The cabal is going to hate those cards. Look to see them try to pass laws. kek
The little guys are fighting back in every way you can imagine. When you see these type of ground roots actions you know people are awake, and taking action.
This kind of stuff is very underrated. We think we can't do anything, but little things like this help a lot- we remoralize others when they see that others are out there spreading info in the real world, and we at least put info in normies faces who otherwise would never get to see it.
Just think of the act of putting a bumper sticker in a crowded area, say a crowded parking lot or somewhere in a subway- in some places 1000+ people will see that in a week. How much effort does placing a bumper sticker take? 5 seconds?
I did something similar in 2020 where I made flyers and handed them out showing that masks are ineffective, complete with archived references and an official CDC flyer on the reverse. I'm glad someone is doing this. Everyone should be doing it.
This is a brilliant idea. We could make different ones with facts and based websites. Print them on business cards at home and drop and few here and there over time. Put them on bulletin boards, waiting rooms, restaurants, stores, etc.
Or cards could have different information on each side:
Statement about the number of deaths after shots. Link to information.
Listing all the ingredients in the shots: nanobots, graphene oxide, parasites, stainless steel, etc. Links to microscopy photos and studies.
NWO wants 90% of us dead, Depopulation. Klaus Schwab wrote a book telling how people need to die, starting with whites and Europeans first. Link.
DS uses bribery and blackmail together to control politicians and people with power. To join the cabal, you must compromise yourself with pedophilia so they can trust you and let you in.
I went to an Art Basel one year where an entire hotel on Miami Beach had been taken over by storm troopers. Life sized cardboard cutouts on balconies. Some would be rearranged every day, doing normal things like reading the newspaper, having a coffee, etc. And that was the artist's exhibit.
Yes I watch the news and read too. It's still just the flu. Malpractice is probably what you should replace all covid deaths with. I know two people personally that popped a lung under treatment. How did covid do that?
Everyones Mom knows Ventilators are the cause of the malpractice. But its their covid protocols that are causing these idiots to blindly treat a sickness that they don't have. I'm not confused. I was being sarcastic....
OMG, that is awesome.
The cabal is going to hate those cards. Look to see them try to pass laws. kek
The little guys are fighting back in every way you can imagine. When you see these type of ground roots actions you know people are awake, and taking action.
The pamphleteers are back!
Dropped em by airplane
This is the way!
This is the way.
This is the way.
This kind of stuff is very underrated. We think we can't do anything, but little things like this help a lot- we remoralize others when they see that others are out there spreading info in the real world, and we at least put info in normies faces who otherwise would never get to see it.
Just think of the act of putting a bumper sticker in a crowded area, say a crowded parking lot or somewhere in a subway- in some places 1000+ people will see that in a week. How much effort does placing a bumper sticker take? 5 seconds?
I want the template for this.....
I did something similar in 2020 where I made flyers and handed them out showing that masks are ineffective, complete with archived references and an official CDC flyer on the reverse. I'm glad someone is doing this. Everyone should be doing it.
This is a brilliant idea. We could make different ones with facts and based websites. Print them on business cards at home and drop and few here and there over time. Put them on bulletin boards, waiting rooms, restaurants, stores, etc.
Or cards could have different information on each side:
Statement about the number of deaths after shots. Link to information.
Listing all the ingredients in the shots: nanobots, graphene oxide, parasites, stainless steel, etc. Links to microscopy photos and studies.
NWO wants 90% of us dead, Depopulation. Klaus Schwab wrote a book telling how people need to die, starting with whites and Europeans first. Link.
DS uses bribery and blackmail together to control politicians and people with power. To join the cabal, you must compromise yourself with pedophilia so they can trust you and let you in.
It's cheap, discreet and effective.
This is the f-ing way. Im gonna litter this all over Costco. Am I still a fag if I wear a mask while doing this. 😂🤔🙄
Well, I think that only applies if your working undercover for the FBI. So, no, you're good!
I will still shimmy my mask below the nostrils once I pass the stormtroopers out front though.
That's the way! They infiltrate us, why not pay'em back by spreading the good word!!!
Lol now I'm picturing stormtroopers wearing masks🐸Ahh the Comic-Con possibilities...
I went to an Art Basel one year where an entire hotel on Miami Beach had been taken over by storm troopers. Life sized cardboard cutouts on balconies. Some would be rearranged every day, doing normal things like reading the newspaper, having a coffee, etc. And that was the artist's exhibit.
That’s pretty awesome
Lol that's awesome🐸
Now scatter them in nursing homes, clinics, hospitals, where people are motivated to get a better treatment.
Noice red pill there. Great job whoever you are.
What a great service to humanity. Great idea.
Good idea! let's print a ton and spread.
“What would you like in your burrito, sir?”
“Let me get some guacamole, beans, tomatoes, and a squirt of pasto caballo.”
Should say Covid/Flu since its just the flu.
Yes I watch the news and read too. It's still just the flu. Malpractice is probably what you should replace all covid deaths with. I know two people personally that popped a lung under treatment. How did covid do that?
Everyones Mom knows Ventilators are the cause of the malpractice. But its their covid protocols that are causing these idiots to blindly treat a sickness that they don't have. I'm not confused. I was being sarcastic....
Lol took a long time to think up that response didn't ya?
Has anyone used one of the pharms on their site to get ivm?
Where did you order from?
Nice idea.
Where can I get some?
It took about a month to arrive, but I used
Make Flyers and put under windshield wipers.
Buy a billboard.
Sen Johnsons adverse reaction chart would be awesome on the back.
Ooo that sucks. Glad y'all are better. How much per day worked for you?
Thanks 👌
👌Thank you❤
How do you know if the tests don't work?
Right, you don't know. Got it.