I had Stage III breast cancer when I was 32. It was devastating. The treatment is barbaric. I thought I would die but by God's good graces I survived. Many women under 40, with children, did not survive. Knowing that there is a cure makes me cry. At times I just cannot believe it. The pure evilness of these people is beyond human comprehension. Yes, a cure is a great thing. I hope these monsters rot in hell.
Wouldn't you just love that, you self-righteous prig? Piss off with your imitation Christ and false doctrines. Of all the shit Calvin got wrong, he did get one thing right: God will reconcile all of creation to Himself in the fullness of time. Anything else is not only against the testimony of the scriptures but character assassination against the God that died for all men while we were yet His enemies. You simply don't get it, being given over to strong delusion because you have no love for the actual truth.
Coercion, fear, sensations and seducing spirits are the Christian way. You misunderstand what Hell is and why it exists. You misunderstand the biblical definitions of "everlasting, Hell and forever." Well, answers to those are of no use to you are they? No, which is why you'll perish in your sins
Did you ever stop to consider that evil men do these evil things because they're already in Hell? Regardless, the Lord has come to destroy you and your cohorts with the brightness of His coming-the truth. You and those like you are Satan in the flesh and the Bible makes clear that murders, thieves and whores will enter the kingdom before you ever do.
Your ability to hold power unto yourself while condemning others is finished. God is finished and I'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching the end of all man-made religions and those in them by His doing.
This is unreal. It's a good thing I hope it helps millions. The lies around cancer and those we've buried that passed from cancer. Cancer foundations made billions off of it and did nothing. That whole industry makes me nauseous.
That's actually a great idea. We should be posting references to the official government or university websites and clinical studies about these medicines beyin a cure for cancer - without any reference to COVID. People know these names already, if they realise the medicines can cure cancer they will connect the dots and there is no risk we will get banned, so we can continue.
Unbelievable. From the article: "Since the first report that IVM could reverse tumor multidrug resistance (MDR) in 1996 [22], a few relevant studies have emphasized the potential use of IVM as a new cancer"
Yet they continue to push expensive and lethal treatments.
The excuse for not using ivermectin in the NIH site is that the donations were growing so fast they were trying to fund more research of other medicines.
"Therefore, this review summarized the latest findings on the anticancer effect of IVM and discussed the mechanism of the inhibition of tumor proliferation and the way that IVM induces tumor programmed cell death to provide a theoretical basis for the use of IVM as a potential anticancer drug. As the cost of the research and development of new anticancer drugs continues to increase, drug repositioning has become increasingly important. Drug repositioning refers to the development of new drug indications that have been approved for clinical use [28]. For some older drugs that are widely used for their original indications and have clinical data and safety information, drug repositioning allows them to be developed via a cheaper and faster cycle and to be used more effectively in clinical use clinically [29]. Here, we systematically summarized the anticancer effect and mechanism of IVM, which is of great significance for the repositioning of IVM for cancer treatment."
Did that paragraph sound like on giant circle back kind of thing to you? Who's really buying the "donations were growing so fast..." You can't help but wonder what they did with all of those "donations". My guess is some for research and the rest for suppression of things not so deadly that actually work.
Fasting is also a huge contributor to reducing your chances of getting cancer, due to cancer cells requiring a larger than normal amount of energy. Cut that off very early on and they don't have a chance to grow as large as they do. This is precisely why the Muslims, who practice fasting 1 month a year, are 3x less likely to die of it statistically. Fasting also helps replenish white blood cells and cleans the gut. I only do it once a month for 24 hours, but some people on the extreme go 5 days without eating. If everyone in your family gets cancer.... this might be recommended after some practice?
It's interesting because I've heard of vets recommending this to pets if they're sick. But not once have I heard any hospital or clinic ever recommending it to humans under any circumstance! We've gone through A LOT of purging of science and medicine in the medical establishment, all for the purposes of extracting as much money as possible out of people.
A surprisingly large number of natural supplements (and some OTC and Rx pharma products) fight cancer. None of these are magic bullets but all of them have shown some efficacy at preventing, slowing, or even eliminating existing cancer from some patients.
Cancer is an extremely complex disease and cancer cells often mutate (that's one reason that chemo treatments often drop off in effectiveness). There are also different types of cancer; "breast cancer" can be one of several types and the same is true for cancer in every organ. A treatment that helps with one cancer line may have little or no effect on another.
Some things that studies show help prevent cancer and fight existing cancer include curcumin (an extract of turmeric), grape seed extract, resveratrol, cruciferous vegetable (broccoli, cabbage, etc) extracts -- in fact, almost every fruit or vegetable extract seems to have some anti-cancer activity. Cranberry, for instance, has been known (for decades) to help prevent urinary infections, and that's the ONLY thing I ever heard about it, but recently (in the last few years) it's been found that cranberry has anti-cancer activity also. Melatonin is known for helping (some) people get to sleep and to help reset the circadian rhythm but, in larger doses (20 mg for instance) it also fights cancer.
There's more -- a LOT more -- but this is a quick comment, not a detailed article. CAVEAT -- This isn't medical advice; it's just some text on the internet. Do your own research.
Metformin (for type-2 diabetes) actually causes peripheral neuropathy, and any diabetes Dr will tell you the diabetes caused it. I'm aware of the cancer studies, BUT guess what they give you for peripheral neuropathy? Lyrica or Gabapentin. (Made by Pfizer btw). Oh, didn't Pfizer mention Lyrica kills brain cells (neurons) AND is addictive? Miss a dose and voila!!! ANXIETY ATTACK DELUXE!! Quick, prescribe xanax...do I effin need to go-on??? So if you're stuck with Type-2 diabetes and must take your Metformin...take a big dose of B-12 with it to help your neurons from losing their coating giving the P-Neuropathy. I lived that path and Lyrica is my last of 13 prescriptions. I'm weaning-off, but the anxiety it produces w/out it is a b1tch. Here's another fun fact...now Pfizers full contract to make Lyrica ran-out a couple years ago so generic Pregabalin from India took most of Lyricas footprint away AND...it's so much less refined than Lyrica the Pregabalins side effects are tons worse. FU BIG PHARMA & GTH!!! 🖕🏻
I've been on metformin for decades; no peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes itself IS a major cause of peripheral neuropathy, this is well established. Alpha-lipoic acid (or even better, R-lipoic acid, the active of the two isomers) has long been used, successfully in my case and many others, to prevent or lessen that symptom. From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6723188/. :
α-lipoic acid (ALA, thioctic acid) is an organosulfur component produced from plants, animals, and humans. It has various properties, among them great antioxidant potential and is widely used as a racemic drug for diabetic polyneuropathy-associated pain and paresthesia.
You seem to be on to something about the B12 issue; those using Metformin should probably supplement with B12. Here's the Abstract from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20134380/ :
Chronic metformin use results in vitamin B12 deficiency in 30% of patients. Exhaustion of vitamin B12 stores usually occurs after twelve to fifteen years of absolute vitamin B12 deficiency. Metformin has been available in the United States for approximately fifteen years. Vitamin B12 deficiency, which may present without anemia and as a peripheral neuropathy, is often misdiagnosed as diabetic neuropathy, although the clinical findings are usually different. Failure to diagnose the cause of the neuropathy will result in progression of central and/or peripheral neuronal damage which can be arrested but not reversed with vitamin B12 replacement. To my knowledge, this is the first report of metformin-induced vitamin B12 deficiency causing neuropathy.
Yeah I lost the source but a Dr did a video about Metformin & B-12…and the ties to P-Neuropathy. Anyway I also now use Alpha Lipoic Acid AND Benfotiamine (precursor to all B Vitamins). Good to go! My A1C has been at about 5.7 for 2 years…diabetes gone since losing 65 lbs post chemotherapy. Great comments 👍🏽
Losing that much weight is seriously impressive, not to mention your A1C level.
I supplement with B-12 (and a huge number of other things) but I'm glad you brought it up; I know others on metformin and I'll pass your info along to them. Most people are borderline-deficient in B-12 as it is, metformin or no. Benfotiamine showed a dramatic positive effect at 1050mg/day in one study and I've been taking that much ever since; didn't know it was a precursor to other B vitamins though. Carnosine is another strong inhibitor of glycation that works best at higher doses; I take about 2,000mg.
Keep on staying healthy; you're a great resource here.
My wife has cancer Stage 3 Myeloma Multiple. I wish I could get some for her. I'm thankful she was here for Christmas and I'm praying for Easter with her. Beyond that I fear her end is near.
I'm very sorry about your wife. I hope she will try some of the cures that we've discovered. Most of my family , my mom, sister,step-dad, and grand-father, were all taken out by cancer. I wish I had known about these cures. I think they could have been saved. I know if I ever get it I will NOT do chemo or radiation.
Make a post. There are so many survivors here and their stories are amazing and all seem to align, ask them for their experiences and knowledge from hours of research and personal experience. Ask for their help and prayers. Praying for her now!
Cancer is a hoqx and 100% reversible with raw meat like all other diseases but thanks tho. Research Aajonus Vonderplanitz if u want to escape the delysion where u believe medicine works it doesnt if u believed that u are severaly misinformes
I had Stage III breast cancer when I was 32. It was devastating. The treatment is barbaric. I thought I would die but by God's good graces I survived. Many women under 40, with children, did not survive. Knowing that there is a cure makes me cry. At times I just cannot believe it. The pure evilness of these people is beyond human comprehension. Yes, a cure is a great thing. I hope these monsters rot in hell.
The "American Cancer Society" is NOT a society to cure cancer - it's their FUCKING MISSION!
Just like the "American Diabetes Association" is NOT a society to cure diabetes - it's their FUCKING MISSION!
Kevin Trudeau said the same thing in one of his books. The same with the "diet" industry. They put him in jail for fraud.
All BS. Money maker, that is it.
Yes, controlled opposition.
They didn't touch the real you.
They will rot in hell for all eternity... u/AwakeJesusisComing21
Wouldn't you just love that, you self-righteous prig? Piss off with your imitation Christ and false doctrines. Of all the shit Calvin got wrong, he did get one thing right: God will reconcile all of creation to Himself in the fullness of time. Anything else is not only against the testimony of the scriptures but character assassination against the God that died for all men while we were yet His enemies. You simply don't get it, being given over to strong delusion because you have no love for the actual truth.
Coercion, fear, sensations and seducing spirits are the Christian way. You misunderstand what Hell is and why it exists. You misunderstand the biblical definitions of "everlasting, Hell and forever." Well, answers to those are of no use to you are they? No, which is why you'll perish in your sins
Did you ever stop to consider that evil men do these evil things because they're already in Hell? Regardless, the Lord has come to destroy you and your cohorts with the brightness of His coming-the truth. You and those like you are Satan in the flesh and the Bible makes clear that murders, thieves and whores will enter the kingdom before you ever do.
Your ability to hold power unto yourself while condemning others is finished. God is finished and I'm going to thoroughly enjoy watching the end of all man-made religions and those in them by His doing.
Who shit on your breakfast this morning?
This is unreal. It's a good thing I hope it helps millions. The lies around cancer and those we've buried that passed from cancer. Cancer foundations made billions off of it and did nothing. That whole industry makes me nauseous.
Cancer "cures" only make you money up front, they're not a subscription.
That's actually a great idea. We should be posting references to the official government or university websites and clinical studies about these medicines beyin a cure for cancer - without any reference to COVID. People know these names already, if they realise the medicines can cure cancer they will connect the dots and there is no risk we will get banned, so we can continue.
Unbelievable. From the article: "Since the first report that IVM could reverse tumor multidrug resistance (MDR) in 1996 [22], a few relevant studies have emphasized the potential use of IVM as a new cancer"
Yet they continue to push expensive and lethal treatments.
The excuse for not using ivermectin in the NIH site is that the donations were growing so fast they were trying to fund more research of other medicines.
"Therefore, this review summarized the latest findings on the anticancer effect of IVM and discussed the mechanism of the inhibition of tumor proliferation and the way that IVM induces tumor programmed cell death to provide a theoretical basis for the use of IVM as a potential anticancer drug. As the cost of the research and development of new anticancer drugs continues to increase, drug repositioning has become increasingly important. Drug repositioning refers to the development of new drug indications that have been approved for clinical use [28]. For some older drugs that are widely used for their original indications and have clinical data and safety information, drug repositioning allows them to be developed via a cheaper and faster cycle and to be used more effectively in clinical use clinically [29]. Here, we systematically summarized the anticancer effect and mechanism of IVM, which is of great significance for the repositioning of IVM for cancer treatment."
Did that paragraph sound like on giant circle back kind of thing to you? Who's really buying the "donations were growing so fast..." You can't help but wonder what they did with all of those "donations". My guess is some for research and the rest for suppression of things not so deadly that actually work.
The medical establishment doesn't even speak of curing cancer. Now it's just no evidence of disease.
Fasting is also a huge contributor to reducing your chances of getting cancer, due to cancer cells requiring a larger than normal amount of energy. Cut that off very early on and they don't have a chance to grow as large as they do. This is precisely why the Muslims, who practice fasting 1 month a year, are 3x less likely to die of it statistically. Fasting also helps replenish white blood cells and cleans the gut. I only do it once a month for 24 hours, but some people on the extreme go 5 days without eating. If everyone in your family gets cancer.... this might be recommended after some practice? It's interesting because I've heard of vets recommending this to pets if they're sick. But not once have I heard any hospital or clinic ever recommending it to humans under any circumstance! We've gone through A LOT of purging of science and medicine in the medical establishment, all for the purposes of extracting as much money as possible out of people.
A surprisingly large number of natural supplements (and some OTC and Rx pharma products) fight cancer. None of these are magic bullets but all of them have shown some efficacy at preventing, slowing, or even eliminating existing cancer from some patients.
Cancer is an extremely complex disease and cancer cells often mutate (that's one reason that chemo treatments often drop off in effectiveness). There are also different types of cancer; "breast cancer" can be one of several types and the same is true for cancer in every organ. A treatment that helps with one cancer line may have little or no effect on another.
Some things that studies show help prevent cancer and fight existing cancer include curcumin (an extract of turmeric), grape seed extract, resveratrol, cruciferous vegetable (broccoli, cabbage, etc) extracts -- in fact, almost every fruit or vegetable extract seems to have some anti-cancer activity. Cranberry, for instance, has been known (for decades) to help prevent urinary infections, and that's the ONLY thing I ever heard about it, but recently (in the last few years) it's been found that cranberry has anti-cancer activity also. Melatonin is known for helping (some) people get to sleep and to help reset the circadian rhythm but, in larger doses (20 mg for instance) it also fights cancer.
Of popular Pharma products, Cimetidine (generic or brand name Tagamet; a heartburn medication) fights certain types of cancers; metformin has been shown to reduce cancer incidence and for that matter, one study found that diabetics on metformin lived longer than non-diabetics who weren't taking the drug; metformin is now in trials as a life-extension therapy.
There's more -- a LOT more -- but this is a quick comment, not a detailed article. CAVEAT -- This isn't medical advice; it's just some text on the internet. Do your own research.
Metformin (for type-2 diabetes) actually causes peripheral neuropathy, and any diabetes Dr will tell you the diabetes caused it. I'm aware of the cancer studies, BUT guess what they give you for peripheral neuropathy? Lyrica or Gabapentin. (Made by Pfizer btw). Oh, didn't Pfizer mention Lyrica kills brain cells (neurons) AND is addictive? Miss a dose and voila!!! ANXIETY ATTACK DELUXE!! Quick, prescribe xanax...do I effin need to go-on??? So if you're stuck with Type-2 diabetes and must take your Metformin...take a big dose of B-12 with it to help your neurons from losing their coating giving the P-Neuropathy. I lived that path and Lyrica is my last of 13 prescriptions. I'm weaning-off, but the anxiety it produces w/out it is a b1tch. Here's another fun fact...now Pfizers full contract to make Lyrica ran-out a couple years ago so generic Pregabalin from India took most of Lyricas footprint away AND...it's so much less refined than Lyrica the Pregabalins side effects are tons worse. FU BIG PHARMA & GTH!!! 🖕🏻
I've been on metformin for decades; no peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes itself IS a major cause of peripheral neuropathy, this is well established. Alpha-lipoic acid (or even better, R-lipoic acid, the active of the two isomers) has long been used, successfully in my case and many others, to prevent or lessen that symptom. From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6723188/. :
You seem to be on to something about the B12 issue; those using Metformin should probably supplement with B12. Here's the Abstract from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20134380/ :
Yeah I lost the source but a Dr did a video about Metformin & B-12…and the ties to P-Neuropathy. Anyway I also now use Alpha Lipoic Acid AND Benfotiamine (precursor to all B Vitamins). Good to go! My A1C has been at about 5.7 for 2 years…diabetes gone since losing 65 lbs post chemotherapy. Great comments 👍🏽
Losing that much weight is seriously impressive, not to mention your A1C level.
I supplement with B-12 (and a huge number of other things) but I'm glad you brought it up; I know others on metformin and I'll pass your info along to them. Most people are borderline-deficient in B-12 as it is, metformin or no. Benfotiamine showed a dramatic positive effect at 1050mg/day in one study and I've been taking that much ever since; didn't know it was a precursor to other B vitamins though. Carnosine is another strong inhibitor of glycation that works best at higher doses; I take about 2,000mg.
Keep on staying healthy; you're a great resource here.
Cinnamon with Chromium IS KEY TOO for type-2 diabetics!!! Read up on it and add it to your regimen asap 💕👍🏽
Many studies proven effective 👍🏽
What other medical miracles exist out there that we do not know about.
My wife has cancer Stage 3 Myeloma Multiple. I wish I could get some for her. I'm thankful she was here for Christmas and I'm praying for Easter with her. Beyond that I fear her end is near.
I'm very sorry about your wife. I hope she will try some of the cures that we've discovered. Most of my family , my mom, sister,step-dad, and grand-father, were all taken out by cancer. I wish I had known about these cures. I think they could have been saved. I know if I ever get it I will NOT do chemo or radiation.
You can go here to get ivermectin https://www.reliablecanadianpharmacy.com/login
You don't actually need a prescription. I'm not sure where to get fenbendazol
I know of people who have used the canine and equine versions.
Fenben from chewy.com. $2/day, Safeguard Small Dog dewormer correct dosage.
Make a post. There are so many survivors here and their stories are amazing and all seem to align, ask them for their experiences and knowledge from hours of research and personal experience. Ask for their help and prayers. Praying for her now!
Praying for you both! Please go to:
And look up Myeloma Multiple to see if others with her type of cancer have their stories online.
Cut our all sugar from her diet
Pray with authority over her body for healing. The Disciples healed just as Jesus did..."be healed" "rise up and walk"...always in Jesus name.
God bless you both! 🙏🙌
St Jude hospital needs no cure so they can keep operating.
Look into GcMAF
Cancer is a hoqx and 100% reversible with raw meat like all other diseases but thanks tho. Research Aajonus Vonderplanitz if u want to escape the delysion where u believe medicine works it doesnt if u believed that u are severaly misinformes
As a childhood cancer survivor, I'm glad to know this.
Hey frens, any idea where I can safely purchase Ivermectin?
I did see something about this could someone help me jump down the rabbit hole?
Start here