Ukrainian military posing with a British NLAW ATGM. Why post? Because this asshole's desert camo doesn't camouflage the fact that he's standing in a KINDERGARTEN.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

I find it oddly satisfying that the reddit brigade who were so gung ho to stick it to the man that they bought tickets to ukraine to fight.. actually were such a liability to ukraine that they may as well have been trained and sworn enemies.
No understanding of opsec, case in point. And the russians were ruthless in exploiting this info leak and taking out the hidden forces. And what is the fake news press going to do, express outrage at the easy killing of troops using school buildings as cover? They cant even whine about it!
Flawless Victory!
Press F for the stunning and brave retreat
This is funny AF. Must've been the Women's Nazi Auxiliary's "forward position."
I think you assumed someones gender there.. these are redditors after all.
Redditor would have placed a banana next to the vibrator for scale, or mentioned there are no bananas available for scale.
Or just your typical Nazi homo. Our boys bring fleshlights on deployment. Theirs bring dildos.
Looks like someone in the reddit brigade made it! LOL!
Those people will die alone, tired, and hungry. Among people who couldn't care less about them. Fucking morons.
"Cammo head phones?" A book on how to deal with insurgents?
Being a fucking LARPer in a real man's world must be hard. It's even harder to be a LARPer in a war.
Un-fucking- believable.
Xbox warriors. Holy fuckballs this is pathetic.
Think this fool will come to the conclusion that they and all their little LARPers are the insurgents?
Possible they know they're boosted and on a death sentence anyways and just unwilling to admit it out loud.
I for one hope to see that he'll hole of a CRT school be flattened by a large bomb.
Nice owl
Almost posted that. And psilocybin mushrooms (magic mushrooms) and rabbits.
And the kid with an open shirt and stickies on her breasts on the left.
Look again. I dont think youre seeing that right. The shirt is like a tee shirt kinda thing with frilly girl sleeves. You can see the collar. Many shirts have adornment over the left breast. The right side is the shading for the inside of the frilly sleeve on that side.
Im all for revealing their demonic symbolism but lets stay with reality.
Ok, explain to me how the collar isnt a necklace and why she's wearing a shirt that has the same colors as her arms, legs, and hands.
That's a shirt, dude. It's a different shade than her skin, it's pretty clear.
Youve never had daughters of your own?
Her outfit is a simplified version of a very typical traditional outfit: solid color skirt, white blouse, colored vest over the blouse, flower decorations.
Probably shrooms are right up there with cannabis and beer as the world's all-time favorite entertainments, but I think these look different. This article has a good picture of contours, and these species at least aren't so pointy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybin_mushroom#History
This background looks oddly familiar like I have seen it before on the internet. Is anyone handy with reverse image search??
Try tineye
Just one thing, that camo is not desert camo, its either Multicam or a derivative of Multicam. It is pretty effective in a considerable portion of environments, like it actually did what the ACU pattern tried to do.
Also for those wanting something to research, while collectively everyone refers to that pattern as Multicam, it probably isn't actual multicam. Multicam was desised for a federal contract, in the end they made a camo pattern that works. The drafted an estimate for the frederal government to make fatigues, body armor, helemt covers, etc in the pattern. The government did not like this estimate, so they took the pattern, did something like slightly adjust two hues in it, and repackaged it as OCP and started using that on clothing and equipment to save money. I dont know all of the details, but its a pretty interesting story.
What's the story? Ukrainian soldier with British anti tank missle hiding in a kindergarten like a coward?
More of the fact it proves the Russian narrative they're hiding in civilian locations while Western MSM is blabbing on and on about Russians taking out school kids.
He picked the particular spot because there's a owl in the shot
Ally as fcuk ehh?
repost flair?
Link to original post please? I'm trying to find out the context of the photo.
Sorry. I don't have the link to original, but I've seen this identical picture posted here, or TD, approx 1-2 weeks ago, during the height of the propaganda. i screen capp'd the pic and shared it with my family.
Reposting should be a crime.
Reposting helps get more eyes on info.
That wall is familiar to me, it feels like I saw it more than 1-2 weeks ago. My gut reaction was it's a recycled photo trying to be passed off as new, but it gave me serious déjà vu when I saw it.
And the shock when putin blows that school to hell. Maybe some nice Ukrainian kid can tell is where that classroom is. Or maybe rhe photo has a GPS stamp.
I mean since it's war and covid there ate no kids there right?
Just For shits I'd bomb every school amd hospital. Guaranteed to get Asov battallion nazis.