Ditto that! I put myself through college and earned a degree and used it for maybe 2 years before "retiring" to be a SAHM. There wasn't a single event in schools where one of my boys didn't look out into the audience and see me. It was all worth it.
Ditto that! But I'm sure your PTA is/was just like mine...there's always a few women who act like the science fair/auction/spaghetti supper, etc is a corporate event where many meetings need to take place, a hierarchy develops, and these moms get the chance to be HBIC like they weren't in high school.
They don't call them useful idiots for nothing. What is even more embarrassing is they literally think they are on the moral high road. Not sure if that's a nod to the cabal's effective work or a dig at the sheer stupidity of low IQ fools.
Psychological warfare has been waged against us since birth. It's astounding when u step back and think about it. How does one come to swallow that fact.
Many just wont. It's just too much to even contemplate. So much so, the sheer thought brings them discomfort, so they go take another blue pill.
I'm an atheist. I stand on ground that is plenty solid. I'm the opposite of taken in and misled easily. Three different sets of churches(Baptists, Mormon, & Catholic) have tried to brainwash me into believing in god sense I was old enough to walk for the first time. I've never believed them and I've never believed government was a good thing either. I'm a true skeptic... sense birth.
I think you will find when you examine them more closely that these lunatics are not atheists. They have a god. They worship the government. That's what makes them what/who they are.
They are the government. They worship big government. Thus they worship themselves.
See how that works. Its narcissism gone mad. They believe they ARE god. That's not about being godless. Its hubris of the worst kind because it inevitably leads them to believe that they are so wise and powerful that they should have control over all the other peons around them. The little people need their guidance whether they need/want it or not.
Have you been reading your Bible again? Romans 1:22-23 "Professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things."
In their case they make government their god and worship it.
You remind me of myself 10 years ago, and I would ask this; the cabal devotes their life to hiding the reality of everything around us, and they worship other beings, how do you reconcile this?
Yes cabal runs most Christian churches, Catholism, they invented most of the rest. They want to control it because it would be a threat otherwise. The bible is still unaltered enough to get the message, but very low %, even lower % fully awakened with activated pineal gland. Just curious how during a religious war people are still choosing the side of unconvinced atheists.
The only thing dumber than a belief in an invisible god that made everything etc etc... is a belief that the very same god has a son/angel that turned evil and if you do evil shit he will help you. The whole concept of both is just silly. If Satan really did help these people they wouldn't fail so miserably on a constant basis.
I'm not trying to bash on god or people who believe in god. I'm just saying all of it is absolutely 100% no different than the liberal sheep believing with absolute certainty the vaccine will save them from the terror that is covid. The MSM has told them that and they never lie ever...(rolls eyes)
A priest or a parent or a family friend has told you for your whole life that all you have to do to save yourself from the terror of going to hell after you die is just love Jesus yada yada... insert dogma here. The only difference between the liberal MSM/Hollywood and any organized religion/the bible/any god etc is that more people believe it and they've been spewing their propaganda way longer.
There is no proof its real. Its all based on faith and hope. In fact I would go so far as to say that I wholeheartedly believe there was/is most likely absolute proof its all bullshit and that the big churches (especially the Catholics) are hiding that proof or have flat out destroyed it. JUST LIKE the communists. Why? Because it gives them power over the sheep.
IE... Imagine for a moment that the Catholic church 1,900+ years ago came into the possession of one of the twelve apostles personal journal. The type of stuff that was used as source material to write the bible... or confirm its authenticity.
BUT this journal was a detailed account of how Jesus was actually a con man and all the apostles were in on the scam to bilk the people out of as much money as they could. Jesus was actually a set of very charismatic identical twins and they used that to their advantage like a magician might. So when the Romans crucified him... it was just one twin and the other kept the con going giving himself a god-like aura and propelling a simple con into a world wide 2,000 year phenomenon.
You and I both know if evidence like that ever existed it would either be stored in a super secret vault under the Vatican or most likely it was burned. But see the real trick is what if the reason it still exists is because they show it to these evil fuckers that rise to power and that allows them to break any delusions they might have had that they are going to hell for all the evil shit they do. Commence the child sacrifices.
See how that works... and just like the Bible what I've written here is just words written by a man. There is no proof. Its just a theory... but this makes a HELL of a lot more sense than some invisible dude that is all powerful yet never ever seems to actually use his power to help his followers.
Sense this is Q board I'll even bring it back to Q. He says if most people knew the truth it would put them in the hospital. Many people have lots of theories of what this means... so here is my question. If I broke into the Vatican vault, stole that journal, and gave it to you to read(and you did read it)... would it put you in the hospital??? (That's a rhetorical question FYI)
I guess to sum this up my point is that it might be the other way around. The evil people didn't infiltrate the religions. The religions might be the ones creating evil people in the first damn place. Your belief in god might just be a way to control and manipulate you. Just like the lunatic leftists belief in big government is how they control and manipulate their useful idiots.
Children are taught there is no God from kindergarden through College. They are taught we all came from nothing that exploded, and then dust gathered into a hot ball of magma where rain developed and created pools of water, and then somehow slime formed and walked out of the water and became man.
That is a fairy tale. Nothing times something = everything, is the equation of an idiot. This is part of the Democrat Party Platform. They are all idiots.
Psalm 14:1 "The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
Yes, I realize The Lord God uses this amazing forum in different ways for different people. For me, GAW.WIN (and all of you incredible Pedes) have been blessing after blessing after blessing. And, after all this time, I realize that our families and our nation have been under attack for generations - at least since WW I. SO MUCH of all that has transpired has been about displacing men, destroying the economy, enslaving the populace.
What I declare to all of you reading here is: relationship with Lord Jesus may be THE most important Red Pill that any of us can take. Truly getting to know Him is "psychedelic" (mind-opening; mind-expanding) and "empowering" in the most literal of senses. This is especially true for men... AND for women.
YES, He is the Christ of the Bible and He is SO MUCH MORE (I don't have the right words). IF we truly want to save this nation; IF we truly want to uphold and enshrine the nuclear family, IF we truly want to defeat the DS and cast out the globalist/corporatist/slave-makers/slave-traders, Jesus our Lord is ABLE! The Resurrected Jesus of Nazareth is KING, Savior, Christ and God. He is NOT among us to bring fear. He is NOT in your heart to bring the peace of complicity. The Precious Lord Almighty God in Christ comes bringing a SWORD to open blinded eyes; to overthrow evil; to cast down idols; to liberate captives. He IS the chain breaker.
He won the war against the DS before the foundation of the world and He is LIGHT in the darkness. The enemy is allowed to continue his blasphemy so that his minions are exposed. The angels of evil WILL NOT win. Our choice is to be as ENTIRELY empowered as we might possibly be. You and I are needed in this war. Might as well have all the best weapons that we could hope for. He's got everything we need. AMEN!
"Recently Aaron Russo, the producer of Bette Midler’s movies and “America: From Freedom to Fascism” identified all three confirming what I have been saying.
While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women’s liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to “chip us.” Google “Rockefeller Foundation” and “Women’s Studies” and you’ll get a half million citations.
The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.
But, but, that just makes you a slave to the Patriarchy. /s
Make him a king he will make you a queen. But he will act like a king.
If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
"See the violence inherent in the system" Kek
Ditto that! I put myself through college and earned a degree and used it for maybe 2 years before "retiring" to be a SAHM. There wasn't a single event in schools where one of my boys didn't look out into the audience and see me. It was all worth it.
Ditto that! But I'm sure your PTA is/was just like mine...there's always a few women who act like the science fair/auction/spaghetti supper, etc is a corporate event where many meetings need to take place, a hierarchy develops, and these moms get the chance to be HBIC like they weren't in high school.
Good for you, you give me hope for women – and humanity.
Oh yes, spending time with your children at home is so so hard.
Interesting how the cigar guy’s nose grows in the « really » pic.
And the girl's belly.
I like the leash on the feminist robot. It really brings it all together.
Just for the sake of accuracy.
Pointy ears are the new schnoz tho
They don't call them useful idiots for nothing. What is even more embarrassing is they literally think they are on the moral high road. Not sure if that's a nod to the cabal's effective work or a dig at the sheer stupidity of low IQ fools.
Psychological warfare has been waged against us since birth. It's astounding when u step back and think about it. How does one come to swallow that fact.
Many just wont. It's just too much to even contemplate. So much so, the sheer thought brings them discomfort, so they go take another blue pill.
People without God have no solid ground to stand on, are easily taken in and misled.
The churches are pretty thoroughly subverted.
And tend to be smug idiots who won't stop harassing you, claiming you have no ground for your morals.
I'm an atheist. I stand on ground that is plenty solid. I'm the opposite of taken in and misled easily. Three different sets of churches(Baptists, Mormon, & Catholic) have tried to brainwash me into believing in god sense I was old enough to walk for the first time. I've never believed them and I've never believed government was a good thing either. I'm a true skeptic... sense birth.
I think you will find when you examine them more closely that these lunatics are not atheists. They have a god. They worship the government. That's what makes them what/who they are.
They are the government. They worship big government. Thus they worship themselves.
See how that works. Its narcissism gone mad. They believe they ARE god. That's not about being godless. Its hubris of the worst kind because it inevitably leads them to believe that they are so wise and powerful that they should have control over all the other peons around them. The little people need their guidance whether they need/want it or not.
Have you been reading your Bible again? Romans 1:22-23 "Professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things."
In their case they make government their god and worship it.
You remind me of myself 10 years ago, and I would ask this; the cabal devotes their life to hiding the reality of everything around us, and they worship other beings, how do you reconcile this?
Yes cabal runs most Christian churches, Catholism, they invented most of the rest. They want to control it because it would be a threat otherwise. The bible is still unaltered enough to get the message, but very low %, even lower % fully awakened with activated pineal gland. Just curious how during a religious war people are still choosing the side of unconvinced atheists.
The only thing dumber than a belief in an invisible god that made everything etc etc... is a belief that the very same god has a son/angel that turned evil and if you do evil shit he will help you. The whole concept of both is just silly. If Satan really did help these people they wouldn't fail so miserably on a constant basis.
I'm not trying to bash on god or people who believe in god. I'm just saying all of it is absolutely 100% no different than the liberal sheep believing with absolute certainty the vaccine will save them from the terror that is covid. The MSM has told them that and they never lie ever...(rolls eyes)
A priest or a parent or a family friend has told you for your whole life that all you have to do to save yourself from the terror of going to hell after you die is just love Jesus yada yada... insert dogma here. The only difference between the liberal MSM/Hollywood and any organized religion/the bible/any god etc is that more people believe it and they've been spewing their propaganda way longer.
There is no proof its real. Its all based on faith and hope. In fact I would go so far as to say that I wholeheartedly believe there was/is most likely absolute proof its all bullshit and that the big churches (especially the Catholics) are hiding that proof or have flat out destroyed it. JUST LIKE the communists. Why? Because it gives them power over the sheep.
IE... Imagine for a moment that the Catholic church 1,900+ years ago came into the possession of one of the twelve apostles personal journal. The type of stuff that was used as source material to write the bible... or confirm its authenticity.
BUT this journal was a detailed account of how Jesus was actually a con man and all the apostles were in on the scam to bilk the people out of as much money as they could. Jesus was actually a set of very charismatic identical twins and they used that to their advantage like a magician might. So when the Romans crucified him... it was just one twin and the other kept the con going giving himself a god-like aura and propelling a simple con into a world wide 2,000 year phenomenon.
You and I both know if evidence like that ever existed it would either be stored in a super secret vault under the Vatican or most likely it was burned. But see the real trick is what if the reason it still exists is because they show it to these evil fuckers that rise to power and that allows them to break any delusions they might have had that they are going to hell for all the evil shit they do. Commence the child sacrifices.
See how that works... and just like the Bible what I've written here is just words written by a man. There is no proof. Its just a theory... but this makes a HELL of a lot more sense than some invisible dude that is all powerful yet never ever seems to actually use his power to help his followers.
Sense this is Q board I'll even bring it back to Q. He says if most people knew the truth it would put them in the hospital. Many people have lots of theories of what this means... so here is my question. If I broke into the Vatican vault, stole that journal, and gave it to you to read(and you did read it)... would it put you in the hospital??? (That's a rhetorical question FYI)
I guess to sum this up my point is that it might be the other way around. The evil people didn't infiltrate the religions. The religions might be the ones creating evil people in the first damn place. Your belief in god might just be a way to control and manipulate you. Just like the lunatic leftists belief in big government is how they control and manipulate their useful idiots.
Put on some dicyanin dye goggles and witness the spirit world as demons dance around you before you talk of no proof.
Of course they do. The Bible warns of the infiltrators in 2 Peter and Jude. They are called sheep in wolves clothes.
Children are taught there is no God from kindergarden through College. They are taught we all came from nothing that exploded, and then dust gathered into a hot ball of magma where rain developed and created pools of water, and then somehow slime formed and walked out of the water and became man. That is a fairy tale. Nothing times something = everything, is the equation of an idiot. This is part of the Democrat Party Platform. They are all idiots. Psalm 14:1 "The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
Yes, I realize The Lord God uses this amazing forum in different ways for different people. For me, GAW.WIN (and all of you incredible Pedes) have been blessing after blessing after blessing. And, after all this time, I realize that our families and our nation have been under attack for generations - at least since WW I. SO MUCH of all that has transpired has been about displacing men, destroying the economy, enslaving the populace.
What I declare to all of you reading here is: relationship with Lord Jesus may be THE most important Red Pill that any of us can take. Truly getting to know Him is "psychedelic" (mind-opening; mind-expanding) and "empowering" in the most literal of senses. This is especially true for men... AND for women.
YES, He is the Christ of the Bible and He is SO MUCH MORE (I don't have the right words). IF we truly want to save this nation; IF we truly want to uphold and enshrine the nuclear family, IF we truly want to defeat the DS and cast out the globalist/corporatist/slave-makers/slave-traders, Jesus our Lord is ABLE! The Resurrected Jesus of Nazareth is KING, Savior, Christ and God. He is NOT among us to bring fear. He is NOT in your heart to bring the peace of complicity. The Precious Lord Almighty God in Christ comes bringing a SWORD to open blinded eyes; to overthrow evil; to cast down idols; to liberate captives. He IS the chain breaker.
He won the war against the DS before the foundation of the world and He is LIGHT in the darkness. The enemy is allowed to continue his blasphemy so that his minions are exposed. The angels of evil WILL NOT win. Our choice is to be as ENTIRELY empowered as we might possibly be. You and I are needed in this war. Might as well have all the best weapons that we could hope for. He's got everything we need. AMEN!
Amen! I think this video goes well with your comment "He IS the chain breaker".
Oh, PRAISE GOD! What a privilege to cross paths here with another fan of The Gaithers. AMEN! He IS freedom! THANK YOU for this!
Same from me to you Fren! That video is from their concert at Carnegie Hall not long after 9/11. I have the DVD:
... and love it! It's a privilege to be a digital warrior for God with you!
Well said!
"Recently Aaron Russo, the producer of Bette Midler’s movies and “America: From Freedom to Fascism” identified all three confirming what I have been saying.
While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women’s liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to “chip us.” Google “Rockefeller Foundation” and “Women’s Studies” and you’ll get a half million citations.
The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family.
Nose checks out.
Its lonely being in a minority of people with IQs higher than our age.
Who nose whos behind the feminist movement of the 70's?
Pay close attention to the lot increase in the size of the nose.
if you try to show them, they just get mad at you and not their manipulators.
His hand is placed on the crevice of her back, demonstrating dominance and his perceived superiority! Rrrreeeeee
This is good lol
Women have been taught that a pedestal is a self-mounting object,