And everything else, too. EVERYTHING is owned by the State; you can HAVE certain things but only conditionally. "You will own nothing" isn't just something the WEF came up with.
Communism is a pyramid scam where people are recruited to the revolution with quiet individual promises that they will be part of the inner circle of power. Unfortunately too many people are given the same promise. So after the Useful Idiots help the real inner circle to power, the Useful Idiots’ expectation to share power makes them a worse liability than the right-wing reactionaries who try not to be noticed. So the inner party prioritizes eliminating the Useful Idiots first.
This Botter Idiot might not think of herself as being overly ambitious, but owning a farm and directing a community are examples of somewhat elite power.
Maybe the Useful Idiot dynamic is what’s happening with the vaxx. Biden did admit that he doesn’t need leftists’ votes. They can steal the election, maybe eliminate some of the election fraudsters to keep things quiet, import illegals who have no expectation of power, and KillShot the Democrat voters so that the administration doesn’t have to pay out the gibs promised. Wouldn’t it be easy for them to vaxx this Botter Idiot to death and take her farm?
Btw the junkie in that video murdered his girlfriend last year. Then was killed by police(could've been suicide...can't be fucked to research this waste of oxygen anymore)
Try getting shot for eating your own food or starved to death. Then have photos taken of your body so the bolsheviks can pretend they suffered and cry victim in the future.
Rewarding people for their innovation and business acumen is a terrible idea!
The only idea worse than that is blaming capitalism for the failures here in America... Our version of capitalism is crony capitalism and is a far cry from the purist idea of Capitalism which commonly wrongly takes the blame as illustrated in the commie's comments.
LOL communists take away anything food related. Think Ukraine in Stalin's time.
And everything else, too. EVERYTHING is owned by the State; you can HAVE certain things but only conditionally. "You will own nothing" isn't just something the WEF came up with.
They also assume that they will have choices in what they do. Nope.
LOL, yeah.
What she's describing sounds an awful lot like a Kulak. They were the first to be turned on in the countryside during the revolution.
This feels like a more-than-usually effective meme; the harsh "YOUR farm?" response to Clueless Cathy really has some punch.
Take it. I did.
Communism is a pyramid scam where people are recruited to the revolution with quiet individual promises that they will be part of the inner circle of power. Unfortunately too many people are given the same promise. So after the Useful Idiots help the real inner circle to power, the Useful Idiots’ expectation to share power makes them a worse liability than the right-wing reactionaries who try not to be noticed. So the inner party prioritizes eliminating the Useful Idiots first.
This Botter Idiot might not think of herself as being overly ambitious, but owning a farm and directing a community are examples of somewhat elite power.
Maybe the Useful Idiot dynamic is what’s happening with the vaxx. Biden did admit that he doesn’t need leftists’ votes. They can steal the election, maybe eliminate some of the election fraudsters to keep things quiet, import illegals who have no expectation of power, and KillShot the Democrat voters so that the administration doesn’t have to pay out the gibs promised. Wouldn’t it be easy for them to vaxx this Botter Idiot to death and take her farm?
And yet there are millions of people who believe it. This country needs an IQ test.
Fortunately, the vax is an IQ test. Let it filter out thousands upon thousands. Let them take booster eight. I don't give a fuck anymore.
I read it somewhere that there is an IQ (intelligence quotient) test and also an EQ (emotional quotient) test.
The vaccines are more of an EQ test.
To clarify, being an emotional gullible faggot in no way leaves the possibility of a high IQ.
Found the retard
That's our farm comrade shitforbrains
We decided you will not be a farmer. You will be the leaders personal foot massager.
Sorry, no choice in communism.
Imao, I think she means Chaz 2.0 (autonomous zone).
Hahahahahahahaha!!! Growing a tomato plant in a 1" pile of dirt.
Over cardboard!
Yes it will be the Chaz tomato garden all over again. Thanks for reminding me of this.
Btw the junkie in that video murdered his girlfriend last year. Then was killed by police(could've been suicide...can't be fucked to research this waste of oxygen anymore)
Travis Berge was his name.
Try getting shot for eating your own food or starved to death. Then have photos taken of your body so the bolsheviks can pretend they suffered and cry victim in the future.
Once again you can’t fix stupid, that’s why they use them they are to dumb to realize it until it’s to late.
These stupid fucks don't even understand the very basics about how real Communism works.
Rewarding people for their innovation and business acumen is a terrible idea!
The only idea worse than that is blaming capitalism for the failures here in America... Our version of capitalism is crony capitalism and is a far cry from the purist idea of Capitalism which commonly wrongly takes the blame as illustrated in the commie's comments.