden is running our country into the ground, VAERS data shows more and more injuries and deaths, Senator Johnson just held a vaxx injury conference in DC, where the injured spoke and doctors verified that the vaxx is gene therapy. So much is going on that has been hidden. We stand there with our eyes open and KNOW there is no 4 years —no 6 years. It’s happening now wether the rest of the people see it or not! We will not break. We will not yield. We will not back down. We will not give up. We will never, ever surrender!
Overall, I agree. It has to happen sooner. By allowing it to get this far it will create an unending situation without a fix.
Right now there's not much in the way of outward winning.
Traditions and culture are being destroyed. The ability for people to feed their families are being removed. The right to bodily autonomy is being eroded further every day. Your right to work is being killed.
What happens when the citizenship go full guerilla? Nations have taken decades, longer even, to stop that.
You don't want a population without any faith, and faith will not be returned in any form to a group of people who have allowed so many to suffer and die.
Division is, at this point, being sown much more deeply than ever because no one has faith or hope, and everyone has to struggle just for day to day life.
It is idealistic to think that this can 180. If there is truly a war going on behind the scenes, why can't anyone come out and say it? If the other side are so bad, how are they not removed yet?
There are so many holes and not enough ways to plug them right now. More are made every day. If you allow yourself to be used as a pawn or currency for any side in this, you are the deepest of cucks.
Respectfully disagree with your interpretation of next (6) years. Yes, the rebuilding will continue for a long time as more and more areas of the society will keep getting cleaned up, like rebuilding the education system, rebuilding the scientific community, rebuilding financial systems etc - everything from scratch.
However, it does not mean that the current situation is going to keep going for another 4 years. There will be nothing left worth saving if at the very least vaccinations are not exposed and media is not exposed. If these two are exposed and our brothers and sisters start fighting along side us rather than against us, we can happily endure another 10 years if need be.
Right now families are shattered, kids dont talk to their parents, brothers and sisters dont talk to each other, neighbours are suspicious of each other - this kind of division cannot keep going on for too long.
You could be right
Can’t it?
If you are dead by the time the other side loses steam then you still lose and you're still dead.
Unfortunately, I agree, Grimby. In addition to the evidence you entered into your post, Q emphasized that people need to be pushed to the brink to truly change.
I dread the future as I expect things to get much, much worse. The only exception is if the sheeple wake up much faster and push back harder. Otherwise, I interpret Q's words as things getting bad enough that it leaves a psychic scar on the entire populace.
My gut has told me for a long time that things are going to get bad enough that those of us who are awake will likely spend the rest of our lives struggling to forgive those who took so long to awaken.
Just tossing this out there but one of the prophetic pastors I sometimes listen to said he could see a shift in locations and power and hinted that we may end up with a North America country that includes Canada and Mexico
God, I sure hope so. Please rescue Canada out of the clutches of atheistic liberalism.
We’re manifesting our destiny again boys!
The Mississippi River Valley Empire
They are still happy.
Seriously it’s going to get crazy. For us.