Most importantly I will not forget the people in my life that contributed to this nightmare. Likewise I won't forget those who had the moral courage to resist.
"Feet to the flame" eh? Hahahaha, no, that's just the warm up act. These people need to get Medieval treatment... hanging, drawing, quartering.... castration... and then thrown to the pigs for their final minutes.
The medieval torture musems in Europe have some very interesting and effective means of execution. Pay per view that shit and pay off the National debt.
1). Absolutely can guarantee zero recidivism
2). It creates a memory that everyone will remember for the rest of their life
3). It REDEFINES a position that mankind has held for centuries; that desperately needs to be reaffirmed 4). It lets the “next in line for promotion” know that the threat of law enforcement is “real”
5). Those who prospered over this fraud are punished; and their gains are confiscated at a rate of 10x.
Destroy the corporation that created this
Kill those who promoted it
And this stops. For another several decades; until people get soft again
Add to the list of those held accountable: CDC, FDA, NIH, DARPA, AMA, ANA, AAP, Boards of Public Health, Hospitals, Hospital Administrators, Doctors, Nurses, CNPs, School Boards who forced masks on children without scientific evidence, police officers who arrested business owners, patrons, citizens, children for not wearing masks or showing Covid shot passports, media, Congress who sat and did nothing about mandates while in turn being treated with ivermectin, media who pushed false information for the government, Big Pharma. This is just pertaining to Covid. We still have pedophilia and election fraud, finance (price regulation of precious metals, stock market, interest rates).
Absolutely correct - every last one of them around the world, politicians, doctors, media the lot!
Especially the media.
99.98% recovery rate pandemic.
Will you forgive the top wealthiest doubling their chips?
Not this time.
Nope, They do suck and they're disgusting POS.
But the highest level of hatred & disgust goes Doctors/Medical Staff pushing jabs into children.
They are now tied with Catholic Priests and their congregations that continue to support & fund them.
Most importantly I will not forget the people in my life that contributed to this nightmare. Likewise I won't forget those who had the moral courage to resist.
No Branch Covidian gets a pass from me.
Holding Pelosi to a fire would be quite the event, given the ammount of flammable content on her
Its a wonder she doesn't spontaneously combust without any external aid.
Offer her a lit cigarette and retire to safety!
Or a flaming brandy crepe...
Don’t mention brandy, she may like that.
Or melt when hit with a bucket of water?
Ole Nan is going to retire.
Would she actually burn or just melt? Asking for a friend...
likely 'holy water' will melt her.
"Feet to the flame" eh? Hahahaha, no, that's just the warm up act. These people need to get Medieval treatment... hanging, drawing, quartering.... castration... and then thrown to the pigs for their final minutes.
Kazakhstan has entered the chat:
As Joe Rogan would say, "it's entirely possible."
Iron Maiden
The medieval torture musems in Europe have some very interesting and effective means of execution. Pay per view that shit and pay off the National debt.
The Comanche Indians had some interesting ideas.
I like burning at the stake personally.
Hanging those who are guilty solves many problems
1). Absolutely can guarantee zero recidivism 2). It creates a memory that everyone will remember for the rest of their life 3). It REDEFINES a position that mankind has held for centuries; that desperately needs to be reaffirmed 4). It lets the “next in line for promotion” know that the threat of law enforcement is “real” 5). Those who prospered over this fraud are punished; and their gains are confiscated at a rate of 10x.
Destroy the corporation that created this Kill those who promoted it
And this stops. For another several decades; until people get soft again
And the Branch Covidians. Brainwashing is not an excuse for the millions of lives they helped destroy.
Add to the list of those held accountable: CDC, FDA, NIH, DARPA, AMA, ANA, AAP, Boards of Public Health, Hospitals, Hospital Administrators, Doctors, Nurses, CNPs, School Boards who forced masks on children without scientific evidence, police officers who arrested business owners, patrons, citizens, children for not wearing masks or showing Covid shot passports, media, Congress who sat and did nothing about mandates while in turn being treated with ivermectin, media who pushed false information for the government, Big Pharma. This is just pertaining to Covid. We still have pedophilia and election fraud, finance (price regulation of precious metals, stock market, interest rates).
Is there a website tracking all of these assholes?
Burning them at the stake would be holding their feet to the fire, right? Two birds with one stone?
And Republicans never will hold anyone to the fire.
Which means a higher authority comes in or else nothing changes.
Thus… the Plan.
I’m starting to believe. Not as fast as some people want me too, as they continue to try to get me out of here. But I’m coming around.
They are all Complicit. Like the old westerns....." You ride with the thieves, You die with the thieves" Hang them all!!!
Can we just put them in the flames instead?
Enter stage right Russia / Ukraine distraction.
They need to swing. Nothing less.
Not been held accountable - yet. There are many who still want to see justice done.
You mean like Salem witch burnings? Only this time around totally legit?
You sonofabitch....I'm in.👍
High res screenshot. Nice going OP. A rare treat.
We must hold their heads under the pneumatic guillotines and make sure their heads are removed.
They need collective amnesia to kick in. Never give it to them.
A reckoning the likes of which the world has never seen is upon us. We will never forget! They will not get away with this.
I don't think there will be a shortage of people coming forward and demanding this!
Bigger than politicians. Many folks got very rich off this.