That would be twisted for sure. Have child and train her to procure other down and out kids to fuel the deviant fantasies of the sicko parents and their elite friends. Could this be another case of reality stranger than fiction?
One can be both. Not saying Spears is both, but saying someone can only be one or the other is a false dichotomy. Also, wouldn't it make sense for the groomer to be in contact with the victim? Where there are victims there have to be perps, after all.
She also married a Guinness…I think they may be divorced now. Anyway, her wedding was featured in Vogue magazine a couple of years ago. These freaks a full blown demonic.
That would be twisted for sure. Have child and train her to procure other down and out kids to fuel the deviant fantasies of the sicko parents and their elite friends. Could this be another case of reality stranger than fiction?
She used IG as a sort of slave catalogue for the elite to order from
Jean-Luc Brunel owned the modeling agency that was the front
He was arrested while trying to flee to west Africa
All will be revealed
The photos of those enslaved “models” gave me nightmares. Those poor children.
If she is their daughter then people are really going be angry and disgusted.
At this point you cant be more angry and disgusted
Gizlane’s daughter?
The eyes tell all. Son or daughter, don’t know but the eye shape is the same
Nose too. Same nose.
Updated with context for the new fags
I spy a white rabbit
Check out the artwork at the wedding site
Did they really name her CHANDLER because she is actually a Child -HANDLER for them? Is she a monarch slave? So many questions.
Needs more Satanism
That'd be an interesting twist. Did M. Night Shyamalan write this movie?
One can be both. Not saying Spears is both, but saying someone can only be one or the other is a false dichotomy. Also, wouldn't it make sense for the groomer to be in contact with the victim? Where there are victims there have to be perps, after all.
Rachel is in the picture with her
wait, is ray chandler Epstein and Gizlanes daughter?
Looks that way
She is the only person that has provided proof of access to Epstein’s temple
In public she’s a photographer that works with young models
My guess is on the island she provided kids and took the incriminating pictures
Anyone know her birth date?
Articles online say 1988, but if her identity has been faked from the beginning, that date would obviously be made up
She also married a Guinness…I think they may be divorced now. Anyway, her wedding was featured in Vogue magazine a couple of years ago. These freaks a full blown demonic.
Mommy, dearest
That last image. That's mommy alright.
Amazingly the images still exist out there on