No, as a woman I agree. This is how we raised our kids and I am proud to say this is how my kids raised theirs. We have good kids who appreciate what they have and are hard workers, grandkids same.
Two things that we feel strongly about. Smartphones for pre-teens and tablet babysitters. We see them everywhere, every day. Parents staring at their phone while the kids are mesmerized by the tablet. No interaction among any of them.
My kids do not and will not have cell phones until they have an actual need for one. I have an old android phone with a pay as you go plan that I give them if they are going somewhere I can’t see them. When they get back it gets turned off and put back in a box until next time. All their friends have phones which they use for bullshit. I take pride in my children remaining unmolested. I know where they are and who they’re with and have talked to them honestly about what some sick people could try to do, how to spot grooming, how to handle situations of coercion or empty threats. Phones would only serve as a surface for attack in ways I can and can’t anticipate. Our kids are preyed upon and a phone is an attack vector. Their friends with phones are vaping, watching porn etc. when they are driving and working and doing well in their studies they can have a phone. Until then I have a house phone they can use to call their friends just like when I was a kid.
This is a fact. Its disgusting. Common excuses are that their kids are just so good at games/tech when really any idiot can be if thats all they are doing. Or that theyre just a game nerd, but its really bc anything else take actual parental energy and time. My gosh the worst is seeing kids with a device at meal time. How tragic and wrong. Gen z is a confused gen, and alphas are on their way to being as close to bots as humans could be with screens in their faces constantly bc of LAZY SELFISH parents.
I know for me I have to expend some actual energy to take my kids outside, do activities with them esp the younger ones and of course its 1000x EASIER to give them a phone, I have high energy curious creative kids that require a lot I feel like Im raising a tribe of Teslas or Edisons and of course its exhausting but its literally my job.
I sure was proud when one of my youngest found the wrench and adjusted it on the bolt to remove his own training wheels this week. One of my teens learning to drive is learning a stick shift bc a MANUAL is good for the mind. But theyre also tech knowledgable--funny that kids raised to do things requiring thought and skill can also be excellent with tech, maybe even more so bc their brains are actively used in life, they master tech rather than tech mastering them.
This is a sore subject for me, I rant about it a lot bc so many I know do it and also funny the parents themselves are usually tech challenged and cant do much beyond fb or twt.
my kids are adults now, so cell phones weren't really a thing when they were little. But the computer was in the living room, as was the tv. No TV in the bedroom. I put my foot down about that.
I spent a fair amount of my growing up years as a military brat living in Germany. We didn't have American TV (this was in the 60s and 70s.). So I never got hooked on TV, and I'm still not a TV watcher. I'll watch here and there, but for the most part I find it annoying.
The deterioration phones/technology are playing on children, especially toddlers, ability to communicate is sickening. Then we head into the attention span or lack there of unless its with a screen(trance); This can be seen with any adult/child whom uses a phone for more than phone calls.
I always had a hard time working with people who always carried a phone, the distraction from the job that you are being paid to perform shouldn't happen. Then you have workplaces that use their phone to communicate all day, what happened to people just knowing their job and doing it without a phone or someone continuously interrupting.
There is no reason any high schooler should even need a phone, their parents should know where they are at all times anyhow. The excuse about, "well the kids drives now," is more of a reason not to have one, no one needs the distraction while driving, and if your kids aren’t where they're suppose to be that isn't solved by a phone but by your parenting. Also, if your worried about your kids needing "help" while driving or with their vehicle while your not there maybe they should know the mechanics of the vehicle before driving it.
Yes, this is a rant but I am for one sick of seeing a decline in society due to the addiction people have developed and let develop with technology, their idle hands are definitely devil's play.
I disagree. There are no pay phones for them to call me from. My kids have beater cars that break down. Also, when they have a job, their boss will be pissed if they can't text them schedule changes. My son worked at a pizza place for a year without a phone, and was ribbed quite a bit for it, which he took in stride. He never really looks at his phone except to check his bank account.
Other adults won't call you when schedule changes happen when your kids on on a trip because they assume all the kids have phones and have already texted their parents.
My seven kids are all/were homeschooled, but I can see how if you don't have a phone in public middle and high school, your communication with peers will be severely limited. I've noticed in our homeschool group, kid's parents would rather them play Minecraft on a group server with voice chat than meet in person and play outside. We've scheduled lots of meetups in the past (of course COVID) but we get a low turnout. One mom posts let's do a group server and we get lots of response. I think it's interesting. Some of the kids in our group are chatting via tech, but my kids are out of the loop because they don't have phones.
Biggest difference I've seen is going into a church. Older folks still have their social skills, but the middle Agers are staring at their phones. Undaunted, as a visitor, I would still put out my hand and introduce myself. ☺️
Yeah, my older kids (late teens) have phones and use them for learning and such. They did get bullied and made fun of for not having them when they were in middle school by other homeschoolers, so do prepare for being "othered."
Disagreement is fine, I wont put you in an "others" group for disagreeing on this subject, it's your choice and I am glad to hear your outlook.
My thoughts for the job, jobs have schedules and if your child can follow theirs and go to work when their scheduled then no phone is needed. If the boss wants an employee to have a phone so they can call them when someone else doesn't show up that's a management issue not a cell phone issue.
Your kids also sound capable enough to borrow a phone if their was a change in schedule on a trip.
What you see in church with social skills or lack there of is the main point behind this. For younger generations to "ignore" elders because while in their presence a phone is more important is what boils my blood. Look at how much fellowship and learning is being thrown away due to a 2 inch by 3 inch screen, imagine being 90 and unable to communicate because you know how to communicate.
As for bullying or being made fun of, well, unfortunately that is going to happen with or without a phone. Kids will find anything that makes another different to pick on, we as parents just have to remind them to be how God made them, themselves.
On top of this are you also being flooded with ads about debit cards aimed at kids to teach them "responsible use?" Of course comments about "how about teaching responsible use of physical money" quickly get deleted.
My child has an iPad but only for good reasons because my wife and I are deaf and we had a program on it that taught my child how to speak and learn speech, that was suggested by our child's speech pathologist. We also allowed my child to watch a few shows that we approve but of course, there is a time limit to my child using the iPad.
My wife and I talked about it and we're not allowing our child to have a phone because we saw a lot of kids being glued to the screen while not even doing anything physical or socially.
For example, I went grocery shopping and I came across a family of four. The husband was looking for something while the wife stayed with their two kids. One kid was in the big basket of the shopping cart while the baby, or maybe toddler? was in the kid seat up front. Both had phones and they were literally GLUED to their phones... Not sure if they were the parents' phones or their own personal phones, but when I saw the baby (or toddler) using the phone, they had it really, really close to their face. I immediately thought they may grow up not being able to socialize because not all videos would have people looking at them "face-to-face".
The parents looked "chic and savvy" and they probably thought with the early exposure to phones, they would be developing their children's motor skills as well as cognitive skills. While I do understand where they are coming from, if that part is true, I think there should be a time limit on that. The kids act like they're used to having the phones in their face ALL the time. I walked past the family several times during my shopping trip there and I have not seen one of the children look up to look around or talk to the parents while they push the cart around.
Yep, I feel bad for the kids who have phones at a very early age and have social media accounts at early age because their lives are being chronicled online for all to see, including the disgusting pedophiles. One of my childhood friends made a post a few years ago, announcing that their 6 year old child has a Facebook account and was asking for everyone to add their child...
We don’t have kids but we’re already so aware of the ability for addiction to occur. We’re going back to devices that require you to use a PC or TV. That way we can monitor the games and the amount played. I got a free barely used Nintendo Wii that the nieces/nephews/cousins all love since they’re used to “touch screen gaming”. The Wii Fit game really got them excited!! :D
My 11 year old has a smart phone now but she only has it when we are at work and need to stay in contact with her. It's also extremely old and only good for texting and phone calls. If I didn't have to let her use it she still wouldn't have one.
If I can train my kids to practice self control by giving them a phone now in their teens, they won't go get a phone for the first time when they are a young adult and get lost in the visually deceptive world without me.
Not sure what the handshake means, but I hope this group is capable of critical thinking instead of investigating what type of account I signed up with. 👍
I bet you throw like a girl. All kidding aside, you've made an incoherent and weak argument for handing kids smart phones and allowing developmental age children to veg out to Disney and so-called 'educational' programming.
Agree. Feminism movement screwed up everything. Material girl in material world is crap. I’d rather plant potatoes and raise chickens.
No, as a woman I agree. This is how we raised our kids and I am proud to say this is how my kids raised theirs. We have good kids who appreciate what they have and are hard workers, grandkids same.
Two things that we feel strongly about. Smartphones for pre-teens and tablet babysitters. We see them everywhere, every day. Parents staring at their phone while the kids are mesmerized by the tablet. No interaction among any of them.
it's so sad. I recently saw a toddler have a tantrum, hitting his mom on her legs while she walked along, texting.
My kids do not and will not have cell phones until they have an actual need for one. I have an old android phone with a pay as you go plan that I give them if they are going somewhere I can’t see them. When they get back it gets turned off and put back in a box until next time. All their friends have phones which they use for bullshit. I take pride in my children remaining unmolested. I know where they are and who they’re with and have talked to them honestly about what some sick people could try to do, how to spot grooming, how to handle situations of coercion or empty threats. Phones would only serve as a surface for attack in ways I can and can’t anticipate. Our kids are preyed upon and a phone is an attack vector. Their friends with phones are vaping, watching porn etc. when they are driving and working and doing well in their studies they can have a phone. Until then I have a house phone they can use to call their friends just like when I was a kid.
This is a fact. Its disgusting. Common excuses are that their kids are just so good at games/tech when really any idiot can be if thats all they are doing. Or that theyre just a game nerd, but its really bc anything else take actual parental energy and time. My gosh the worst is seeing kids with a device at meal time. How tragic and wrong. Gen z is a confused gen, and alphas are on their way to being as close to bots as humans could be with screens in their faces constantly bc of LAZY SELFISH parents.
I know for me I have to expend some actual energy to take my kids outside, do activities with them esp the younger ones and of course its 1000x EASIER to give them a phone, I have high energy curious creative kids that require a lot I feel like Im raising a tribe of Teslas or Edisons and of course its exhausting but its literally my job.
I sure was proud when one of my youngest found the wrench and adjusted it on the bolt to remove his own training wheels this week. One of my teens learning to drive is learning a stick shift bc a MANUAL is good for the mind. But theyre also tech knowledgable--funny that kids raised to do things requiring thought and skill can also be excellent with tech, maybe even more so bc their brains are actively used in life, they master tech rather than tech mastering them.
This is a sore subject for me, I rant about it a lot bc so many I know do it and also funny the parents themselves are usually tech challenged and cant do much beyond fb or twt.
my kids are adults now, so cell phones weren't really a thing when they were little. But the computer was in the living room, as was the tv. No TV in the bedroom. I put my foot down about that.
I spent a fair amount of my growing up years as a military brat living in Germany. We didn't have American TV (this was in the 60s and 70s.). So I never got hooked on TV, and I'm still not a TV watcher. I'll watch here and there, but for the most part I find it annoying.
The deterioration phones/technology are playing on children, especially toddlers, ability to communicate is sickening. Then we head into the attention span or lack there of unless its with a screen(trance); This can be seen with any adult/child whom uses a phone for more than phone calls.
I always had a hard time working with people who always carried a phone, the distraction from the job that you are being paid to perform shouldn't happen. Then you have workplaces that use their phone to communicate all day, what happened to people just knowing their job and doing it without a phone or someone continuously interrupting.
There is no reason any high schooler should even need a phone, their parents should know where they are at all times anyhow. The excuse about, "well the kids drives now," is more of a reason not to have one, no one needs the distraction while driving, and if your kids aren’t where they're suppose to be that isn't solved by a phone but by your parenting. Also, if your worried about your kids needing "help" while driving or with their vehicle while your not there maybe they should know the mechanics of the vehicle before driving it.
Yes, this is a rant but I am for one sick of seeing a decline in society due to the addiction people have developed and let develop with technology, their idle hands are definitely devil's play.
I disagree. There are no pay phones for them to call me from. My kids have beater cars that break down. Also, when they have a job, their boss will be pissed if they can't text them schedule changes. My son worked at a pizza place for a year without a phone, and was ribbed quite a bit for it, which he took in stride. He never really looks at his phone except to check his bank account.
Other adults won't call you when schedule changes happen when your kids on on a trip because they assume all the kids have phones and have already texted their parents.
My seven kids are all/were homeschooled, but I can see how if you don't have a phone in public middle and high school, your communication with peers will be severely limited. I've noticed in our homeschool group, kid's parents would rather them play Minecraft on a group server with voice chat than meet in person and play outside. We've scheduled lots of meetups in the past (of course COVID) but we get a low turnout. One mom posts let's do a group server and we get lots of response. I think it's interesting. Some of the kids in our group are chatting via tech, but my kids are out of the loop because they don't have phones.
Biggest difference I've seen is going into a church. Older folks still have their social skills, but the middle Agers are staring at their phones. Undaunted, as a visitor, I would still put out my hand and introduce myself. ☺️
Yeah, my older kids (late teens) have phones and use them for learning and such. They did get bullied and made fun of for not having them when they were in middle school by other homeschoolers, so do prepare for being "othered."
Disagreement is fine, I wont put you in an "others" group for disagreeing on this subject, it's your choice and I am glad to hear your outlook.
My thoughts for the job, jobs have schedules and if your child can follow theirs and go to work when their scheduled then no phone is needed. If the boss wants an employee to have a phone so they can call them when someone else doesn't show up that's a management issue not a cell phone issue.
Your kids also sound capable enough to borrow a phone if their was a change in schedule on a trip.
What you see in church with social skills or lack there of is the main point behind this. For younger generations to "ignore" elders because while in their presence a phone is more important is what boils my blood. Look at how much fellowship and learning is being thrown away due to a 2 inch by 3 inch screen, imagine being 90 and unable to communicate because you know how to communicate.
As for bullying or being made fun of, well, unfortunately that is going to happen with or without a phone. Kids will find anything that makes another different to pick on, we as parents just have to remind them to be how God made them, themselves.
Thank you for your response,have a blessed day!
On top of this are you also being flooded with ads about debit cards aimed at kids to teach them "responsible use?" Of course comments about "how about teaching responsible use of physical money" quickly get deleted.
Amen! My 14 year old grandson and I played cards for hours last night and had a blast. They need our time not their gadgets!
My child has an iPad but only for good reasons because my wife and I are deaf and we had a program on it that taught my child how to speak and learn speech, that was suggested by our child's speech pathologist. We also allowed my child to watch a few shows that we approve but of course, there is a time limit to my child using the iPad.
My wife and I talked about it and we're not allowing our child to have a phone because we saw a lot of kids being glued to the screen while not even doing anything physical or socially.
For example, I went grocery shopping and I came across a family of four. The husband was looking for something while the wife stayed with their two kids. One kid was in the big basket of the shopping cart while the baby, or maybe toddler? was in the kid seat up front. Both had phones and they were literally GLUED to their phones... Not sure if they were the parents' phones or their own personal phones, but when I saw the baby (or toddler) using the phone, they had it really, really close to their face. I immediately thought they may grow up not being able to socialize because not all videos would have people looking at them "face-to-face".
The parents looked "chic and savvy" and they probably thought with the early exposure to phones, they would be developing their children's motor skills as well as cognitive skills. While I do understand where they are coming from, if that part is true, I think there should be a time limit on that. The kids act like they're used to having the phones in their face ALL the time. I walked past the family several times during my shopping trip there and I have not seen one of the children look up to look around or talk to the parents while they push the cart around.
Yep, I feel bad for the kids who have phones at a very early age and have social media accounts at early age because their lives are being chronicled online for all to see, including the disgusting pedophiles. One of my childhood friends made a post a few years ago, announcing that their 6 year old child has a Facebook account and was asking for everyone to add their child...
If I have kids, they’re getting wooden toys and wax crayons.
We don’t have kids but we’re already so aware of the ability for addiction to occur. We’re going back to devices that require you to use a PC or TV. That way we can monitor the games and the amount played. I got a free barely used Nintendo Wii that the nieces/nephews/cousins all love since they’re used to “touch screen gaming”. The Wii Fit game really got them excited!! :D
My 11 year old has a smart phone now but she only has it when we are at work and need to stay in contact with her. It's also extremely old and only good for texting and phone calls. If I didn't have to let her use it she still wouldn't have one.
##unpopular opinion here##
If I can train my kids to practice self control by giving them a phone now in their teens, they won't go get a phone for the first time when they are a young adult and get lost in the visually deceptive world without me.
thanks handshake suspect account
Not sure what the handshake means, but I hope this group is capable of critical thinking instead of investigating what type of account I signed up with. 👍
duh.. your comment was shit and I naturally looked up the source
this is about both your dumb comment and your account
critical thinking level 10 on my part, doofus
I didn't get an iPhone 'till late middle school, never surfed the net on it.
I barely use it oustide phone calls and texting parents to this day.
I bet you throw like a girl. All kidding aside, you've made an incoherent and weak argument for handing kids smart phones and allowing developmental age children to veg out to Disney and so-called 'educational' programming.
Nobody cares what you were doing, dude.
You have an extremely high opinion of yourself.
This post is not about your personal anecdotal experiences.
Sniffed that one out quickly. Haha.
Found the weeb.