I love the government in exile theory being discussed by @SLAG. I watched his interview with Patel Patriot last night. Great stuff.
I agree wholeheartedly with most of it. However, I don't think Trump would count on SCOTUS being our last hope. Especially after what it demonstrated from Nov 3rd, 2020 to Jan 20th, 2021.
With that in the rearview mirror, I don't understand how we could roll the dice on them anymore. Not when the fate of the nation is on the line… But government in exile? Yes.
High military involvement? Yes.
The WWII parallels are terrific.
I have (as many know... of course!) proposed an alternative solution that does not rely on ANY element of the corrupted federal government (that we know of publicly, that is).
It completely bypasses the entire thing.
A solution where the SCOTUS has no say whatever. In fact, this solution would, in effect, tell SCOTUS to sit down and shut up…
The solution is the union of states, having been offered, and having accepted an alternative federal authority (the makeup of which could be in many forms), which has left any D.C. authority entirely out of the loop.
In other words, D.C. has been completely neutered. Any legacy government structure the deep state and the CCP depends on no longer has any authority, even though it might appear to…
But that is only long enough for the appointed federal authority to ready the field for legitimate elections and to rid the country of foreign elements that could sabotage the effort before revealing what reality is…
To state plainly, Trump was able to coordinate with state legislatures to gain 75% ratification for the solution he prepared and offered them in the event the system (including SCOTUS) could not rectify the election fraud.
SCOTUS WAS an option before Jan 20th. It was tested before our eyes. It failed the test, in my opinion, when it rejected the Texas case...
The solution Trump could have offered was:
an alternative federal authority;
draft Constitutional changes to legitimately transfer authorities to the alternative authority Trump prepared;
a mechanism by which PORTIONS of state legislatures could be clandestinely briefed on the treason and the prepared solution
it was turn-key from the state legislators' point of view.
So... this would require little to no effort on state legislators' part...
Trump did ALL the work and implemented it secretly through a mechanism that he controlled and could withhold any knowledge of except those he chose to inform.
I realize many people might think it would be impossible to get so many legislators to agree, let alone, not spill the beans. I disagree.
I think it would be quite feasible. Especially if Trump did all the legwork and all they had to do was nod their heads in astonishment.
He pulled up in a Maserati and said, "get in..."
Here's why it could have happened (we'll go to the how after that):
Given that Trump knew (likely even before 2016) that the uni-party had been fixing elections for a long time, he had war gamed this out, at a minimum after he won in 2016.
With multiple courses of action (COAs) at the ready, he embarked on draining the swamp.
One of those COAs would have been what I'm talking about...
So, I'm not proposing it was cobbled together after the Democrats stole the House in 2018, or after COVID hit (unplanned event) in late 2019, or after the system failed us post Nov 2020.
I'm saying it was one of many potential COAs developed a long time ago and that, as events occurred, some COAs were winnowed out until this one was the only one left standing...
especially after SCOTUS totally failed us post-2020 election…
I think we would all agree, on this forum at least, that no one would know the legal and Constitutional aspects of all the COAs better than Trump.
And I think the COA of "let the system work it out or fail," was one COA that ran its course.
The People had to see the system fail.
Perhaps Trump even hoped it would work, although this final COA is the solution to end ALL elements of the deep state. For a very long time, at least. There will be nothing left…
In fact, there WOULD be nothing legally left even now except a ghost of itself. Everything we're seeing could fit into this theory.
We wouldn't have to worry about what SCOTUS will do anymore.
The swamp wasn't just drained. It was nuked.
It had to be. SCOTUS plainly demonstrated this…
The "why" is that this solution allows, over the next 3-5 years, the gradual, methodical, and complete build-back of the federal government, under the watchful eye of the union of states - the REAL authority and voice of The People.
No more deep state foot-dragging and sabotage of the effort.
They're gone completely. The only thing left is the military, whose leadership can be replaced in an instant. ALL other federal authorities are null and void… This solution relegates the military to its proper place... an instrument of The People, not their savior or master.
How could this have been implemented? I'll write more on that tonight or tomorrow.
But think Executive Orders, and one in particular. EO 13848. And its timing.
It enabled the 2-year information collection effort; the results of which Trump could have sitting in the passenger seat of his Maserati.
I read both parts. How is the union of states different from restoring the old republic pre 1871? (That's when the US Corporation began, pre-Fed, pre-IRS and a million other things.)
That would allow us to keep the constitution mostly as is, and simply writeoff everything from the corporation as an illegitimate interruption. It also has a smaller number of states (35 I believe), which would reduce the state legislatures that require convincing. Would also govern those ex-states as territories, i.e. martial law and marshal enforcement, until they re-apply. Might be the same theory, but the way you wrote it, it sounds different.
I would prefer to restore the Republic, pre 1870. Since the bankruptcy happened in 1999, I am thinking that the USA, Inc is completely defunct. As we are seeing some States are taking back their power! That is all, we do need to dismantle many of the parts of the Federal Leviathan (Kraken).
We still need a number of the amendments that took place after 1871 though.
Not the 16th, of course, but that goes without saying.
No we do not....
We Do need the Original 13th Amendment, the Titles of Nobility Amendment, which gives teeth to the Titles of Nobility Clause....
As for the current 13 thru 27 we do not need any of them, none at all....
Should women and blacks be taxed without representation? IIRC those were both after 1871.
The contracts that bound the country to the Deep State expired in 1999. Two dudes figured it out and re-registered the country internationally but the Deep State just kept on truckin' as if they were legitimate.
I wonder how 1870 would look in 2021...
I think the jeans are going to be too tight.
We’d trash a lot of worthless legislation! 👏🤣
I know! We could put stress-release rips in the jeans and start a new fashion trend for weight challenged teen-aged girls...
I do not know the particular mechanics. It would require a lot of steps and moves though. Under this concept Trump would have needed to secure the support of many state legislators, and to keep that process concealed - he would have really, really needed to know who to trust.
The beauty of this plan is it places power back into the hands of the state. As @Andre on say's:
"Bannon said Trump was going to shake the structures of the State, in particular the Administrative State, to their very foundations. Well, this move would certainly do that in one giant move."
Perhaps when the Plan reaches fruition it will more resemble the Old Republic than our current corrupted Democratic Republic.
Thanks. I agree. Definitely a good line of thinking.
So, the Sovereign Citizen stuff is more real than we think?
It just might be. While I think the "I'm traveling, not driving" thing is ridiculous and hurts their cause, the concept of being a "free man" means being able to do whatever you want to do as long as it doesn't cause someone harm. Wanna OD on drugs? Go right ahead. Reasonable, responsible people don't drive while drunk or high. I'm not advocating for DWI/DUI laws to be revoked entirely, but they're not necessary for reasonable, responsible people.
Dwi laws are sort of like pre crime. You have a taillight out coupled with a few cocktails earlier and blow .09bac. All of a sudden your life is ruined because you "could have killed someone." Should that person be punished? Maybe a traffic ticket and a fine would be more appropriate than a criminal misdemeanor, suspended license, community service, AA meetings etc. Just my $0.02
And you just opened the door to "Right to Travel" discussion...
And just watch all the Prosecuting Attorneys pop up and proclaim that there is no such thing as a "Right to Travel" without a Drivers License in an Unregistered Automobile.....
I have to admit I have not delved too deeply into the Sovereign Citizen concept because I like the idea of organized governance and it appeared to me they want to do away with that almost entirely.
I like the idea of smaller, elected, localized governance working under term limits with delegates overseeing elements of national interest, such as a standing army etc.
I do believe we're still under a British-style court system, not necessarily controlled by them.
We have a "judge" that has far too much power, "holding court" like the nobles of old. They have the power to dismiss a lot of things, like evidence or whole cases. They use "contempt of court" as a hammer to keep people in submission and in obedience to their dictates.
You "rise" now, instead of kneeling.
I firmly believe that 1) we're currently living under British Common Law, 2) "judges" are tyrants in black robes, and 3) "judges" are lower nobility, "holding court" just like their noble forebears.
Like the Constitution says not to have?
Are you are giving us some hint that there's a lil' Libertarian hiding under your MAGA exterior Kat?
Well, maybe. It's just that that's how I thought it would go down, to keep the constitution. If you don't keep the constitution, there's no point in doing things by the book and following rules: it might as well be a military coup. Starting fresh invites a lot of problems, including an articles of confederation style government for a long time, and writing a new constitution. So that's how I backed into that idea. But a rollback is not totally clean either, because if all govt was illegitimate since then, how is Trump legitimate? Unless there was also a secret congress in the background. It gets complicated no matter how you look at it. But the thought of doing things by the book, legally, and keeping the constitution, is how I got to that conclusion. This theory may be a way to do the same thing without a rollback, which is why I asked.
Hugs Constitution so hard it squirms cuz 'Love'
Astronaut meme time.
Joe Public has a limited interest in what his local school board is doing and that has been the issue we see Q and his supporters addressing. Trying to educate the public about the U.S.Corporation's historical roll in America's fall adds layers upon layers of difficulty. 90% of us are products of failed educational systems and we've never received the 1,ooo foot view so you can forget about dumping the 40,000 foot view in our collective laps ant time soon.
The one thing that draws people to forums like this is a keen interest in the affairs of the world. Hopefully we can reignite the passion.
I suppose PAIN is in store for all of us. There's a steep learning curve on America's horizon.
True, except if it's written in the style of children's books. Using that method, tons and tons of intensely complicated material can be simplified and presented in an easy-to-read way that is accessible and understandable to the majority of people, very quickly. Those so inclined can always dig deeper.
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time.
Ha, hah! When you put it that way ... One reason I liked the rollback idea is because it kept things simple: "here's the deal- our country was hijacked a long time ago, so we're erasing all laws from that point onwards." Once you erase the Fed, the IRS, and debt, people won't care about the details. The only gripe will be about the 14th amendment.
Every once in a while I've tried to explain why the electoral college is important (checks and balances, minority protection, a big reason why rural states agreed to the constitution, etc), and they mostly just end up with "you're right, but muh CNN says it's old and dumb." We need serious overhauls in the civics department.
You'd need to restore the Republic to Pre-14th Amendment.... It was the catalyst for the creation of the U.S. Inc.... There are people who read the 14th in a lackadaisical way, so it sounds like it means something special and benevolent, whereas if one takes the time and breaks it down into small easy to process LEGAL Terms, it comes out as being not so benevolent, and it actually lays Claim of Ownership upon State Citizens, therefore robbing the States of their Peoples, then makes those People into corporations, aka "citizens" or "persons", directly under the U.S. Congress...
The 15th Amendment is not much better, and the 17th is pure evil....
The current 13th, simply makes Slavery into a punishment under the Govts direction....
BUT.... The Original 13th Amendment, which was fully validated, has been slowly removed from the books, mainly because IT would have put Lawyers OUT of Govt offices, and it gave Teeth to the Titles of Nobility Clause.....