Its coming to the USA, ruthless recruits with nothing in common with Americans at all have been coming in for several decades and the flood-gates have been opened wide during Obama and now Biden Admin. They will be playing rougher here in the USA as these aren't going to be police...
Watch how fast the Anglos rally. Been getting walloped in the diversity and inclusion war, but prowess in physical confrontation is an ancestral heritage. A birth right, even.
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved,
They were icy -- willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.
I have two dudes in my neighborhood who practice their archery in one of their backyards. I don’t think the enemy will be expecting Legolas to come out of the woodwork and place an arrow right between the eyes of an enemy lol :P
I have crossbows too. They are legal for hunting in Michigan. Many archery deer hunters, and there are at least a couple hundred thousand of us here, have gone from compound bows (which Im sure we all still own) to crossbows. Crossbows are lethal and accurate with much more range than compound bows. They come with red dot sights similar to those used on ARs and other long rifles, but formatted for the weapon system.
Don't worry, many of us are great with our guns. The goon squads will be put down quickly if the try that shit here. The 2nd protects the rest. Its obvious our Republic has fallen and at this point theres not much to lose. Hopefully whatevers gonna happen does so very soon.
The trouble is U.S. forces, if they side with the enemy (existing regime), have drones and all sorts of weaponry at their disposal that makes it difficult to provide much resistance. Hopefully U.S. forces will side with citizens and the Constitution, rather than their leftist commanding officers.
Yup, and at close range there are many effective weapons, bows, crossbows, dart guns, blow dart guns, swords, knives, slingshots, stun guns, pepper spray, nunchauku, laser pointers, etc... Hi Pantifa lets get a burger then come back eh?
"Desensitization" is the term. US military surveys done during WWII found that the majority of troops refused to shoot at the enemy (or at least claimed they wouldn't shoot). They'd empty the magazine. They'd march up the beach to almost certain death.....but were (at least saying they were not) shooting at the enemy, for risk of taking a life.
At the time, marksmanship training was still done with bullseye targets. Moving to silhouette targets (part of the ensuing 'reforms') had a statistically measurable effect on performance. As training methods improved through Korea and Vietnam, the survey results improved. It's been a while, but I think it took until Korea for the surveys to report over 50% shooting at the enemy. By Vietnam it was ovr 70%, if I recall correctly
Today, it's opposing force training with laser weapons. And then there are the video games.....both recreational and training. Add to that a self-selecting (volunteer) force, and you're probably looking at close to 100% willing to use lethal force.
I honestly do not think too many of them have the discipline it would take to be effective against a united and very well armed citizens of this country. I know my limits with a rifle. It's about 500 yards.
Its coming to the USA, ruthless recruits with nothing in common with Americans at all have been coming in for several decades and the flood-gates have been opened wide during Obama and now Biden Admin. They will be playing rougher here in the USA as these aren't going to be police...
Anywhere outside of a city isn’t going to go so well for them
I'm hearing that, I'm not that great with a gun, but learned how to "Fit in" and will make a few people regret their choices.
Watch how fast the Anglos rally. Been getting walloped in the diversity and inclusion war, but prowess in physical confrontation is an ancestral heritage. A birth right, even.
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
They were not easily moved, They were icy -- willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.
Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.
It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.
Rudyard Kipling
I have two dudes in my neighborhood who practice their archery in one of their backyards. I don’t think the enemy will be expecting Legolas to come out of the woodwork and place an arrow right between the eyes of an enemy lol :P
I have crossbows too. They are legal for hunting in Michigan. Many archery deer hunters, and there are at least a couple hundred thousand of us here, have gone from compound bows (which Im sure we all still own) to crossbows. Crossbows are lethal and accurate with much more range than compound bows. They come with red dot sights similar to those used on ARs and other long rifles, but formatted for the weapon system.
Don't worry, many of us are great with our guns. The goon squads will be put down quickly if the try that shit here. The 2nd protects the rest. Its obvious our Republic has fallen and at this point theres not much to lose. Hopefully whatevers gonna happen does so very soon.
The trouble is U.S. forces, if they side with the enemy (existing regime), have drones and all sorts of weaponry at their disposal that makes it difficult to provide much resistance. Hopefully U.S. forces will side with citizens and the Constitution, rather than their leftist commanding officers.
You don't have to be that great with a gun if you're close enough :)
Cops are supposed to be quick draws tho so don't get close lol.
Yup, and at close range there are many effective weapons, bows, crossbows, dart guns, blow dart guns, swords, knives, slingshots, stun guns, pepper spray, nunchauku, laser pointers, etc... Hi Pantifa lets get a burger then come back eh?
Don't count on it.bthey will burn you out in the rural areas.
Some of us live in rural areas where the Yankees did that and tin roofs are still popular here.
They can try
Twas thinking of a nice way of saying this but it was much louder and about 2800 FPS.
Well put.
There have been reports from family and friends of British police units coming back from courses greatly changed with aggressive attitudes.
I'm sure they have methods to do that to people, but then when it comes down to it there are plenty of people going to become aggressive in return.
"Desensitization" is the term. US military surveys done during WWII found that the majority of troops refused to shoot at the enemy (or at least claimed they wouldn't shoot). They'd empty the magazine. They'd march up the beach to almost certain death.....but were (at least saying they were not) shooting at the enemy, for risk of taking a life.
At the time, marksmanship training was still done with bullseye targets. Moving to silhouette targets (part of the ensuing 'reforms') had a statistically measurable effect on performance. As training methods improved through Korea and Vietnam, the survey results improved. It's been a while, but I think it took until Korea for the surveys to report over 50% shooting at the enemy. By Vietnam it was ovr 70%, if I recall correctly
Today, it's opposing force training with laser weapons. And then there are the video games.....both recreational and training. Add to that a self-selecting (volunteer) force, and you're probably looking at close to 100% willing to use lethal force.
That is the difference in American soldier training.
Everyone comes back different. But they are taught the pride, duty, and religion of our country. Respect and honor.
Sounds like they're getting Eastern block training. Hyper aggression with the conditioning. Ruthlessness is part of it.
Makes the response choice much easier., no gray area.
Ever seen the Kurt Russell movie "Soldier"? Any doubt that the tyrants have such a program? Think the movie was predictive programming?
We have enough foreign-born, military aged men within our borders to form a standing army.
I honestly do not think too many of them have the discipline it would take to be effective against a united and very well armed citizens of this country. I know my limits with a rifle. It's about 500 yards.
So we won't feel too bad about busting out the boom boom sticks. That oath was for life. All enemies, foreign and domestic.
Fuckin' A. I never renounced my oath.