The same people who rationalized Fauci torturing beagles have also turned a blind eye to child abuse.
I had to memorize this 20 years ago but it has served as a guide star ever since.
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.”
― John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy
Yeah he was definitely wrong on his assessment of the Civil War though. The Second Great Debate, as it was called, with Charles Dickens cemented the idea that slavery and slavery alone caused the war, while Dickens argued it had more to do with unjust taxation. Mill came from an elite background, while Dickens did not. It's no wonder Mill's view became the standard narrative after being shown in all the northern newspapers.
I thought you may be interested since I posted about Dickens just the other day. I never thought I'd see someone bring up John Stuart Mill like you did:
They want to censor Dickens because he shows humanity the wrongs that cause our downfall. From my senior thesis outlining the main causes of the Civil War:
So what did cause the Civil War? The popular view that slavery was the cause has not always been the accepted one, as the second ‘Great Debate’ between Charles Dickens and John Stuart Mill highlighted from 1861-1862. “The view that slavery caused the Civil War was popularized by Mill, the leading English writer on political economy at that time…In 1862 and during the war, he insisted that slavery was the cause of the conflict, and that theory has dominated Civil War thinking ever since.” Even Karl Marx was able to see the conflict for what it really was. He said, “The war between the North and the South is a tariff war. The war is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for sovereignty.” Looking closer at the arguments presented by both Dickens and Mill, it’s no wonder the latter view became popular in Northern newspapers, while Dickens’ view never became mainstream.
“Though Dickens condemned slavery, he deemed it unlikely that it had been the cause of the war. He asked: ‘If it be not slavery, where lies the partition of the interests that has led at last to actual separation of the Southern from the Northern states?’ And the answer: In the original Constitution, wrote Dickens, it was provided that all taxes ‘shall be uniform throughout the United States... so, reasoned Dickens, ‘the case stands, and under all the passion of the parties and the cries of battle lie the two chief moving causes of the struggle. Union means so many millions [of dollars] a year lost to the South; secession means the loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this as of many other evils.’ He ends with these words: ‘the quarrel between North and South is, as it stands, solely a fiscal quarrel.” Within the next two months, Mill published his response in the famous Fraser’s Magazine.
So why did each man have such a differing view of the war? Dickens and Mill were very different in their explanations for the Civil War as well as in their backgrounds. “Dickens grew up in the slums and squalor of London. He was twelve years old when he was forced to abandon any formal education. Growing up in these conditions colored his view of life and found expression in his novels. He saw the horrors of poverty, the love of money and its evil as a force in society, government, and all levels of life. He saw the Civil War through this lens [however, Mill’s] father decided to raise his son in a cloistered environment, removed from the real world. He learned Greek, Latin, and a host of languages at an age not much beyond today’s grammar school. He was to be a kind of super intellectual, to rise above all the learned of his day…His analysis of the Civil War and slavery as its ‘one cause’ found favor among northern apologists who wanted a simple answer to a national tragedy.”
It seems the evidence vindicates Dickens and his economic view of the war. Unfortunately, Mill’s view has survived where Dickens’ has all but disappeared. “Dickens saw money as the root of the War Between the States. Unfortunately for the cause of history, it was Mill’s, not Dickens’, argument that was reproduced in the northern press, which was hungry for an excuse to invade the South. Mill’s argument that slavery was the one cause of the Civil War became common wisdom, and the Dickensian view virtually disappeared, even among Ivy League Civil War historians who, like Mill, live in an economic cloistered world, which minimizes the role money plays in the affairs of men.” There can be no doubt that this idea survives even today, as most history tends to downplay the role of economics.
Interestingly enough, Dickens’ Wikipedia page makes no mention of his Civil War writings, specifically his ‘Great Debate’ with John Stuart Mill. At the bottom of the page there’s a ‘see also’ link that takes you to a page dedicated to proving that Dickens was an extreme racist, as reflected in his novels. Even here, only one sentence is given to his Civil War writings, and it makes him out to be a racist as well. Like the revisionists of today, this is a common technique used to paint anyone with opposing views as a racist. Dickens was apparently a racist because, “Ackroyd also notes that Dickens did not believe that the North in the American Civil War was genuinely interested in the abolition of slavery, and he nearly publicly supported the South for that reason.” The statement is false, but it seems that Dickens’ view is being suppressed even today. Lysander Spooner, a fiery abolitionist, wrote in his 1870 book No Treason, “The pretense that the ‘abolition of slavery’ was either a motive or justification for the war is a fraud of the same character with that of ‘maintaining the national honor.” This is the same guy that helped plot John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry as well as funded slave uprisings and militias in the South. How is it that one of the top abolitionists of the day claimed that slavery was not the cause of the war?
I'd be willing to bet that nobody here was taught any of this during history class.
You are absolutely right! Usually when you hear about Charles Dickens it's only for his books.
When I explain to my kids what I feel the civil war was about I told them that it was mostly city vs agrarian economies and the city economies felt they knew it all and tried to force the agrarian economies to follow their model (forced compliance) or else. Slavery wasn't just human abuse. It became an economic model so when you asked someone if they wanted to leave that model behind you were almost asking them "would you and your family like to lose all of your wealth all at once?" Add into that state's rights, and the North trying to drive the South into absolute Federalism where northern cities would absolutely become the center of power and it was truly a power / money struggle more than it was a moral epiphany.
It's not like the North was embracing former slaves. Many were sympathetic but seeing someone of a different color as equal wasn't guaranteed up north. The north was busy with its own hypocrisy with the Scots-Irish and the Irish (usually Catholics) as indentured servants. The North wasn't especially tolerant at all.
Then Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation. But it must be viewed in full historical context. It serves multiple purposes - to paint the South as racists (which to be fair, they had slaves so that was accurate), to contrast the North from the South as a great savior (which is propaganda that still endures), and to deprive the enemy of resources by getting them to leave the South and flee to the North. Lincoln wasn't all THAT down with proclaiming freedom for slaves, but to hear the bullshit in History textbooks he was some amazing 7 foot tall angel from on high rather than a super awkward and gangly dude from Illinois.
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union and is not either to save or to destroy slavery,” he wrote in an editorial published in the Daily National Intelligencer in August 1862. “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
Textbooks aren't going to get it right for as long as publishing houses are run by foaming at the mouth liberals they will tell the story their way, which is to say by lying. I actually saw a textbook only dedicate one page to Reagan, but 14 pages to Cesar Chavez. Nevermind that Reagan stopped the Cold War and defeated the evil empire, he only gets one, single page for that. Fourteen pages for Chavez.
It's great when people take the time to look a little deeper with such important historical events. I remember those quotes from Lincoln as well. Newspapers from all over were writing about how Lincoln was only playing his "last card" in order to secure reelection and hopefully more workers for his factories and housekeeping. After all, the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free slaves in the northern or border states. And they wonder why the Underground Railroad ended in Canada.
But it was his tax policy that really got things moving. There were many meetings to try and convince Lincoln not to attack Fort Sumter, but he insisted due to the possibility of him losing the tax profits that came from there. Here's one of my favorite quotes from Lincoln, after being asked to leave Fort Sumter alone:
"If I do that, what would become of my revenue? I might as well shut up housekeeping at once!"
Thanks. I get called a Nazi and racist, etc. quite often for pointing out some inconvenient truths. I'm just fascinated with history and trying to make sense of the historical narratives we've all learned. The more you know, right?
The reality that their entire worldview is the result of a lifetime of indoctrination and that everything they believe to be true is in fact not is too much to bear. Easier to just ignore it and pretend nothing wrong is happening.
They aren't oblivious. They probably promised her to him, and in his excitement, he can't help but start early. I couldn't understand how parents could not see what was going on. Then I read that the parents were often a part of the perversion, by giving their child to further their political aspirations. It is revolting!
We have a pedophiliac in the White House. If the many videos on YouTube showing him at swearing ins fondling young girls is not enough, we have his own daughters diary stating it. He’s a horrible, horrible, lying, racist, CCP-controlled, money loving, crap father, scumbag of a man who makes the US a laughingstock in the world.
How demoralizing and embarrassing for her as a child. Replaced by anger, as an adult, I suspect. The Resident is a garbage human being. I'd like to watch his demon come out from an exorcism. It is ugly and stenchy.
I think she deleted her accounts after this exchange went public. She's likely still on social media, like all teens with this addiction, but likely under an anonymous handle.She said that her friends would ditch her if she ever spoke about it. So sad and I hope she finds new friends as she becomes an adult and I hope her parents got her any help she needs. That's wishful thinking, but it was not her own father being sworn in, but her uncle. That video of PedoJoe groping and pinching children's nips in full view of the family and cameras is so sick and evil.
I remember when it was all over YouTube. Creepy Joe Biden was all over the place and it was a “conspiracy” to say he was a pedo. We told our family and they insisted he’s just a loving man and not a pedophile and were disgusted by the accusation, all the while refusing to look at hours long video footage of the photo shoot with the senators and whoever they were with their children being groped right under their noses.
Shame on her parents for NOT doing anything about this. I know I would be in prison and the person who did this to any of my babies would be i a world of hurt.
People seem more concerned with what’s going on in Canada than literal lizard humanoids eating and raping our children here at home. I pray this board and others refocus their attention to this slightly more pressing issue
Yep, 1-day-old handshake with two "muh jew" comments. You'd think these people would at least try and infiltrate a little before going right to work. Guess they just aren't that smart.
Well yes, obviously people should be judged as individuals, but is it not ignorant to disregard statistical facts? For example, would you rather live in the ghetto of Detroit or a Vermont suburb?
You still labeled while griping about labels. You know absolutely nothing about him, he’s made a whole 2 comments here, and yet you’ve got him all figured out. So for whom or for what entity is he shilling?
The same people who rationalized Fauci torturing beagles have also turned a blind eye to child abuse.
I had to memorize this 20 years ago but it has served as a guide star ever since.
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. As long as justice and injustice have not terminated their ever-renewing fight for ascendancy in the affairs of mankind, human beings must be willing, when need is, to do battle for the one against the other.”
― John Stuart Mill, Principles of Political Economy
Yeah he was definitely wrong on his assessment of the Civil War though. The Second Great Debate, as it was called, with Charles Dickens cemented the idea that slavery and slavery alone caused the war, while Dickens argued it had more to do with unjust taxation. Mill came from an elite background, while Dickens did not. It's no wonder Mill's view became the standard narrative after being shown in all the northern newspapers.
I agree. It was more King Cotton than anything else...the slavery part was just economic considerations
I thought you may be interested since I posted about Dickens just the other day. I never thought I'd see someone bring up John Stuart Mill like you did:
They want to censor Dickens because he shows humanity the wrongs that cause our downfall. From my senior thesis outlining the main causes of the Civil War:
So what did cause the Civil War? The popular view that slavery was the cause has not always been the accepted one, as the second ‘Great Debate’ between Charles Dickens and John Stuart Mill highlighted from 1861-1862. “The view that slavery caused the Civil War was popularized by Mill, the leading English writer on political economy at that time…In 1862 and during the war, he insisted that slavery was the cause of the conflict, and that theory has dominated Civil War thinking ever since.” Even Karl Marx was able to see the conflict for what it really was. He said, “The war between the North and the South is a tariff war. The war is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for sovereignty.” Looking closer at the arguments presented by both Dickens and Mill, it’s no wonder the latter view became popular in Northern newspapers, while Dickens’ view never became mainstream.
“Though Dickens condemned slavery, he deemed it unlikely that it had been the cause of the war. He asked: ‘If it be not slavery, where lies the partition of the interests that has led at last to actual separation of the Southern from the Northern states?’ And the answer: In the original Constitution, wrote Dickens, it was provided that all taxes ‘shall be uniform throughout the United States... so, reasoned Dickens, ‘the case stands, and under all the passion of the parties and the cries of battle lie the two chief moving causes of the struggle. Union means so many millions [of dollars] a year lost to the South; secession means the loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this as of many other evils.’ He ends with these words: ‘the quarrel between North and South is, as it stands, solely a fiscal quarrel.” Within the next two months, Mill published his response in the famous Fraser’s Magazine.
So why did each man have such a differing view of the war? Dickens and Mill were very different in their explanations for the Civil War as well as in their backgrounds. “Dickens grew up in the slums and squalor of London. He was twelve years old when he was forced to abandon any formal education. Growing up in these conditions colored his view of life and found expression in his novels. He saw the horrors of poverty, the love of money and its evil as a force in society, government, and all levels of life. He saw the Civil War through this lens [however, Mill’s] father decided to raise his son in a cloistered environment, removed from the real world. He learned Greek, Latin, and a host of languages at an age not much beyond today’s grammar school. He was to be a kind of super intellectual, to rise above all the learned of his day…His analysis of the Civil War and slavery as its ‘one cause’ found favor among northern apologists who wanted a simple answer to a national tragedy.”
It seems the evidence vindicates Dickens and his economic view of the war. Unfortunately, Mill’s view has survived where Dickens’ has all but disappeared. “Dickens saw money as the root of the War Between the States. Unfortunately for the cause of history, it was Mill’s, not Dickens’, argument that was reproduced in the northern press, which was hungry for an excuse to invade the South. Mill’s argument that slavery was the one cause of the Civil War became common wisdom, and the Dickensian view virtually disappeared, even among Ivy League Civil War historians who, like Mill, live in an economic cloistered world, which minimizes the role money plays in the affairs of men.” There can be no doubt that this idea survives even today, as most history tends to downplay the role of economics.
Interestingly enough, Dickens’ Wikipedia page makes no mention of his Civil War writings, specifically his ‘Great Debate’ with John Stuart Mill. At the bottom of the page there’s a ‘see also’ link that takes you to a page dedicated to proving that Dickens was an extreme racist, as reflected in his novels. Even here, only one sentence is given to his Civil War writings, and it makes him out to be a racist as well. Like the revisionists of today, this is a common technique used to paint anyone with opposing views as a racist. Dickens was apparently a racist because, “Ackroyd also notes that Dickens did not believe that the North in the American Civil War was genuinely interested in the abolition of slavery, and he nearly publicly supported the South for that reason.” The statement is false, but it seems that Dickens’ view is being suppressed even today. Lysander Spooner, a fiery abolitionist, wrote in his 1870 book No Treason, “The pretense that the ‘abolition of slavery’ was either a motive or justification for the war is a fraud of the same character with that of ‘maintaining the national honor.” This is the same guy that helped plot John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry as well as funded slave uprisings and militias in the South. How is it that one of the top abolitionists of the day claimed that slavery was not the cause of the war?
I'd be willing to bet that nobody here was taught any of this during history class.
You are absolutely right! Usually when you hear about Charles Dickens it's only for his books. When I explain to my kids what I feel the civil war was about I told them that it was mostly city vs agrarian economies and the city economies felt they knew it all and tried to force the agrarian economies to follow their model (forced compliance) or else. Slavery wasn't just human abuse. It became an economic model so when you asked someone if they wanted to leave that model behind you were almost asking them "would you and your family like to lose all of your wealth all at once?" Add into that state's rights, and the North trying to drive the South into absolute Federalism where northern cities would absolutely become the center of power and it was truly a power / money struggle more than it was a moral epiphany. It's not like the North was embracing former slaves. Many were sympathetic but seeing someone of a different color as equal wasn't guaranteed up north. The north was busy with its own hypocrisy with the Scots-Irish and the Irish (usually Catholics) as indentured servants. The North wasn't especially tolerant at all. Then Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation. But it must be viewed in full historical context. It serves multiple purposes - to paint the South as racists (which to be fair, they had slaves so that was accurate), to contrast the North from the South as a great savior (which is propaganda that still endures), and to deprive the enemy of resources by getting them to leave the South and flee to the North. Lincoln wasn't all THAT down with proclaiming freedom for slaves, but to hear the bullshit in History textbooks he was some amazing 7 foot tall angel from on high rather than a super awkward and gangly dude from Illinois.
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union and is not either to save or to destroy slavery,” he wrote in an editorial published in the Daily National Intelligencer in August 1862. “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
Textbooks aren't going to get it right for as long as publishing houses are run by foaming at the mouth liberals they will tell the story their way, which is to say by lying. I actually saw a textbook only dedicate one page to Reagan, but 14 pages to Cesar Chavez. Nevermind that Reagan stopped the Cold War and defeated the evil empire, he only gets one, single page for that. Fourteen pages for Chavez.
It's great when people take the time to look a little deeper with such important historical events. I remember those quotes from Lincoln as well. Newspapers from all over were writing about how Lincoln was only playing his "last card" in order to secure reelection and hopefully more workers for his factories and housekeeping. After all, the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free slaves in the northern or border states. And they wonder why the Underground Railroad ended in Canada.
But it was his tax policy that really got things moving. There were many meetings to try and convince Lincoln not to attack Fort Sumter, but he insisted due to the possibility of him losing the tax profits that came from there. Here's one of my favorite quotes from Lincoln, after being asked to leave Fort Sumter alone:
"If I do that, what would become of my revenue? I might as well shut up housekeeping at once!"
Preserving the Union, or preserving the wealth?
☝️Look at the big brain on Insignificant! Very interesting stuff. It's amazing what shows up here. Dank memes AND deep thought.
Thanks. I get called a Nazi and racist, etc. quite often for pointing out some inconvenient truths. I'm just fascinated with history and trying to make sense of the historical narratives we've all learned. The more you know, right?
You can actually see him stroke her in the video . It is disgusting.
He pinched her little girl boobie bump. I saw it. Made me actually nauseous. And so furious with her useless parent's oblivion.
Yeah you can clearly see it,
Yet in a room full of liberals, Iplayed it for them, and they all rationalized it away and said he was just "showing affection"
These people are willing to look the other way from even child abuse, for their side
The reality that their entire worldview is the result of a lifetime of indoctrination and that everything they believe to be true is in fact not is too much to bear. Easier to just ignore it and pretend nothing wrong is happening.
SICKO. He can't control himself, even with cameras running!
When he puts his hand around other girls, he positions the top of his hand, the thumb so it directly under the breast.
He does that to grown women too:
More little girls:
He really is the embodiment of creepy.
They aren't oblivious. They probably promised her to him, and in his excitement, he can't help but start early. I couldn't understand how parents could not see what was going on. Then I read that the parents were often a part of the perversion, by giving their child to further their political aspirations. It is revolting!
Don't be fooled by that act the parents are totally aware of this. The politicians and these inner circles trade their kids with one another for sex.
We have a pedophiliac in the White House. If the many videos on YouTube showing him at swearing ins fondling young girls is not enough, we have his own daughters diary stating it. He’s a horrible, horrible, lying, racist, CCP-controlled, money loving, crap father, scumbag of a man who makes the US a laughingstock in the world.
Most on the left are incapable of individual critical thought.
They cannot be outraged by something unless told to do so.
Instead of questioning why all the silence of these crimes, they will question YOUR motives in telling them this.
Yep. I've been hit before with the "why are you even telling me this?", completely ignoring what I just told them
Needs more jpeg. Can't even read it.
now with increased pegs
Yes I was gutted I only had a low peg count
How demoralizing and embarrassing for her as a child. Replaced by anger, as an adult, I suspect. The Resident is a garbage human being. I'd like to watch his demon come out from an exorcism. It is ugly and stenchy.
We've isolated the PEDO's.
You can identify them by their silence.
I think she deleted her accounts after this exchange went public. She's likely still on social media, like all teens with this addiction, but likely under an anonymous handle.She said that her friends would ditch her if she ever spoke about it. So sad and I hope she finds new friends as she becomes an adult and I hope her parents got her any help she needs. That's wishful thinking, but it was not her own father being sworn in, but her uncle. That video of PedoJoe groping and pinching children's nips in full view of the family and cameras is so sick and evil.
I remember when it was all over YouTube. Creepy Joe Biden was all over the place and it was a “conspiracy” to say he was a pedo. We told our family and they insisted he’s just a loving man and not a pedophile and were disgusted by the accusation, all the while refusing to look at hours long video footage of the photo shoot with the senators and whoever they were with their children being groped right under their noses.
Shame on her parents for NOT doing anything about this. I know I would be in prison and the person who did this to any of my babies would be i a world of hurt.
pretty sure her parents are part of the problem, Rep Chris Coons and his wife; don't think they really mind if people treat her like that.
I remember
What happened to the outrage regarding Waukesha? Oh wait...
Ask circle back Jen. She was one of those girls. She got a nice job out of it.
Can you give it even more jpg please? Jeez.
Put it up on Twitter with a hashtag people will stumble upon.
This was thrown down the memory hole long ago.
This gif is the reason that I truly started to question the narrative finally, pre-awakening beginning in 2019. Been quite a ride.
People seem more concerned with what’s going on in Canada than literal lizard humanoids eating and raping our children here at home. I pray this board and others refocus their attention to this slightly more pressing issue
Anyone know the date on this relative to the re-emergence of Joe 2.0?
Wouldn't be surprised if she got axed
can't see shit captain
You'll need to redo the image at a better resolution. I know what happened, but this looks garbled when enlarged to be readable.
I can't read what the little girl said....
Wasn't in on CSPAN or something?
Not in any report that points out Bidens actions creep gets by with all of it.
the amount of updoots this comment has is honestly concerning
Yep, 1-day-old handshake with two "muh jew" comments. You'd think these people would at least try and infiltrate a little before going right to work. Guess they just aren't that smart.
So the media isn’t overwhelmingly Jewish?
spot on 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
The synagogue of Satan is a pretty filthy group. It was said in Revelations , I just repeated it.
Well yes, obviously people should be judged as individuals, but is it not ignorant to disregard statistical facts? For example, would you rather live in the ghetto of Detroit or a Vermont suburb?
This ^^^^
You just labeled him a shill
again great reply! 👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
What’s the difference? A label is a label, regardless of target size, and if it’s not what you like, he’s automatically a shill?
Just deport his ass.
You still labeled while griping about labels. You know absolutely nothing about him, he’s made a whole 2 comments here, and yet you’ve got him all figured out. So for whom or for what entity is he shilling?