CNN is in serious trouble! They need a strong new leader, FAST, someone with experience bringing together low moral(e) companies with rapidly disintegrating cultures AND who can prepare CNN for the TruthSocial coming in 3 weeks! How many black women THAT GOOD are in that tiny talent pool??? PANIC!

Watch them hire Whoopi Goldberg 🤣🤣
🤣 was thinking the same thing... She might even be available.
The Punisher is surveying the landscape
you beat me to it.
I don't know why hiring a black woman would be so difficult.
Just hire a white male, and say he "identifies" as a strong, black woman(tm).
Problem solved!
Would love to see Trump purchase it!
Nobody wants CNN, certainly it will be bad business.
It’s infrastructure has value.
They should be forced to hire Alex Jones as interim president, while Jones seeks to find a replacement.
I always thought Shroyer was being groomed to be his replacement.
I think you are right.
They’re the new “sorry mr resident, I have a scheduling conflict so I can’t make your local event” network
Stacys first order of business would be to break out the oppressive glass on all the vending machines. Those are the peoples candy bars. Next she calls maintenance because the free cable in her office only plays crappy CNN.
I hope Trump uses DWAC to buy the controlling interest of cnn and appoints himself as CEO.
What if Trump already bought CNN and Zuckerberg was the first axing?
Paging Rachel Dolezol..........
CNN could hire Donald Trump Jr.
"Need a Strong leader" LOL. How about GO AWAY
New movies are coming out constantly, but I'd wager most relatively recent movies are now on streaming services like Netflix, hbo+, Disney+, Paramount+, etc.
I know but it will give more money to the cabal and I do not think a lot of people have money to see those services. I am poor and can’t pay but I am lucky to live with my sister.
Stream using something like "Cinema HD" for free
Thank you so much and God bless.
Yup, you got it. I use an Amazon firestick (4k version, it had faster hardware but the cheaper ones work too) they're on sale regularly.
Once you get it, this site goes step by step on what to do:
There are a lot more things you can add than cinema, like sports streaming (you can even catch UFC and boxing matches live) but cinema is easy to use, and had loads of shows and movies, anything that comes out new in HBO+ or paramount+ is available just about immediately.
You are amazing. Thank you so much. It is inexpensive; I sent the link to my brother in law. God bless Kicking P
God bless you too, anon!
Biden already got dibs for the fed judge talent pool
I thought CNN got bought out by billionaire John Malone
These are all good questions, OP. However, the fact of the matter stands is that if they don't hire a proud Black woman for the job, they are bigoted racists of the highest order!!!! /s
I thought CNN got bought out by billionaire John Malone
Does any one have sauce on truth social being release in 3 weeks ? I couldn’t find it but I heard people say it
Edit: should I buy more DWAC? Or wait till the market crashes
It'll be a tech billionaire. Someone compromised who understands how to manage trained pedos.
How about CNN just needs to be hostily taken over and dismembered?
All, or at least most of, these legacy "news" outfits should just go buh bye now, they've shown their worth.
There's more than enough up and coming news outlets to fill their shoes.
Camel: Mike mike mike mike mike….whaaaat day is it?
Mike: Thursday?
Camel: wrong,,,it’s always hump day at CNN
Mike: Okay. Can I bring my little Barry too?
Oprah will save them. With Donna Brazil as first mate.
No, they do not. They need a neutral team player, not a "leader."
Someone posted here they chose PENCE . They just dont get it..... the Dems hate him and so do Reps. And yet talk about a BORING news anchor!
Let it sink to the bottom of the ocean