This is interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out. Betty White. Snow White.
One issue with comms is that people mistake the person used for comms as being the guilty party. They may only be a "face" to send the message. It's not about Betty White herself.
Drudge Report is comms central. They've been dropping a lot of comms to telegraph the Maxwell stuff.
Q emphasized "Learn Our Comms". They tried to teach that "Baby on floor hands in mouth" was a comm for "syria" ( chemicals on floor = chemical warfare = Syria).
There would be a phase where nothing would seem to happen and everything could only be known through comms. This is because these are matters of Foreign States and Maxwell is being used as leverage against the Royals and the Vatican.
Before the Maxwell verdict there was a headline in Drudge that said "3,500 year old mummy spills her secrets..." The next day Maxwell is pronounced guilty on 5/6 charges.
Before that there were all these headlines about "fossils being dug up".
Fossil has the dual meaning of something "outdated, of no use". Aka a "liability".
Fossils = liabilities.
During the Epstein arrest, Q posted about "Hunters (Epstein, Maxwell, Chandler ect.) become the Hunted (DS trying to remove liabilities). Q also posted "How do you remove a liability?" Just a few days before Epstein was "Epsteined".
We got this weird article before Maxwell's verdict of "Well-preserved fossilized embryo discovered..."
Well-preserved = well protected
fossil/ fossilized = liability
embryo = something about to be born.
aka, we got your liability and they're cooperating.
A lot of the comms that were set up in Q posts are now appearing at a rapid clip. Drudge even posted after the verdict a pic of Maxwell and captioned it "Will She Sing?"
The "open your eyes" thing (and instead of the word eyes, a kind of emoji is used) also makes me think of that Webb telescope they're getting ready (end of this January I believe?)
There's an article and it describes the telescope as being able to look back in history as far as January 6 if the universe lifespan fit into a year.
Also mentions 30 days of torture (or terror, not sure what it was) - waiting for that telescope to be positioned successfully. Strange choice of words.
Keep eyes open? The eye is opening? Still curious if the telescope is real or if it's all comms.
Hi fren, I will respond to previous messages- sidetracked with life recently, couldn't resist this though, because there was a few dastingly worded headlines earlier:
To refer her as queen is odd. Her dress is the same colors as Snow White. Why put out a mag. celebrating her 💯 birthday? Other stars have had 💯 birthdays without huge fanfare,
They're calling her "TV Queen Betty White" and drawing comparison to Snow White.
A lot of royalty have had articles comparing them to fairy tale queens and princesses. So I think they're using fairy tales as comms to talk about them.
When her grandfather died in 1936 and her uncle succeeded as Edward VIII, she became second in line to the throne, after her father.
Queen Elizabeth started being set up for the throne in 1936. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came out in 1937.
I think Snow White has long been the comm for Queen Elizabeth (going far back) and we just didn't realize it. The power brokers were already planning it out and using Disney as one of many comms to do it at the time. It's a game of Kings.
She would not have been the Queen if her uncle Edward had not abdicated (likely been forced out) so her father could become King. It had been seen as near unlikely she would be queen since Edward was young and capable of heirs. Then he shocked the world to abdicate so he could marry a socialite. Convenient.
She still would not have been queen if her parents had birthed a son, but that never happened.
I bet if people read old headlines about the movie Snow White you'd see all sorts of comms flying back and forth coordinating it all until Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1952. Which is when Disney published this book:
When Q kept mentioned "Snow White" they were talking about the royals and Queen Elizabeth. They were trying to teach us the Deep State's comm for the UK Royal family.
Betty White is now being used as a bridge between Snow White and Queen Elizabeth as they prep for the real news on Queen Elizabeth. (I suspect she's going to be announced dead in the next couple months).
The comm to me is that Queen Elizabeth's death is being telegraph through comms about Betty White's Death. They're basically prepping the comms-aware people for when the news finally "breaks". I'm not sure what date they'll pick to announce it. It could be 17 days into 2022 (January 17th), but there is no way to be sure. They could way till 17 days before her birthday, but that would be April 3rd.
I think it'll be sooner than April.
Her father King George died on February 6th so 17 days before that would be in January and less obvious. I don't think they want to make it too obvious. The reason they want the 17 is to send the comm of "classified information" basically for something that will never be publicly known. Something part of the the "60% classified" that Q talked about. The choice to know that part will only be through reading comms.
When people are announced dead and when they actually died are different. We many never know the actual death date of many. Ruth Ginsberg likely died months before her death was announced. The DS was trying to keep her "alive" until Trump forced their hand. They wanted to hold that seat.
Betty White also died ten days after the release date of the original Disney Snow White movie.
I was just explaining that concept to someone- the death announcements delays etc. Sometimes for a fortuitous outcome, sometimes a significant date. RBG is a great example.
I'd find it hard to pick a date from those, some interesting possibilities though and I think you're right about it being discreet (plenty of public interest in satanic dates atm!).
That's pretty much as I'd interpreted the comms too (there's been lots more, but sort of opaque, juxtapositions like Drudge etc).
It'd be so fascinating to know what kind of detail makes up the 40%- I know it has to be a certain way (and to be fair, if we can learn to read comms history we can already know what we want for interest's sake), but I'd love to know what kind of level we go up to publicly on disclosure.
While we're on the royals, I just dropped this in the comments on a different post too:
It gets even crazier Elizabeth's connection to Snow White. King Edward abdicated on December 11th, 1936.
Disney's first animated movie "Snow and the 7 Dwarfs" came out on December 21at, 1937. The film came out a year after and ten days after Edward shocked England by abdicating.
Elizabeth suddenly went from being unlikely to ever be queen to next in line if her parents didn't have a son.
Now... was that is either an incredible coincidence or.... coordination.
Snow White has been the comm for Queen Elizabeth for a long time. Disney characters were used as comms for coordinating which royal family member would "take over".
I was browsing (a bit of) of the decoding symbols on Edward viii / Einstein etc
I think He also tagged together his eventual burial at Frogmore (the only sovereign not buried in the Kings and Queen's traditional spot, a slight).
That brought to mind the Queen moving Harry and Meghan into Frgmore cottage- was that a similar slight? Sent to Frogmore the modern day equivalent of being 'sent to Coventry'?
If they use frogs as a way of slighting someone, imagine what it does to them having millions of them watching their demise. If that's a conscious White Hat turnaround then it's deee-lish.
Another connection is to African Queen. Some headlines called Elizabeth the African Queen because she was in Africa when her father died and she became Queen.
Africa's important for some reason. Charles, Di, William and Harry (and the Spencers) have spent a lot of time there and continue to do so.
Pre-1997 (crash), Diana was (I think) sending comms that she knew what might happen. She spent time close to lepers and AIDS suffers (constantly close to sick people) and then went strolling through the landmine fields of Angola (navigating a mine field).
Spencer, Di, William and Harry were in S Africa at Spencer's home in March 1997.
Spencer: ''I am proud of the fact apart from when she was on display meeting President Mandela we managed to contrive to stop the ever-present paparazzi from getting a single picture of her -- that meant a lot to her''
Sounds secretive.
Mandela also said to kiss her (for him) would be treason- because she's a Princess or because she wasn't DS?
There were oddities about the funeral and the actions of other royals after, but Spencer, William and Harry went to Africa afterwards to duck the media storm. They say nobody recognises them there (which would be odd).
Spencer has referred several times to Diana resting in 'an oasis of calm'. There are several such place names in S Africa, one in Prince Albert, SA.
I'm not anywhere near sure, but I've seen odd comms implying things may not have happened exactly as they were reported at the time, and even still ponder from time if she, like the Norwegian Blue, may just be 'resting'- maybe even helping. Likely fantasy, but it's one that keeps cropping up- each time I dismiss it another suspect headline story turn up.
For some reason, and I have no clue why, I’ve been receiving People magazine for the past month. On the issue I just received dated January 10, it has Betty White on the cover with the headline “Betty White turns 100: Funny never gets old” 👀. When my husband told me yesterday she passed away at 99, I was like WTF, and I showed him the magazine.
All of a sudden I started feeling like I was in the Twilight Zone.
She flashes the devil horn hand symbols and appears to be a member of the Black Eye Club. Not once did she speak out about the child abuse attrocities in Hollywood. Nothing great about her. She’s one of “them.”
She's also lionized by some of the creepier Hollywood people, which is suspect. Hard for me to say because I was a huge fan of her Suzanne character in MTM show. I hope Carol Burnett and Bob Newhart don't turn out to be gross. It's like they are re-writing my childhood and tainting all of my memories.
Did you look at the tweet on Twitter? Scroll down below the tweet to the pictures of the queen and BW. Uncanny resemblance between Betty White and the queen. Hmmm... are they related?
That's a young Betty White isn't it? There is something suspicious about her death in that she was perfectly healthy and interviewing and talking about her 100th birthday and then within a few days is dead. I'm guessing it was the jab.
She’s been old for a long time. She could have died on any day, but instead she dies exactly 17 days before her 100th birthday. And you’re going to tell me that’s a coincidence? Please.
Short of any actual PROOF that it's anything else. Yes. Sometimes things happen that don't mean anything. How in the hell would this old women have anything to do with anything Q related? This is why people think we are idiots.
How am I trolling? What clues are you talking about regarding Betty White? She happened to die 17 days before her 100th birthday is some kind of clue? I'm honestly open to something if you can show me where Betty White is mentioned ANYWHERE in a Q drop. You are accusing me of being a troll, so I'm going to assume you've already done the research.
I ask what Betty White's death has to do with Q and I'm accused of being some kind of Fox News troll? People used to post actual proof of things on this board, now they just post random shit that means absolutely nothing and if you call anyone out on it you get attacked.
News is a map that unlocks past posts. All you are saying is that it’s a stretch… when the entire Q movement is a stretch!
Where do you draw the line of what is believable about Q and what is not? If you have been here for any amount of time, the number of Q signals goes beyond mere coincidence.
You’re allowed to be a free thinker here only if it means believing literally everything is Q. “There were 17 pieces of bread left in the bag when I made toast so it’s PROOF that Wonder bread is cabal.” Some people need to come up for air and it shows.
When looking at all Q posts Snow White is ahead of Godfather III for all of them, will be very interesting to see what the next 17 days bring.
04-Nov-2017 11:03:28 PM MDT
Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic.
Organized and in order.
Critical for understanding and review.
Spider web.
Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above).
This is staged and deliberate.
Snow White
Godfather lll
They’re not embarrassing. It’s clearly comms. She could have died any day in the last 5 or 10 or 15 years and it wouldn’t have been a big fuss, but she died exactly 17 days before her 100th birthday? That means something.
Good points. Snow White didn't have blue eyes and her hair was ebony-black. The color of the dress does evoke Snow White though. These old people dying lately...could it be the vaxx, could it be the flu, could it just simply be they're just old? Yes it could.
I thought the C1A's quantum computer system, built with US taxpayer money given to MIT, Berkley, Stanford and several other universities. I do not know what agency, agencies, or "think tanks" have/had control or access to these computers. I believe there were several Q drops about Snow White, and am going to search the drops. It was my understanding of what I had read on Snow White/ Q discussion is that there are 'seven dwarf" quantum computers which feed into Snow White. It could also be a nod to the Snow White of early computing:
While it is common to associate mainframe computers with IBM, the reality is that several manufacturers produced mainframe computers from the late 1950s through the 1970s. The group of manufacturers was often referred to as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". In that context, Snow White was IBM and the seven dwarfs were Burroughs, UNIVAC, NCR, Control Data Corporation, Honeywell, General Electric and RCA.
So having Snow White go down means it has been disabled or captured by white hats. I'd also suggest doing some research on Project Looking Glass, which is, supposedly device (or program), used to " see the future", this sounds very much like a quantum system to predict the future almost perfectly by running simulations based on enormous amounts of data. It is said that the parasitic elites used Project Looking Glass and/or Snow White ( if they are not the same tech) and saw that none of their schemes would work in their agenda after a certain time, every outcome was the same, and this is the reason they are going balls out showing heir schemes in our faces, as they have nothing to lose. Their schemes will fail in every scenario. UN Agenda 21 and UN 2030 plans were a response to seeing they can not avoid their inevitable downfall. There is a great video on it that had a few possibly whistleblowers, one seemed trustworthy and another seemed disingenuous. Will edit in if found. Philip K Dick's Minority Report (the movie was good, too) is a good example of Looking Glass and/or Snow White to predicted "pre-crime" though traumatized biological humans connected to tech that were used for the quantum computing ( neural lace?)
If is also rife with symbolism: Future Proves Past. This is an interesting blog that says most of what I am saying here, though I don't like how he calls his readers morons, it is still worth the time to see this blogger in 2009, talking about Snow White how Future Proves Past.
Another is the symbolism of the Evil Queen's " "magic mirror" that informed her schemes by what her mirror saw in advance.. Think Mirror. I am sure there are many layers to this, but that connection to Snow White (if this is quantum computing, is very nteresting to me.
Projecting Looking Glass was, I believe, based on on Tesla's tech (not the car, Nikola Tesla's work, which fell into the hands of Trump's uncle Fred ( by unethical means- his research was confiscated by the government under the Alien Property Act, although Tesla was a proud nationalized American citizen), but maybe it had to be done this way.
There are other Q drops about Snow White that I'll have to revisit. Philip K. Dick was a sci-fi visionary (little space stuff but real, spiritual and prophetic sci-fi) and a shaman of sorts. I would highly suggest looking into all of his books and short stories.
*Apologies to any grammar or sleeping, I am exhausted. Good night!
Someone in the Twitter replies mentioned, maybe Betty is taking on a new role. As the queen, maybe. Remember, they said the queen was going through some sort of changes (can’t remember the exact quote).
This is interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out. Betty White. Snow White.
One issue with comms is that people mistake the person used for comms as being the guilty party. They may only be a "face" to send the message. It's not about Betty White herself.
Drudge Report is comms central. They've been dropping a lot of comms to telegraph the Maxwell stuff.
Q emphasized "Learn Our Comms". They tried to teach that "Baby on floor hands in mouth" was a comm for "syria" ( chemicals on floor = chemical warfare = Syria).
There would be a phase where nothing would seem to happen and everything could only be known through comms. This is because these are matters of Foreign States and Maxwell is being used as leverage against the Royals and the Vatican.
Before the Maxwell verdict there was a headline in Drudge that said "3,500 year old mummy spills her secrets..." The next day Maxwell is pronounced guilty on 5/6 charges.
Before that there were all these headlines about "fossils being dug up".
Fossil has the dual meaning of something "outdated, of no use". Aka a "liability".
Fossils = liabilities.
During the Epstein arrest, Q posted about "Hunters (Epstein, Maxwell, Chandler ect.) become the Hunted (DS trying to remove liabilities). Q also posted "How do you remove a liability?" Just a few days before Epstein was "Epsteined".
We got this weird article before Maxwell's verdict of "Well-preserved fossilized embryo discovered..."
Well-preserved = well protected
fossil/ fossilized = liability
embryo = something about to be born.
aka, we got your liability and they're cooperating.
A lot of the comms that were set up in Q posts are now appearing at a rapid clip. Drudge even posted after the verdict a pic of Maxwell and captioned it "Will She Sing?"
The "open your eyes" thing (and instead of the word eyes, a kind of emoji is used) also makes me think of that Webb telescope they're getting ready (end of this January I believe?)
There's an article and it describes the telescope as being able to look back in history as far as January 6 if the universe lifespan fit into a year.
Also mentions 30 days of torture (or terror, not sure what it was) - waiting for that telescope to be positioned successfully. Strange choice of words.
Keep eyes open? The eye is opening? Still curious if the telescope is real or if it's all comms.
Hi fren, I will respond to previous messages- sidetracked with life recently, couldn't resist this though, because there was a few dastingly worded headlines earlier:
(first two, nomenclature link between two characters)
(adds same link as above with death context)
(Ruh roh?)
To refer her as queen is odd. Her dress is the same colors as Snow White. Why put out a mag. celebrating her 💯 birthday? Other stars have had 💯 birthdays without huge fanfare,
This one is very weird:
You should make a post with this vid it might open people’s eyes who think she is wonderful.
They're calling her "TV Queen Betty White" and drawing comparison to Snow White.
A lot of royalty have had articles comparing them to fairy tale queens and princesses. So I think they're using fairy tales as comms to talk about them.
When her grandfather died in 1936 and her uncle succeeded as Edward VIII, she became second in line to the throne, after her father.
Queen Elizabeth started being set up for the throne in 1936. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs came out in 1937.
I think Snow White has long been the comm for Queen Elizabeth (going far back) and we just didn't realize it. The power brokers were already planning it out and using Disney as one of many comms to do it at the time. It's a game of Kings.
She would not have been the Queen if her uncle Edward had not abdicated (likely been forced out) so her father could become King. It had been seen as near unlikely she would be queen since Edward was young and capable of heirs. Then he shocked the world to abdicate so he could marry a socialite. Convenient.
She still would not have been queen if her parents had birthed a son, but that never happened.
I bet if people read old headlines about the movie Snow White you'd see all sorts of comms flying back and forth coordinating it all until Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1952. Which is when Disney published this book:
When Q kept mentioned "Snow White" they were talking about the royals and Queen Elizabeth. They were trying to teach us the Deep State's comm for the UK Royal family.
Betty White is now being used as a bridge between Snow White and Queen Elizabeth as they prep for the real news on Queen Elizabeth. (I suspect she's going to be announced dead in the next couple months).
Her photo above means she was part of the cabal. They think it’s funny to shove it right in our faces but symbolism will be their downfall.
insert cronk meme "oh yeah. It's all coming together...."
TV Queen Betty White Has Passed at 99
Queen Elizabeth is 94.
The comm to me is that Queen Elizabeth's death is being telegraph through comms about Betty White's Death. They're basically prepping the comms-aware people for when the news finally "breaks". I'm not sure what date they'll pick to announce it. It could be 17 days into 2022 (January 17th), but there is no way to be sure. They could way till 17 days before her birthday, but that would be April 3rd.
I think it'll be sooner than April.
Her father King George died on February 6th so 17 days before that would be in January and less obvious. I don't think they want to make it too obvious. The reason they want the 17 is to send the comm of "classified information" basically for something that will never be publicly known. Something part of the the "60% classified" that Q talked about. The choice to know that part will only be through reading comms.
When people are announced dead and when they actually died are different. We many never know the actual death date of many. Ruth Ginsberg likely died months before her death was announced. The DS was trying to keep her "alive" until Trump forced their hand. They wanted to hold that seat.
Betty White also died ten days after the release date of the original Disney Snow White movie.
I was just explaining that concept to someone- the death announcements delays etc. Sometimes for a fortuitous outcome, sometimes a significant date. RBG is a great example.
I'd find it hard to pick a date from those, some interesting possibilities though and I think you're right about it being discreet (plenty of public interest in satanic dates atm!).
That's pretty much as I'd interpreted the comms too (there's been lots more, but sort of opaque, juxtapositions like Drudge etc).
It'd be so fascinating to know what kind of detail makes up the 40%- I know it has to be a certain way (and to be fair, if we can learn to read comms history we can already know what we want for interest's sake), but I'd love to know what kind of level we go up to publicly on disclosure.
While we're on the royals, I just dropped this in the comments on a different post too:
Just found another oddity while browsing:
Wording: ''withdraws from public life permanently, by dying.''
Today in the news, 'high winds' close the Castle to the public:
I wonder if Q is going to huff and puff and blow the castle down.
Or if it's Castle Clean ( or Castle Lock (
Side note: it was also the castle 'attempted' to be recently seized by Magna Carta Rules.
Soooooo many connections everywhere!!
It gets even crazier Elizabeth's connection to Snow White. King Edward abdicated on December 11th, 1936.
Disney's first animated movie "Snow and the 7 Dwarfs" came out on December 21at, 1937. The film came out a year after and ten days after Edward shocked England by abdicating.
Elizabeth suddenly went from being unlikely to ever be queen to next in line if her parents didn't have a son.
Now... was that is either an incredible coincidence or.... coordination.
Snow White has been the comm for Queen Elizabeth for a long time. Disney characters were used as comms for coordinating which royal family member would "take over".
That's some great connecting nuggets.
I was browsing (a bit of) of the decoding symbols on Edward viii / Einstein etc
I think He also tagged together his eventual burial at Frogmore (the only sovereign not buried in the Kings and Queen's traditional spot, a slight).
That brought to mind the Queen moving Harry and Meghan into Frgmore cottage- was that a similar slight? Sent to Frogmore the modern day equivalent of being 'sent to Coventry'?
If they use frogs as a way of slighting someone, imagine what it does to them having millions of them watching their demise. If that's a conscious White Hat turnaround then it's deee-lish.
Another connection is to African Queen. Some headlines called Elizabeth the African Queen because she was in Africa when her father died and she became Queen.
Africa's important for some reason. Charles, Di, William and Harry (and the Spencers) have spent a lot of time there and continue to do so.
Pre-1997 (crash), Diana was (I think) sending comms that she knew what might happen. She spent time close to lepers and AIDS suffers (constantly close to sick people) and then went strolling through the landmine fields of Angola (navigating a mine field).
Spencer, Di, William and Harry were in S Africa at Spencer's home in March 1997.
Spencer: ''I am proud of the fact apart from when she was on display meeting President Mandela we managed to contrive to stop the ever-present paparazzi from getting a single picture of her -- that meant a lot to her''
Sounds secretive.
Mandela also said to kiss her (for him) would be treason- because she's a Princess or because she wasn't DS?
There were oddities about the funeral and the actions of other royals after, but Spencer, William and Harry went to Africa afterwards to duck the media storm. They say nobody recognises them there (which would be odd).
Spencer has referred several times to Diana resting in 'an oasis of calm'. There are several such place names in S Africa, one in Prince Albert, SA.
I'm not anywhere near sure, but I've seen odd comms implying things may not have happened exactly as they were reported at the time, and even still ponder from time if she, like the Norwegian Blue, may just be 'resting'- maybe even helping. Likely fantasy, but it's one that keeps cropping up- each time I dismiss it another suspect headline story turn up.
This one's got odd details (Chirac's wife there?)
Harry mentions a head injury in that article, in this similar one it doesn't seem so bad...
Oh and there's this interesting aside: (note the kid's appearances)
This statue:
Is eerily reminiscent of this one:
I saw the fossilized embryo article pop up too! Your post has lots of insight I hadn't thought of before. Kudos fren! 👍
For some reason, and I have no clue why, I’ve been receiving People magazine for the past month. On the issue I just received dated January 10, it has Betty White on the cover with the headline “Betty White turns 100: Funny never gets old” 👀. When my husband told me yesterday she passed away at 99, I was like WTF, and I showed him the magazine. All of a sudden I started feeling like I was in the Twilight Zone.
I have too. I never ordered it but for the last 3 months Ive gotten it at my address for a bob woodward????? Maybe i need to look him up.
Ok now im freaked out
She flashes the devil horn hand symbols and appears to be a member of the Black Eye Club. Not once did she speak out about the child abuse attrocities in Hollywood. Nothing great about her. She’s one of “them.”
She was friends with Bob Hope. That’s enough for me.
You don’t make it in Hollywood because you’re sweet and kind. Everyone in Hollywood is BAD.
And this is hard for me to say because I am a huge fan of The Golden Girls.
She's also lionized by some of the creepier Hollywood people, which is suspect. Hard for me to say because I was a huge fan of her Suzanne character in MTM show. I hope Carol Burnett and Bob Newhart don't turn out to be gross. It's like they are re-writing my childhood and tainting all of my memories.
It is disturbing to think about it, but she did have connections to the usual political & Hollywood suspects. saying, "Nothing to see here."
Did you look at the tweet on Twitter? Scroll down below the tweet to the pictures of the queen and BW. Uncanny resemblance between Betty White and the queen. Hmmm... are they related?
They look nothing like each other......
That's a young Betty White isn't it? There is something suspicious about her death in that she was perfectly healthy and interviewing and talking about her 100th birthday and then within a few days is dead. I'm guessing it was the jab.
17 days to her 100th,kek
Yes! Here is the link. The comments are interesting to say the least!
surprisingly readable, for Twitter.
She tweeted on Dec. 28th, I think, about her getting the booster.
She was 99. The conspiracy shouldn't be that she died, it should be how is she even still alive. A stiff breeze will kill someone that old.
She’s been old for a long time. She could have died on any day, but instead she dies exactly 17 days before her 100th birthday. And you’re going to tell me that’s a coincidence? Please.
Short of any actual PROOF that it's anything else. Yes. Sometimes things happen that don't mean anything. How in the hell would this old women have anything to do with anything Q related? This is why people think we are idiots.
How am I trolling? What clues are you talking about regarding Betty White? She happened to die 17 days before her 100th birthday is some kind of clue? I'm honestly open to something if you can show me where Betty White is mentioned ANYWHERE in a Q drop. You are accusing me of being a troll, so I'm going to assume you've already done the research.
Good lord dude. Do you realize you are on Q site? Go back to Fox News.
I ask what Betty White's death has to do with Q and I'm accused of being some kind of Fox News troll? People used to post actual proof of things on this board, now they just post random shit that means absolutely nothing and if you call anyone out on it you get attacked.
News is a map that unlocks past posts. All you are saying is that it’s a stretch… when the entire Q movement is a stretch!
Where do you draw the line of what is believable about Q and what is not? If you have been here for any amount of time, the number of Q signals goes beyond mere coincidence.
You’re allowed to be a free thinker here only if it means believing literally everything is Q. “There were 17 pieces of bread left in the bag when I made toast so it’s PROOF that Wonder bread is cabal.” Some people need to come up for air and it shows.
When looking at all Q posts Snow White is ahead of Godfather III for all of them, will be very interesting to see what the next 17 days bring.
84 04-Nov-2017 11:03:28 PM MDT Anonymous 4ch/pol Please add crumbs above in new complete graphic. Organized and in order. Critical for understanding and review. Spider web. Hillary & Saudi Arabia (Alice & Wonderland)(see above). This is staged and deliberate. Snow White Godfather lll Q
The colorization makes her look like Mrs. <Snow> White!
They’re not embarrassing. It’s clearly comms. She could have died any day in the last 5 or 10 or 15 years and it wouldn’t have been a big fuss, but she died exactly 17 days before her 100th birthday? That means something.
Damned* but yes
Good points. Snow White didn't have blue eyes and her hair was ebony-black. The color of the dress does evoke Snow White though. These old people dying lately...could it be the vaxx, could it be the flu, could it just simply be they're just old? Yes it could.
On that note, interesting thoughts in the comment section of this article-
I thought the C1A's quantum computer system, built with US taxpayer money given to MIT, Berkley, Stanford and several other universities. I do not know what agency, agencies, or "think tanks" have/had control or access to these computers. I believe there were several Q drops about Snow White, and am going to search the drops. It was my understanding of what I had read on Snow White/ Q discussion is that there are 'seven dwarf" quantum computers which feed into Snow White. It could also be a nod to the Snow White of early computing:
So having Snow White go down means it has been disabled or captured by white hats. I'd also suggest doing some research on Project Looking Glass, which is, supposedly device (or program), used to " see the future", this sounds very much like a quantum system to predict the future almost perfectly by running simulations based on enormous amounts of data. It is said that the parasitic elites used Project Looking Glass and/or Snow White ( if they are not the same tech) and saw that none of their schemes would work in their agenda after a certain time, every outcome was the same, and this is the reason they are going balls out showing heir schemes in our faces, as they have nothing to lose. Their schemes will fail in every scenario. UN Agenda 21 and UN 2030 plans were a response to seeing they can not avoid their inevitable downfall. There is a great video on it that had a few possibly whistleblowers, one seemed trustworthy and another seemed disingenuous. Will edit in if found. Philip K Dick's Minority Report (the movie was good, too) is a good example of Looking Glass and/or Snow White to predicted "pre-crime" though traumatized biological humans connected to tech that were used for the quantum computing ( neural lace?)
If is also rife with symbolism: Future Proves Past. This is an interesting blog that says most of what I am saying here, though I don't like how he calls his readers morons, it is still worth the time to see this blogger in 2009, talking about Snow White how Future Proves Past.
Another is the symbolism of the Evil Queen's " "magic mirror" that informed her schemes by what her mirror saw in advance.. Think Mirror. I am sure there are many layers to this, but that connection to Snow White (if this is quantum computing, is very nteresting to me.
Projecting Looking Glass was, I believe, based on on Tesla's tech (not the car, Nikola Tesla's work, which fell into the hands of Trump's uncle Fred ( by unethical means- his research was confiscated by the government under the Alien Property Act, although Tesla was a proud nationalized American citizen), but maybe it had to be done this way.
There are other Q drops about Snow White that I'll have to revisit. Philip K. Dick was a sci-fi visionary (little space stuff but real, spiritual and prophetic sci-fi) and a shaman of sorts. I would highly suggest looking into all of his books and short stories.
*Apologies to any grammar or sleeping, I am exhausted. Good night!
Huh, so the queen and the satanic pope officially made it to 2022?
Someone in the Twitter replies mentioned, maybe Betty is taking on a new role. As the queen, maybe. Remember, they said the queen was going through some sort of changes (can’t remember the exact quote).
The pope was arrested in 2020. Confirmed by Lin Wood himself. What we’re seeing now is either not him, or he’s controlled by patriots.
She died 17 days before her 100th birthday!
Translation: The prince isn’t going to hit that anymore cuz he’s daid