She is good or it is all theater. As we know dems and repubs are on the same team They are likely just trying to make us believe it isnt a rigged game. They didnt want the filibuster to end, it makes things easier for them.
Yeah, wise guy, perhaps someone named Sinema isn't a plant chosen because of her name as a wink and a nod that this is a movie.
Or it is a movie and the deep state wants us to think her and Manchin are these secret heroes when they never intended to vote the way we thought and this is a way to make us feel like we won?
Anything is possible and I think it's prudent to be watchful and not get comfortable.
Right I understand but perhaps she is another example of the cabal's symbolism and the movie is another Hollywoodesque theatrical play on us.
Reminds me of when WEF starlette, Bernie loving Tulsi Gabbard says a couple of based things and people celebrate her despite her voting record.
I'm just a bit suspicious of this, especially with Manchin involved who is always used to "stand up" when they seem to "need to win" but lose on something that they perhaps don't intend of passing but want to appear like they do so that we feel like we won a victory and get placate.
Maybe they know that with the tide turning, passing the filibuster rules and voting bill would be too much so they appear to try and lose so we get cozy and feel like things are going well.
Some demonrats still have that JFK mindset. Funny thing is JFK would need to run as a Republican if he were alive today. Can you believe a demonrat said “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”?
Sinema is a white hat plant IMO.
Either that or she cheated, got caught and the white hats now control her.
Don't forget she had a boot on, right after she was "elected"
Hmm I did not know that
Me, either!
Thanks that make you go hmmmm?
They followed her into the bathroom and scared the shit out of her. Would you vote to help the douche bags that did it?
That's more theatrics. She didn't even flinch.
Your last part is most likely.
I am tired of Sinema's voting record being paved over by orchestrated red herrings.
She is good or it is all theater. As we know dems and repubs are on the same team They are likely just trying to make us believe it isnt a rigged game. They didnt want the filibuster to end, it makes things easier for them.
It’s the illusion of ‘sides’
Her name is Sinema, pronounced “cinema”… enjoy the show.
Some people's last name is "Black" and they're not black. Some people's last name is "White" and they're not white.
Well some black people do have the last name “Black” and some white people do have the last name “White”. Any more brain busters?
Yeah, wise guy, perhaps someone named Sinema isn't a plant chosen because of her name as a wink and a nod that this is a movie.
Or it is a movie and the deep state wants us to think her and Manchin are these secret heroes when they never intended to vote the way we thought and this is a way to make us feel like we won?
Anything is possible and I think it's prudent to be watchful and not get comfortable.
Yes yes, of course. Just mentioning…
Right I understand but perhaps she is another example of the cabal's symbolism and the movie is another Hollywoodesque theatrical play on us.
Reminds me of when WEF starlette, Bernie loving Tulsi Gabbard says a couple of based things and people celebrate her despite her voting record.
I'm just a bit suspicious of this, especially with Manchin involved who is always used to "stand up" when they seem to "need to win" but lose on something that they perhaps don't intend of passing but want to appear like they do so that we feel like we won a victory and get placate.
Maybe they know that with the tide turning, passing the filibuster rules and voting bill would be too much so they appear to try and lose so we get cozy and feel like things are going well.
Well there are republicans in name only, why can't it be the same with some dems?
I don't really care what party she is right now, she did what she did to save our nation.
Or to save her seat.
Did you watch the video?
So the problem is......?
She still sucks and is a horrible person.
Some demonrats still have that JFK mindset. Funny thing is JFK would need to run as a Republican if he were alive today. Can you believe a demonrat said “Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country”?
Thank you for this, this'll be good to share with family.
She's not on our side.
She might be able to avoid the rope, but once this is over she must be banned from all politics for cheating.
Republicans have RINO's...
Democrats have ...DINO's??
Fitting since they're entire party is going to meet the same fate soon...
She and Mansion are only in it for the power and they only get to retain their power if their constituents vote them in again.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
DINO (Deepstate In Name Only).
still a deep state though.
She’s hot.
The motion failed 48-52.
As in the past, her vote didn't matter. Manchin was never going to vote for it.
Exactly what does a censure deprive her of?
It's theatrics.
Exactly, theatrics.
I'm not complaining, but she's about as trustworthy as the 50 RINOs who also pretend to have our interests at heart.
Is there a single Republican Senator you'd trust?
Rand Paul is...okay.
I liked his Dad more, but I'll give you that one.
Just wish he'd deliver the KO punch on Fauci, because he's really close to doing so and just doesn't pull the trigger.
Rand Paul?
I'm actually surprised nobody has said Josh Hawley.
Rand is close to someone I'd trust, but he's not his Dad.
Rand is one of my representatives so he comes to mind first.. i'll have to follow Josh Hawley more, thanks for the recommendation
Remind me, who is your other Senator?
(I am fully aware of who he is)
Kentucky needs to fix itself. Too many good pedes there to allow so many cucks.
But South Carolina has you beat.
I've voted against the other one my entire adult life. Let's not forget the game is rigged.
I trust senator mike enzi of wyoming. He retired in2018 & broke his neck riding a bicycle. RIP
Always like hearing exceptions to the rule.