Is it bad that I no longer back the blue? They can do them, and I’ll do me. But I won’t go out of my way to defend them anymore. Especially after they allowed themselves to be turned into stormtroopers, in my local area. Freedom is only what they allow, at this point.
All the good blue have been fired or quit or never became blue because of BLM, vax mandates and having to enforce tyranny.
There are good officers and bad, but I refuse to "back the blue" anymore because it's as dumb as "believe all women", it's too universal. When I see local police initiatives help people or I meet an honest cop, they have my utmost respect and I will back those individuals. But the police are always in a place of power, that's the whole point, and power corrupts, so we must always keep them under scrutiny and make them accountable.
Backing the blue became popular as a reaction to BLM violence, like that shooting in Texas(?) Where a BLM gunman killed a bunch of officers. That kind of stuff is like supporting the troops after 9/11, it's a good thing but can't make us blind to the power they have and can abuse so easily.
21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.” 22 Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?” 23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
WHO EXACTLY are these enemy combatants, most likely not even citizens, dressed up a a costume of authority to rape and pillage. I can't see any identification badges on any of these people.
back the blue and get stabbed in the back.
eliminate the good cops with vaccine mandates, bring in foreigners with no loyalty, demonize protestors as terrorists, etc.
the vaccine mandates were the ultimate shit test for the evil overlords because it got rid of those that act on principle and won't be pressured to do what the overlords want.
if you have a good sheriff in your county, they are the ones you should back.
I never backed the blue. They are the ones who will stomp you into the dirt when told. I respect the need for them I will never back them on anything as long as theres a high chance that they will enforce red flag laws.
I haven’t been one to “back the blue” since learning about their secret societies and NWO contracts. I don’t back the blue. I would back a patriot who is defending law and order! A patriot who stands up for their oath and the people they agreed to protect!
Let me present to you a Devil's Advocate's argument of why we, MAGA-men, should Back the Blue (in terms of politics):
Right now, the police forces, as a political demographic group, are left homeless after the absolutely savage beating they have taken because of the Demonic Rats' policies and their attack dogs. The time seems ripe to see if we can add yet another demographic group to our cause and take it away from the enemy. Simple strategy to strength our cause while weakening the enemy's cause.
Second point: if we are to turn this ship around and Make America Great Again like what Trump expect us to do, we need to give the normies what they really want and win elections. I have been at enough Republican Precinct Committee meetings to know that ONE of the big things that normies want is strong rule of law, punishing criminals, and reducing crime locally. Sure, we can condemn corrupt police and police brutality, but guess what? The Demonic Rats already do that for a very long time with their BLM and other progressive Marxist propaganda.We will not be unique nor distinguishing ourselves from the Demonic Rats if we just condemn corrupt police and police brutality while not backing the honest law enforcement. In addition, we risk being seen as hypocrites if we do not back the honest police officer while advocating for strong rule of law and complain about rising crime.
Sure, you're outraged. I am outraged at what happened at Ottawa yesterday. A lot of other people will be outraged, especially if news of what happened to that grandma that got trampled reach their ears. However, we must make sure that our emotions does not cloud our judgement and destroy our hopes of victory. That part's reserved for the Demonic Rats. Keep your emotions in check and stay focused on the objective.
I'm not backing the blue until they start backing us, The people.
So long as they are enforcers of tyranny, the bludgeon used to beat down the people then they are also tyrants and should be treated as such.
This is exactly the cabal plan, and think back, isn't it always? Don't let them manipulate you for THEIR purposes.
Is it bad that I no longer back the blue? They can do them, and I’ll do me. But I won’t go out of my way to defend them anymore. Especially after they allowed themselves to be turned into stormtroopers, in my local area. Freedom is only what they allow, at this point.
All the good blue have been fired or quit or never became blue because of BLM, vax mandates and having to enforce tyranny.
There are good officers and bad, but I refuse to "back the blue" anymore because it's as dumb as "believe all women", it's too universal. When I see local police initiatives help people or I meet an honest cop, they have my utmost respect and I will back those individuals. But the police are always in a place of power, that's the whole point, and power corrupts, so we must always keep them under scrutiny and make them accountable.
Backing the blue became popular as a reaction to BLM violence, like that shooting in Texas(?) Where a BLM gunman killed a bunch of officers. That kind of stuff is like supporting the troops after 9/11, it's a good thing but can't make us blind to the power they have and can abuse so easily.
Very well said. Couldn’t agree more.
Shouldnt be back the blue in the first place. The Blue should be backing us.
God forgives all the repentant. If the officer repents (as Corrie and Betsie Ten Boom's persecutor did) he will be forgiven. Otherwise, no.
John 14, my favorite...
They won’t be able to hide
All will be revealed
All will pay
They don't wear blue anymore, they wear black.
Just sayin'. When the cops were kneeling for BLM, they were declaring loyalty to their own, not black people.
WHO EXACTLY are these enemy combatants, most likely not even citizens, dressed up a a costume of authority to rape and pillage. I can't see any identification badges on any of these people.
Are they UN Troops?
back the blue and get stabbed in the back. eliminate the good cops with vaccine mandates, bring in foreigners with no loyalty, demonize protestors as terrorists, etc.
the vaccine mandates were the ultimate shit test for the evil overlords because it got rid of those that act on principle and won't be pressured to do what the overlords want.
if you have a good sheriff in your county, they are the ones you should back.
I never backed the blue. They are the ones who will stomp you into the dirt when told. I respect the need for them I will never back them on anything as long as theres a high chance that they will enforce red flag laws.
I haven’t been one to “back the blue” since learning about their secret societies and NWO contracts. I don’t back the blue. I would back a patriot who is defending law and order! A patriot who stands up for their oath and the people they agreed to protect!
I pray that these were UN peacekeepers dressed up as police, and not the actual police.
Let me present to you a Devil's Advocate's argument of why we, MAGA-men, should Back the Blue (in terms of politics):
Right now, the police forces, as a political demographic group, are left homeless after the absolutely savage beating they have taken because of the Demonic Rats' policies and their attack dogs. The time seems ripe to see if we can add yet another demographic group to our cause and take it away from the enemy. Simple strategy to strength our cause while weakening the enemy's cause.
Second point: if we are to turn this ship around and Make America Great Again like what Trump expect us to do, we need to give the normies what they really want and win elections. I have been at enough Republican Precinct Committee meetings to know that ONE of the big things that normies want is strong rule of law, punishing criminals, and reducing crime locally. Sure, we can condemn corrupt police and police brutality, but guess what? The Demonic Rats already do that for a very long time with their BLM and other progressive Marxist propaganda. We will not be unique nor distinguishing ourselves from the Demonic Rats if we just condemn corrupt police and police brutality while not backing the honest law enforcement. In addition, we risk being seen as hypocrites if we do not back the honest police officer while advocating for strong rule of law and complain about rising crime.
Sure, you're outraged. I am outraged at what happened at Ottawa yesterday. A lot of other people will be outraged, especially if news of what happened to that grandma that got trampled reach their ears. However, we must make sure that our emotions does not cloud our judgement and destroy our hopes of victory. That part's reserved for the Demonic Rats. Keep your emotions in check and stay focused on the objective.
YES indeed it is getting hard!!…the shit they are doing up there to peaceful protesters is insane.
We should never back the blue in my view. Because they are nothing but order followers:
If the state tells them to go into your house illegally. They are going great to do it because they were told to do it:
Cops cannot be trusted fully.
Yes some are good people for sure:
But what happens when the state gives that same good person an illegal order???
The mass majority are going to follow it:
The swamp is everywhere and has to be drained.
Anyone got video of this encounter?
It appears WE are the ones backed into a corner. Lord help us.
Back the Blue is subjective and on a case to case basis.
It's hard to respect anyone who would turn on their fellow countrymen like this.
I'm not backing the blue until they start backing us, The people. So long as they are enforcers of tyranny, the bludgeon used to beat down the people then they are also tyrants and should be treated as such.
I don't back the blue because they should get blacked in the pink