WITAF: What did the White House just say? Am I reading this shit right??? DEATH THREATS AGAINST UNVAXXED AMERICANS???
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
The key part:
For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.
It's the white hats waking people up in my opinion.
Yes, evil was great at covering their tracks and hiding their plans in plain sight. Now they are doubling-down, exposed like never before and it seems being forced to expose themselves fully to the sleepers.
The sleepers are not seeing this. They are not here. Much more misery before awakening.
In positive news, many of my right leaning friends, who don’t know or acknowledge an election was stolen, are depressed now. So at least things are getting worse, so they can get better later.
Know what the normies are concerned about right now? They're mad this morning but not over this but over the fact that the local sportsball game was cancelled on Sunday over the teams all coming down the coof who are ALL fully jabbed x3 times. They don't acknowledge the last part out loud but you can see it and NONE of them will talk to me because they know what I'll say, "soo they're all x3 jabbed right? Oh, aren't you x3 jabbed as well?" LOL!!!
I don’t watch tv at all except a few cooking shows. Are you saying football games are being canceled?
They're concerned about "people not simply listening and getting the jab and ending this"
At least that's what my company CEO said on the call out loud
More fear to try and scare people into taking the death jab.
I'm just waiting for Ye Towne Crier ringing his bell and yelling, "BRING OUT YER DEAD! BRING OUT YER DEAD!"
But I'm not dead yet!
Are you feeling much better?
I feel back to 100% other than there's some things I can't smell as well as before. Which I can deal with cuz as it stands currently, I can barely smell my kids dirty diapers unless they're basically right in front of my face. Thanks covid!! You're a real pal! 👍
You win The Best Post on the interwebz today! 😅
Swick!!! Now can the mods give me a pepe already lol
It was not true last winter. Why would it be true this winter? Especially with a much milder variant circulating?
This sounds like the rantings of a person with a child-like mind who didn’t get their way.
Edit: rantings not rankings. Autocorrect can be a pain!
Texas froze their arses off last winter like never before... it was true.
I just started working with a guy who lives in TX (Dallas). Snow on Galveston Beach. He said it was 45 degrees in his house. Two hours/day they had power. All that wind power went no where when the turbines broke due to the freeze. Now, imagine getting replacement parts if that happens again. It took almost two months for my brother to get his car back after it had been in an accident because of parts. Hell, I have a hard time finding cat food that doesn't rival the cost of filet mignon
No one knows the “variant” is milder, except people who search for their news. People who are fed their news, have no idea.
Yes we did!
Consider, all they have done between 2015 and 2019 is projecting their mistakes and faux pas on to Trump, onto us.
Why would that be any different now that they are playing this part? Of course it is projection.
Those with their immune systems intact, have nothing to worry about. However, if you are failing to take good care of yourself, keeping yourself in check with your Vit C & D levels at the very least ....and making sure you have sufficient supply...
To provide full disclosure: you can get by on little food and just water (filtration system!), but having those vit C & D supplies will keep you safe ....
...then the winter may be something to worry about. As in game of Thrones: Winter is coming. And this was not meant as a threat, but as a motivation to make the right preparations.
On a different note, unvaccinated = all people since the corona vaxx is not a vaccine and will never be a vaccine, however they will warp the definition. Meaning, that you can expect those with compromised immune systems to overflow the hospitals.
And on a related note: The resident in the WH is not somebody you have to listen to. He is a thief, a crook, a pedo, a swindler, a politician. The lowest of the low, making McEnroe look like a saint, not fit to be called a human being. So why worry?
It's the "vaxxed" that will die, we all know why. They're going to pull a carefully timed booster requirement and count them as "unvaccinated".
My family reminds me all the time that the hospitals are 99% full of unvaccinated people.
Maybe the vaccinated got a shot against small pox not COVID. Now they release small pox.
then good luck to them. may God have mercy, because we wont.
When I was a kid we all had small pox vax!
1776 intensifies
Now Walensky snd Fauci, show us the peer review articles saying masks work and address the deaths and adverse reactions in adults and especially the myocarditis and heart attacks in children.. Show us the clinical trials that prove the Covid shot is safe.
Better call 911.... But not for me....
Consider the basement dwelling cretinous source.