Here is a thought. What would happen if as soon as Breyer retires Georgia proves that the special election for its Senators back on Jan 5th 2021 was stolen and therefore cancelled. Then the Senate would be 50 Republican's and 48 Democrats. Republican Governor would pick the two replacements.
Talk about libs losing their minds. It would be awesome.
Boy that would make me laugh!
Breyer isn't retiring until late June/early July and only if an appointee has been approved by congress. Breyer and Demtards aren't leaving anything to chance.
If the Georgia special Senate election were overturned it would not matter. The left would have lost their last chance before they are crushed in the next election. Besides I don't think they start the process until he actually retires.
The constitution does not limit the number of justices. The court can operate with 8, or 10, or 5. It started with 6 for many years, then 7, then 9. The President could nominate 3 people tomorrow, and if they were confirmed by the Senate, they'd be justices. That's what all the talk of stacking the court was about- appointing extra people just because you can.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the congress and senate votes on size of court. Prez can't just nominate 3 judges.
Yes he can, but every nomination must be approved by the Senate. So, it's the President and Senate together. The constitution is very clear. It's just tradition that keeps it at 9. If they stopped approving, the court would decline by attrition. If they approved 5 more, there would be 5 more. President can't do it alone; Senate can't do it alone.
How is the number of justices on the Supreme Court determined?
Who decides how many Justices are on the Court? Have there always been nine? The Constitution places the power to determine the number of Justices in the hands of Congress. The first Judiciary Act, passed in 1789, set the number of Justices at six, one Chief Justice and five Associates. How many Supreme Court justice seats are there?
Over the years, various Acts of Congress have altered the number of seats on the Supreme Court, from a low of five to a high of 10. Shortly after the Civil War, the number of seats on the Court was fixed at nine. Today, there is one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices of the United States Supreme Court. Can you add justices to the Supreme Court?
Congress has not changed the number of justices since the 1869 act. In sum, over time, Congress has enacted statutes adding and subtracting Supreme Court justices. It may also relate to President Franklin Roosevelt’s attempt to expand the court in 1937.
It appears Congress decides the NUMBER of supreme court seats.
Thanks for correcting me. I was only reading the constitution, not congressional acts.
Kemp is a faggot… knows he is going down…. Will do anything to avoid it. He will side with the deepstate in the end
big brain on brad! I like this very much
Patriots in control! Moves and counter moves. That would be awesome. Then maybe we can see that 9-0 Supreme Court decision Lindell’s been teasing us with.
When I first heard about Breyer, I told my wife "wanna bet he didn't know he was retiring yet until he heard it on the news. "
He needs to retire and focus on his ice cream. Honk honk.
Roberts next!
You sir are my new Hopium dealer!
The same “republican” governor that stonewalled any investigation into the election? You think he’d appoint Patriots?
Maybe not but it would still take some time. Time is on our side
Or they can leave the seat open, that makes a 6-2 mafority 0r 5-3 with roberts going left.
It’s my understanding that any replacements must be from the same party.
From what I understand the Governor picks from his own party or anyone he wants. Or he can call for a special election.
There would be very little time to get a special election in and a Justice sworn in before 2023 if this were to happen after June/July
Completely depends on the individual state.