Australians must now use the use the LIVE FACE CHECK-IN app. Here's what it looks like. "Keep your face still and your device steady and wait for flashing colours..."
⚠️ Vax-tarded ☠️

Only mass revolt will remedy
I figure there are between 1,000-5,000 controlling politicians and MSM representatives that will be here [ ] . After that is cleaned up things will get better. Won't take long with the proper ops.
I think you underestimate the numbers. Add in central bankers, judges and attorneys, intel agency operatives, woke academia, etc.
Stadiums full of Americans are chanting FUCK JOE BIDEN!
Stickers mocking that pedophile on gas pumps across America.
Updoot, but...
The stadiums and stickers are all great, but where are the crowds of tens (hundreds) of thousands in the streets in every city in the USA? Are we so weak-willed that we need an excuse (football game) to gather in crowds and chant FJB?
What's it going to take? How close are we to that tipping point?
It can't come too soon for this smol honkfrog.
Protests aren't going to get us anywhere, no matter how big they are. When these governments initiated their plans, they knew people would eventually resist, the populations' disapproval and protests were already accounted for in the plan.
Okay, if protests won't do it, what's your suggestion?
Or are we just friggin' doomed?
Well, I don't want to glow that hard, and it'll never happen anyway, so yeah we're probably doomed. Even if we manage to vote our way off the precipice, the overton window has shifted too far, and people literally aren't capable of living in the society that existed before the window started moving. If we somehow managed to move it back to where it was 10 years ago, we're still a wet fart away from right where we are now.
They'd be getting a lovely shot of my butthole.
They would have to pay a very high price to see mine! LOL
What happens if you don’t own a phone? No FB? What about no service lol. ?
I sure as hell dont check my phone often enough to respond to random requests within 15 minutes
Hell, I lose my phone at least once per day. I don’t know why it migrates to the laundry room.
Plus by me, service is horrible. It’s perfect becyase I can disconnect. . 😄
Time to dump your phone
If the facial checkin isn't just a middle finger, they're doing it wrong.
Cancel your mobile phone service. Go to the dial up phone line.
When they ask you to send a picture just say "i don't have a cell phone or service can you buy me one?"
If they don't say "It looks like i can't do this then" if they buy you one drop it in the toilet and say "it fell in the toilet, can you give me a new one" Then "it fellin the sink" "lake" "ocean" "river" etc.
If no one has the service there's nothing they can do.
Them China has been using these at every street corner.
What in the 9 fucking hells is going on in that place?!!? This is unbelievable batshit crazy ass totalitarian control. Governments like these are ones that freedom loving USA people should put on the same list as communism. Australia needs to be rescued from this crap.
Which state is this from?
I've had a quick search and so far only found this system in South Australia,( typical of the Crow eaters to do something like this!)
It's appears to be for home/ hotel quarantine for travellers and the like.
"Coming to a State you live in?" Hopefully not. South Australians are a strange mob!
Its dubbed the 'Totalitarian Tiptoe' - this starts now "for home/ hotel quarantine for travellers and the like" but in 5/10 yrs mandatory across the world - mark my words, unless there is a mass revolt and enough people wake up in time
There is no need to take this so personally really, no one is blaming this on you, its just your psycho government implementing the NWO's plans for a big pay day
Someone hack this and infiltrate with a worm!
What happens if the 15 minutes passes but you don't scan?
Flashing colors? Mind control perhaps? Brain washing?
What the fuck is this even for?
Now you know why you've spent the last X number of years uploading selfies to the CI- uh, facebook.
Seems all options are exhausted except one and that's the one they need to use.
I had to do this for. ID.ME, just to receive a paycheck. It didn't work the first three fkn times, I had to do it a fourth.
covid is fake people please wake up. burn your homes down and take a walk about.
The countries closest to China and Israel will most likely feel the white genocide first.
They had this sheep captured installed on Toronto going back a few years now. I turned my head when it flashed. Only to be asked what was in my bag a little later on. It's a bumpy road fighting the system but we do get our small Victories at times.
A few years ago. I landed in Toronto by airplane from Tampa. In the TO airport was an automated system to check me in. Not a human. This was a turning point.
Flying out of Detroit last month I noticed they had the retina scan check-in (it was tsa) in that airport. It was creepy fren.
When it encountered a scan-error it would instruct the subject to 'step forward', then rescan, after another error the request would be to 'step back'. Tip head up, tip head down.
My thought? Well it's Michiganistan so are we really surprised?
All I know is there are no more bad guys to abuse us in anyway soon. We are our own little sheep herd to decide our own fates. Yippee.
I'm holding out from this crap as long as I can.
You are on good hands Detroit. We are coming to save motown.