You must bare in mind that each of the 16 German Bundesländer (States) has its own rules. Example: you start a ride from north to south in a car with four people of three households, Beware! Only one unvaccinated passenger allowed! Then you cross over from Hamburg to Lower Saxony and now one passenger has to exit the car because in Lower Saxony it`s only legal for two different households are allowed for it´s the unvaccinated who knows the way. Then all have to put on face masks except for the driver.
Strict logic :-/ And then you have to follow the governments changes of the rules. Maybe there are curfews in some of the cities next week.
Most of the people are deeply depressed and confused. But maybe some of them choose to walk on Monday and join the growing number of no-sayers.
Exactly. Some people get pissed more and more, but on the other hand there's folks that just follow the ridiculous rules without asking ANY questions. But more and more people get tired of this bullshit, sometimes I think these "rules" are just a wake up program for the hardcore sheeple.
These things all make sense when you realise the actual logic is to pressure/punish anyone who doesn't hasn't conceded to MRNA injections, and thereafter to pressure/punish anyone who isn't conceding to boosters.
It was never about health or virus spread, it was always about pushing drugs.
The cars are nice, but the companies became woke like shit, Mercedes, BMW, Audi. Promoting the vax, climate change here, e-mobility there... I almost regret driving an Audi.
founded by rebels against unjust authority. We'll put up with a lot of bullshit, but we have our limits, and thankfully our founders had enough foresight and enough disagreement among them to draft a founding document that gives us a modicum of protection from the whims of would-be autocrats...
for the record, I'm sorry if I upset you. I've no doubt the Germans are good people, but it's hard to ignore how often they let themselves be ruled by tyrants, even though I can understand some of that comes from cultural history, given the various empires that tried to (edit) conquer(/edit) them in the past..
German here: Talked about this with a friend a week ago: He said: "What you don't get is that this is genious! The only ones allowed to participate without tests are the tiple vaxxed. And that's why they do it: To get them to do it."
You must bare in mind that each of the 16 German Bundesländer (States) has its own rules. Example: you start a ride from north to south in a car with four people of three households, Beware! Only one unvaccinated passenger allowed! Then you cross over from Hamburg to Lower Saxony and now one passenger has to exit the car because in Lower Saxony it`s only legal for two different households are allowed for it´s the unvaccinated who knows the way. Then all have to put on face masks except for the driver.
Strict logic :-/ And then you have to follow the governments changes of the rules. Maybe there are curfews in some of the cities next week.
Most of the people are deeply depressed and confused. But maybe some of them choose to walk on Monday and join the growing number of no-sayers.
Never forget entire ethnicities in Europe are based in countries smaller than half of our states.
Never go full retard.
Exactly. Some people get pissed more and more, but on the other hand there's folks that just follow the ridiculous rules without asking ANY questions. But more and more people get tired of this bullshit, sometimes I think these "rules" are just a wake up program for the hardcore sheeple.
Truly you have a dizzying intellect.
Germany better wake up soon, I’ve got tickets to Passionspiele this year.
Usa also roger waters coming in july also bob weir and wolf brothers in March can't go with covid shit
It’s by design to demoralize citizens. It’s all part of the brainwashing process. Meanwhile, the elites are mocking us. (See twerking nurses)
It's not supposed to make sense. Truly Orwellian
Germans have always been stricken with the disease of overthought.
These things all make sense when you realise the actual logic is to pressure/punish anyone who doesn't hasn't conceded to MRNA injections, and thereafter to pressure/punish anyone who isn't conceding to boosters.
It was never about health or virus spread, it was always about pushing drugs.
Germany - some things never change
But Damn do they make nice cars
The cars are nice, but the companies became woke like shit, Mercedes, BMW, Audi. Promoting the vax, climate change here, e-mobility there... I almost regret driving an Audi.
Porsche ?
VW, mother company. Same as Audi.
I still drive American.
I drive a ford myself but the most I can say is it was built in north america (mexico)
I've no doubt Germans are nice people, but good lord are they sheep...
Why do you think they fall to tyranny every other generation?
the strong, efficient, intelligent, and empathetic are the ones most likely to be the primary target for parasites probably 🙄
not like australia or canada is any better right now.
usa ain't a whole lot better either but i'm optimistic
founded by rebels against unjust authority. We'll put up with a lot of bullshit, but we have our limits, and thankfully our founders had enough foresight and enough disagreement among them to draft a founding document that gives us a modicum of protection from the whims of would-be autocrats...
for the record, I'm sorry if I upset you. I've no doubt the Germans are good people, but it's hard to ignore how often they let themselves be ruled by tyrants, even though I can understand some of that comes from cultural history, given the various empires that tried to (edit) conquer(/edit) them in the past..
And everyone says they’re so damn smart…
German here: Talked about this with a friend a week ago: He said: "What you don't get is that this is genious! The only ones allowed to participate without tests are the tiple vaxxed. And that's why they do it: To get them to do it."
Y'all just remember where "Critical Theory", etc. came from, to begin with.
. . . The Frankfort School, et. al.