Not defending the lost soul's tweet, but if you read a lot of our founders documents, they quite often wrote long sentences with many commas as well. We've dumbed down our language. Hard to believe in this age, where we believe we our intellect is superior to anyone before us, is indeed far worse when it comes to how we write the english language.
the TV ads in our service area (which includes a good portion of western WV) is polluted with messages trashing Manchin and telling people to call his office re the BBB support. Hope Manchin stands firm. He's no shrinking Violet, which is a good thing, and he's got 2024 re-election to be concerned with. WV has gone
pro Trump pretty heavily. If Manchin folds on this, lots of repercussions in the future for him.
You are correct about child vaccinations here. There are no religious exemptions. But, you can apply for a medical exemption ( I live in WV and have kids. PS: My grammar and spellings sucks and I might even qualify as poor. But, I'm not on
Your pothole comment really befuddles me. WV roads are notoriously bad (potholes, etc,) except for the fed interstate hwy system. WV is beautiful, though.
Anyone want to let her know? We can’t just capitalize the first word and add a period. That doesn’t make your list an actual sentence. “Poor, illiterate and strung out.” The irony of calling every person in WV illiterate is killing me.
The people who need to hear that are immune to facts.
If they can’t hear facts, is that the ultimate heard immunity?
This will go over alot of peoples heads haha
I heard you, loud and clear.
It did go over mine until your comment prompted me to read it again carefully
I heard that...
I saw people claim "because they're the most ethnically diverse. That's not a bad thing g!"
When you put all you int and cha points into buying cable tv instead, you get a socially inept injusticebarbarian.
I know what you did when you were young. I also know how old that makes you!
"We choose Truth over facts."
-- Brandon
They are the literal representation of this meme:
Mein Grammar Fuhrer.
Grammer karen
I do it everytime lol
I bet you’re a hoot at parties
Praying for you, fren.
God bless and a Merry Christmas to you and yours. 🎄
I like to end my sentences with semi-colons;
Colons: very useful, especially when you need to further explain something.
;) I like to start mine with them.
As an English teacher, I shoot a grizzled nod of approval from the shadowy wall upon which I'm leaned up against.
Eats, shoots and leaves.
Not defending the lost soul's tweet, but if you read a lot of our founders documents, they quite often wrote long sentences with many commas as well. We've dumbed down our language. Hard to believe in this age, where we believe we our intellect is superior to anyone before us, is indeed far worse when it comes to how we write the english language.
the TV ads in our service area (which includes a good portion of western WV) is polluted with messages trashing Manchin and telling people to call his office re the BBB support. Hope Manchin stands firm. He's no shrinking Violet, which is a good thing, and he's got 2024 re-election to be concerned with. WV has gone pro Trump pretty heavily. If Manchin folds on this, lots of repercussions in the future for him.
Liberals are some of the most uninformed people in the country.
That is why they are liberals.
The tweet reads like a schizoid AI
You haven't been shit since hocus pocus. stfu
Bitch just called West Virginians poor and illiterate.
We do not ha e the trillions to spend. Joe Manchin was correct. This has nothing to do with infrastructure. It is a power grab for pet projects.
Lol get wrecked pedowood creep
strung out?
One of the Great things about West Virginia is it’s a permitless carry state. Tis beautiful.
WV is the Freedom State. I love the place.
She doesn’t give a qualified source for her remark, glad someone corrected her!
Mississippi, they thrown you into spelling early.
And counting! 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi..
A proper state of timing in your joke.
You are correct about child vaccinations here. There are no religious exemptions. But, you can apply for a medical exemption ( I live in WV and have kids. PS: My grammar and spellings sucks and I might even qualify as poor. But, I'm not on
Your pothole comment really befuddles me. WV roads are notoriously bad (potholes, etc,) except for the fed interstate hwy system. WV is beautiful, though.
Wonder if they're counting all the illegal immigrants to those states?
As a former Californian I can't imagine many states are more strung out than California.
Who's this "we", Granny 2%er?
It's like they don't even know they're idiots.
No doubt, they are also really stupid people it seems.
Was that a description of Bette?
Anyone want to let her know? We can’t just capitalize the first word and add a period. That doesn’t make your list an actual sentence. “Poor, illiterate and strung out.” The irony of calling every person in WV illiterate is killing me.