(Joe Biden) “I am growing impatient with people refusing the vaccine” — (Pedes & Pedettes) “Tread lightly Joe. 80 million of us are growing impatient with your bullshit!”

Eat shit old fool.
I had a dwarf rabbit that was so retarded, I dangled my dog's shit in front of it in a bag to mess with it and it chewed through the bag and literally ate shit.
That rabbit was a nuclear physicist compared to Biden.
Kek Kek
...actually, it's eat shit and die
Did he say that at sotu?
Ok jw vaccine b.s. talk is like archaic at this point
We need to remember what they said because they are trying to make us forget it
He did say that that we need a wall tall enough to stop the vaccine
Now that I can get into 😎
I want him to personally come (attempt to) administer it to me. That would be amazing.
And we are wage slaves to some degree. Smiling at the rise in gold in silver yesterday, though. And crypto. Something will take off, and when it does, I'll be vindicated.
Tonite I'd like to announce that my remaining term will seek to double down on the ruination of the United States of America after achieving historical records in only my first year.
I read that as the intro to "don't stop me now" and I have no regrets.
Tonitiite I'd like to announce
that my remaining term
will seek to double dowwwwwwn
on the ruination
of the United States
of America
after achieving historical records
in only my first year
Only my first year
I'm a conservative living in the den
Of dragons
Ready to claim it back
I'm out of controlll
ThePatriotParty: ThanQ for referring to me, and my fellow gals, as a “Pedette”! ThanQ fren for stating such a clever term —you should trademark!
"In the case of the Sudetenland my patience is at an end!!!"
his butt's been wiped.
I grow impatient waiting for him to complete a coherent sentence
The pandemic is over, but you WILL be taking that shot, anyway!
Who is more foolish, the people who are still pushing for people to get covid shots, or people who still get them?
I couldn't care less what this blithering idiot says or thinks about my resolve to reject the death jab.
so we're no longer "hesitant" now it's "refusing."
Growing? I’ve never been able to stand him.
Oh no, Robinette!
Get over it fag. The only vaccine we want protects against your kind.
I'm not sure when they rolled out the impersonator(s), but that nose looks nothing at all like the originals' from photo history. Also, I don't remember the original making jack o' lantern grimaces, like he did on the day prior to Sept. 11 ceremonies when he hissed that he had lost patience with non-vaccinators. The real Joe had a broad, gleaming cosmetic dentistry smile that could look deceptively kind and warming. Someone should look up Palin vs Biden debate photos.
So if the real joe is not around at all, wth is/are the actor(s) doing, exactly? Pretending to have dementia? Pretending to fart and poop his pants? And why is the population not screeching about it? There are people in America who probably thought the SOTU speech was great because their brains have been turned into sloppy joe sandwich filling. The "thing" reading the teleprompter is the worst disgrace standing in for POTUS ever, and there are some who could give him a run for the money.
If we are supposed to think we are just watching a movie, what movie is this: "Clown House of Horrors"?
For goodness' sake, the leader of Ukraine is a professional actor who did pornographic "comedy," Sean Penn went there to make a "documentary," African "Ukranians" were filmed as "fleeing refugees" and professional dancer Maxim Chmerkovskiy from Dancing With The Stars made a series of "harrowing escape" tik toks.
Have they put fluoride in our municipal water for so long and a barrage of toxic vaccines in our bloodstream for so many years that people no longer have the ability to think? God help us, because we cannot help ourselves.