God Wins. Truckers Are Snowed In. 7 Day Storm
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Keep praying for VICTORY.
Is Edward snowed in?
LOL good one highfive
I see what you did there. LOL
They keep trying to say like only 300 truckers are left lolll
well its probly between 300-500. but thats ''just'' the truckers. massive amount of supporters who dont have a vehicles lives in the hotels and support them 24/7
God always wins! I love it.
God ALWAYS wins!
Almost like God is sending a message to the Truckers to "hold the line" and to the enemy to tell them that they are subject to a force greater than themselves.
Ottawa police just announced that they will be firebombing the city (but only the part with truckers) to melt the snow so they can arrest the truckers.
I got the same storm here in Michigan. We got 8 inches and it stopped snowing around 2 am. By 7 am the main roads were clear and the side roads were plowed but still snow covered.
Ottawa was expecting 4 to 6 more than what we got.
You guys in the South need to understand this shit hardly phases those of us who live with it every year. We know how to drive in it. We have all the equipment and salt we need to remove it. Besides the State and Counties moving snow there are thousands of contractors who use tens of thousands of pickup and stake trucks and front end loaders to clear access roads and parking lots and driveways. Most homes have their own snowblowers or plow blades on their lawn tractors.
In fact if you go north in Michigan where they get real snow they wont even cancel school for 16 inches.
It is barely an inconvenience.
Former Michigander here … YEP.
The wind is our enemy. It can be 5 below with no wind and I will go work outside all day long comfortably. But the wind blowing at 15 above and everyone stays inside.
After this storm where Im at it is 15 degrees, no wind and the sun is shining. Thats a balmy winter day here, perfect for outdoor activities and wont stop anyone from being outside. Im sure its pretty close to the same in Ottawa. A perfect day for a massive snowball fight or hockey on the lake or ice fishing, or sledding or just sitting around the fire drinking applejacks.
N.D. likely doesn't either. Only if you can't see across the street.
How did you do in the blizzard of 67
My great grandpa emigrated here from Norway in the 1890s. They settled in Copper Harbor in the Keewenaw and were copper miners. I have old pictures of his where the snow was over the roof of the house.
Also I went to Michigan Tech in Houghton-Hancock in the Keewenaw for undergrad. There would be 20 feet of snow on the AAA logging road well into May. When I was there we broke the snow record at over 100 straight days with measurable snow.
In the NW corner of the lower peninsula Mancelona has an 11 foot tall snowpole that is buried about 1 in 3 years. Those kids never miss school.
I was only 3 but I still hear stories. I remember the blizzard of 74 though on my moms bday.
And in december of 1999 is the only time I can recall actual blizzrd warnings here in SE Michigan. We got 22 inches with 60 mph winds. I was out plowing for 2 days.
In 1957, I think it was, on Feb 28th and March 1st they got dual storms that each were over 18 inches.
I was in nw indiana The dan ryan had thousands of cars stuck in snow They got plowed under didn't get out til march
Yea I think this area is much better prepared than it was in 67. Especially a snowbelt area like nw Indiana. The blizzard of 74 shut Detroit down for 2 weeks but the 99 blizzard didnt.
LOL you reminded me of the blizzard in 99. We got over 100 inches of snow that year. It friggin snowed every day for 3 months it seemed. One of my parking lots had 1 car left in it during the first storm. I took great care to not plow him in. But then it kept snowing and the car didnt move. By the end of January it was just part of the snow mound. That car was stuck there until the thaw.
They are rounding them up now. Using lines of cops to push them into smaller and smaller areas. This is absolutely discussing.
disgusting? Or worth discussing?
I'd say both/and... But ravonaf probably intended the former.
Ha. Why not both?
That's about 8 to 12 inches of snow for Friday. Then more snow on Sunday through the week.
Its a race against the clock for castro and the police. I work snow removal in Canada. The storm your talking about. We just finished. 18hrs later. I hope it snowed as much there! The outer perimeter of the convoy is being arrested and towed. With resistance from protesters. Tick tock! The suspension is killing me!
I’ve been thinking they could definitely use HARP/CERN to bring intolerable weather to the Truckers. Never thought about how that could be a good thing!
Guys, neither HAARP nor CERN have anything to do with the weather. You are just indulging in urban superstitions. You can't make up for ignorance with imagination.
Just watched a video on telegram, system pigs hauling off a protestor and he’s resisting so they beat him with what appears to be a buttstock. Which way, Western Man, which way?
I hope they have food and fuel to keep warm
God bless the patriot; without regard to nationality
Hope it buries Ottawa in 10 feet of ice.