The whole speech is definitely worth watching. Its a fantastic speech. He calls out the Cabal for exactly what they are doing and how they are destabilising the world, but also gives a very inspirational segment that applies not just to Russian patriots but to all patriots. Finally he outlines his plan for overcoming sanctions - very well thought out.
I think we are seeing the glimpse of what Trump's second term will be like when he is back, with nothing holding him back, and he does not have to worry about optics.
I want ordinary citizens of Western states to hear me: now they are persistently trying to convince you that all your difficulties are the result of some kind of hostile actions of Russia, that from your own wallet you have to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. All this is a lie. And the truth is that the current problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of many years of actions by the ruling elites of their states, their mistakes, myopia and ambitions. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own vested interests and super profits. Evidence of this is the data of international organizations, which directly say that social problems, even in the leading Western countries, have only worsened in recent years, that inequality is growing, the gap between the poor and the rich, racial and national conflicts are making themselves felt. The myth of the Western welfare society, of the so-called golden billion, is collapsing. I repeat today the entire planet has to pay the price precisely for the ambitions of the West, for its attempts by any means to maintain its elusive dominance. The imposition of sanctions is a logical continuation, a concentrated expression of the irresponsible, short-sighted policy of the governments and central banks of the US and EU countries. It was they who, in recent years, with their own hands dispersed the spiral of world inflation, by their actions led to an increase in global poverty and inequality, to new flows of refugees around the world. And the question arises: who is now responsible for the millions of starvation deaths in the world's poorest countries due to the growing food shortage? I repeat, a serious blow has been dealt to the entire global economy and trade, to confidence and to the US dollar as the main reserve currency.
"He’s healthy now, but he’s running out of time for his second term."
You say this. How is he running out of time? This guy looks like he's in his 50s and is sharper than any person at any younger age I can think of. I'm beginning to question whether he has some kind of technology that he is privy of.
It is indeed the endgame. Always has been. The Plandemic was their plan to kill billions of people while locking down the world. This was their psychopathic move. In my view.... and 'Q' has said this many times, the people have to be awakened. Are we there yet? It is quite literally the case of the 100th monkey.
The great awakening is us. There is no cavalry to save us. The white hats are not the cavalry. We are. The Great Awakening is needed in order for the white hats to succeed.
It's sad that people always prefer pain and suffering before they finally awaken. The bible is rife with stories of this. The question is -- Has their been enough pain and suffering for the 100th monkey to occur; that finally causes the dominoes to fall and the Great awakening to occur?
I think they do have things that the plebs don’t has access to
there is no need to suspect. We know now.
Tim Pool talked about the treatment in detail on his podcast several days ago. Intravenous injections, bi-weekly at 2k+ a pop of some cocktail that recharges energy storage at cell level and allows them to continue to divide without damaging the straying, effectively bypassing the Hayflick limit indefinitely while you remain on the treatment. He said he was tipped off about it by Joe Rogan, got it for himself and his crew, had immediate (literally after a night's sleep) effects on his body. (restored his vision from eye fatigue to levels he described as having in his twenties)
You also have the problem with election integrity.
Devolution, fren, Devolution. If election integrity was going to stump him he would never have won in 2016. Thats how we know they let the 2020 slide so they can enter this devolution and get all the dirty cleanup done.
When everything is cleaned up, Election Fraud will be exposed along with all other declas. I wont be surprised if Durham does a full circle and ties RussiaHoax with Ukraine and Election Fraud.
I have no doubt Trump will have his first term as the real President of the Republic. It will be glorious.
Hitler and Gaddafi threw out the central banks and instituted their own monetary system. I think that’s the real reason they were taken out. I don’t know if JFK threatened the bankers but he did say he was gonna take down the CEyeA. One and the same.
They obviously all deliberately tried to undercut the banksters. Andrew Jackson may have been the one who said the banks will steal everything we worked for in our country. I think the best explanation and history of the banks' theft of civilization's wealth is The Money Masters video documentary by Bill Still.
They obviously all deliberately tried to undercut the banksters.
Absolutely, there is no doubt about that. That was not my point though, I was referring specifically to any world leader who openly called out central banks. Afaik even JFK did not do that.
Its not a judgement, just an observation. Putin has the advantage of being in the rearguard of this Plan and hence have a lot more latitude.
Thanks fren, I will watch the whole speech. I know Gaddafi stood against the Cabal and died for that, but beyond that I know very little. If he did call out the Central Banks openly, all the more respect to him.
Gaddafi gave a speech to the UN specifically citing how the US creates virus then offers a premeditated cures, among a shit load of other topics in (2009). Especially now that Russia has gone to task, this whole talk is pretty chilling.
I have come to believe that anyone who ha been painted as an evil tyrant is probably a wonderful guy. One of my self learning tasks I have set myself is to learn about Milosevic - the Serbian/Yugoslavian guy who was convicted for war crimes. I am starting to wonder if there is a deeper story there.
Yeah, the problem with "crimes in front of open eyes" is that its very hard to call them out without looking like a fool. Trump had to walk a very fine line and worry a lot about optics and could never call out the Fed directly. Putin has a slightly easier time since he has been painted as Hitler in the west he does not have to worry about coming off as a fool with this point. He still needs to worry about his optics inside Russia.
For example, he did not say too much about Donbass genocide before the liberation/invasion started, but in this speech he went into good detail.
Same is happening with Modi in India. He is completely on the Russian side but he cant come out and say it openly, so he talks in code so most Indians are okay with his stand even if they dont understand it.
The Plan has paved the way for all these leaders to start making their moves more openly. Trump had it the hardest. I just cannot wait for his proper second term - Trump Unchained.
Putin is a patriot. In this speech, he's calling out the "Neo-Nazis" in Ukraine, the terroristic attacks on Donbass citizens, the "central bankers," the "ruling elites," the "5th column" media whom he refers to as "fake propagandists" who are all "for sale." Putin also declares that "Russians can distinguish between true patriots from the scum and traitors."
To minimize effects of rising inflation, Putin called for increases in pensions, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and wages for government workers. He asked for credit lines at 10% of citizens' annual wage to be issued immediately to Russian citizens and that government loan deferments be put into place immediately.
He asked for the government to pay half upfront on their orders to suppliers and providers to reduce the burden of production costs. He asked for Russia-based companies to increase their production of medical/healthcare-related products to minimize shortages due to sanctioned imports. And he asked for a public communication method be set up for people to enable them to submit ideas how to improve their city, region and country.
Great summary. I liked the part in the middle where Putin was very inspirational towards their patriots. It applies to patriots everywhere as well.
I had mixed feelings about Putin in the beginning as in, he is fighting the Cabal, but he is also a bad man though not evil.
Now I am changing my mind. I have not seen anything to make me think he is a bad man. He is authoritarian and there are certain freedoms Russians dont enjoy, esp in terms of dissent, but I cannot see how Putin can take on the Cabal if they can create a color revolution inside Russia, if Putin does not clamp down on certain things. Putin is doing it not because he is bad but because its necessary in this warfare.
Thanks for your feedback. I've actually never disliked Putin. Always wondered if the media making him out to be the boogeyman was just bullshit to serve somebody else's goals - long before Trump became POTUS and all the "Russia Russia Russia" stuff came out full force.
I also remember how when those stories were circulating about Putin supposedly doing assassinations on 'opponents' using lethal bioweapons thru their skin or injections turned out to be a big lie and those people emerged later alive and well.
My rule of thumb is whoever the MSM paints as the good guy/hero is probably an enemy of the people, and whoever the MSM paints as the villain is usually the real hero. The media doesn't even realize that they're flat-out TELLING us who we can trust by whom they choose to villify.
Oh wow, I didnt know this. I remember reading that book a few yeas ago of the guy who was supposedly poisoned by Polonium by Putin and died. At that time I remember thinking this sounded a little bit crap, but never paid too much attention.
and whoever the MSM paints as the villain is usually the real hero
Yep, thats my mantra now. I have started watching speeches of Gaddafi and plan to watch Milasovic and Saddam next. Watching Gaddafi's speech at the UN in 2009 actually made me tear up. He was an amazing guy, a true hero and he knew the danger he was inviting tearing into UN and US like that. And this great man was killed by some antifa assholes by Killary.
Yeah, and I've seen a lot of stuff about a bunch of the supposed Saudi 'plane hijackers' on 9/11 were identities stolen from guys who are alive and well who've even done interviews saying, "That wasn't me on that plane!" And, of course, bin Laden was a CIA asset who was NOT killed in that Pakistan compound raid. The lies are endless!
Have you seen that CNN footage during the Kuwait "Desert Storm" deal where 2 CNN correspondents are wearing helmets and it says "LIVE from Kuwait" on the screen as if they're on the front lines. The 2 CNN "reporters" pretend that a chemical weapon was just shot off and they duck and put on gas masks and act all terrified. It was filmed on a sound stage - the whole thing - and it was recorded in the USA.
They pull this shit constantly. That CNN guy's 'heroic rescue' of someone drowning during a TX hurricane was another fake, staged setup. So despicable!
I'll have to look for Gaddafi's UN speech before he was assassinated by Killary "We came, we saw, he died.... cackle cackle cackle" Clinton. Thanks for the tip.
Yeah CNN fakery was exposed to the whole world to see and yet many closed their eyes went back to it, and then call us crazy for saying they are fake news.
Really sad, isn't it? I guess people are creatures of habit that way. I stopped watching TV news channels years ago, although I see little clips of something from a news channel here and there from someone posting it.
I'm still completely baffled why President Trump didn't crush MSM and social media monopolies and corrupt search engines from the very beginning of his presidency. He had multiple methods available to him (stripping fake news outlets of their FCC regulation licenses, fining the shit out of them for every lie they tell, reversing Section 230, anti-trust/monopoly actions, etc.), but yet he let them continue destroying our country at will and keeping sheep totally asleep.
The entire COVID plan-demic could NOT have occurred without the massive fear porn circulated by the MSM, and stopping the MSM dead in its tracks would have saved countless lives from COVID killing field hospital protocols and kill shot vaccinations.
And without the plan-demic, the cheaters could not have justified all the mail-in ballots and drop box votes that eventually helped steal the 2020 election away from POTUS.
And without the plan-demic, the cheaters could not have justified all the mail-in ballots and drop box votes that eventually helped steal the 2020 election away from POTUS.
That that would have given us another 10-15 years while the Cabal ran to the ground, regrouped and continued again.
This was the only way to allow the people to see the extent to which the Evil was prepared to destroy humanity while also allowing all the figures in the shadows to expose themselves.
As for media and social media - Q said it - they will collapse under they own lies. People have to watch it happen to believe it. Anything Trump did to crush them, and half the people would dig in and never believe a word of truth anymore because they would say Trump faked it.
On top of that there is the financial aspect of that, pretty deadly stuff planned leading up to Great Rest. That needs to play out to the end.
The most amazing thing Trump did was to scare the shit out of Cabal and make them expose themselves by coming out of shadows and rushing things before they were ready. Thats the only resaon why we will win.
It's a start I suppose? Putin is of course 100% correct...however why keep the speech verbiage so innocuous? Why doesn't he just call out the owners of the Central Banks? That is where the attention of the world needs to go! When is someone going to call out the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies...etc.? I do appreciate his words however. Like I said, it's a start...
When calling out such obvious and blatant criminality that people have accepted for decades, its very hard. If you are too loud, people will think you are just a crazy kook. Trump had a much harder time because he had to worry about optics a lot more. Putin is in the rearguard of this fight, and a lot of way has been paved for him, and how the west judges him is hardly his concern. So he has more freedom.
However its very very hard to call out Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies by name unless you have solid evidence backing it. This is the reason for this Great Awakening to happen this way, and why EBS/military tribunals were not used as the first step. It has to happen organically.
Is this the first world leader to name the beast ?
And let's not forget President Adolf Hitler, President Saddam Hussein, President Muammar Gaddafi, President Bashar al-Assad: all of those leaders refused to allow their countrymen to become usury debt slaves of the New World Order Jewish central banker slave masters... we went to war against Germany, Iraq, Libya and Syria in an attempt to murder those leaders and install Zionist Owned Governments and Jewish central banks.
Just to name a few.
You don't think WW2 was fought because of racism, do you?
All wars are central banker wars.
Q shows us that the central bankers are Jewish in post #135 - #138.
Many people have brought this up, so just want to clarify. Yes, lots of people have gone against the Central Bankers in the past, but my point was clearly about openly calling out the CBs.
I am interested in any speeches by any of them who have called out the CBs openly. Someone pointed me to a Gadaffi's speech, which I am yet to watch.
The whole speech is definitely worth watching. Its a fantastic speech. He calls out the Cabal for exactly what they are doing and how they are destabilising the world, but also gives a very inspirational segment that applies not just to Russian patriots but to all patriots. Finally he outlines his plan for overcoming sanctions - very well thought out.
I think we are seeing the glimpse of what Trump's second term will be like when he is back, with nothing holding him back, and he does not have to worry about optics.
Transcript HERE.
thanks for the transcript
You are welcome u/dty6 👈🏻
This is exactly what Trump would say, but the leftists would never listen to him.
They might listen to Putin.
Very Interesting.
Nice work u/Uhtred 👏🏻
Wow, God bless Patriot Putin!!! Such a brave warrior! Fighting for us all, for HUMANITY! ThanQ comrad!!!
He mentions the fifth column, "national traitors" at 18:17, now I understand exactly what it means...
well, maybe I missed reading drop 4603...
ThanQ Patriot!!!
You say this. How is he running out of time? This guy looks like he's in his 50s and is sharper than any person at any younger age I can think of. I'm beginning to question whether he has some kind of technology that he is privy of.
It is indeed the endgame. Always has been. The Plandemic was their plan to kill billions of people while locking down the world. This was their psychopathic move. In my view.... and 'Q' has said this many times, the people have to be awakened. Are we there yet? It is quite literally the case of the 100th monkey.
The great awakening is us. There is no cavalry to save us. The white hats are not the cavalry. We are. The Great Awakening is needed in order for the white hats to succeed.
It's sad that people always prefer pain and suffering before they finally awaken. The bible is rife with stories of this. The question is -- Has their been enough pain and suffering for the 100th monkey to occur; that finally causes the dominoes to fall and the Great awakening to occur?
there is no need to suspect. We know now.
Tim Pool talked about the treatment in detail on his podcast several days ago. Intravenous injections, bi-weekly at 2k+ a pop of some cocktail that recharges energy storage at cell level and allows them to continue to divide without damaging the straying, effectively bypassing the Hayflick limit indefinitely while you remain on the treatment. He said he was tipped off about it by Joe Rogan, got it for himself and his crew, had immediate (literally after a night's sleep) effects on his body. (restored his vision from eye fatigue to levels he described as having in his twenties)
The "aid" isn't going to Ukraine as much as it's going to pay-offs and for laundering. They take care of their own and no one else.
The usual suspects, I'd imagine! ;)
How does a time traveler run out of time?
Devolution, fren, Devolution. If election integrity was going to stump him he would never have won in 2016. Thats how we know they let the 2020 slide so they can enter this devolution and get all the dirty cleanup done.
When everything is cleaned up, Election Fraud will be exposed along with all other declas. I wont be surprised if Durham does a full circle and ties RussiaHoax with Ukraine and Election Fraud.
I have no doubt Trump will have his first term as the real President of the Republic. It will be glorious.
Remember we have his kids too.
No it isn't the first world leader.
The first was Adolf Hitler. Then came JFK, then Gaddafi and then Trump. Now Putin. Might have missed some between JFK and Trump in the Middle East.
I have not personally come across any quotes by any of them calling out Central Banks directly. Would love to see some.
Hitler and Gaddafi threw out the central banks and instituted their own monetary system. I think that’s the real reason they were taken out. I don’t know if JFK threatened the bankers but he did say he was gonna take down the CEyeA. One and the same.
He introduced the silver doller executive order 11110
Yep and was killed shortly after.
Im almost certain JFK did.
They obviously all deliberately tried to undercut the banksters. Andrew Jackson may have been the one who said the banks will steal everything we worked for in our country. I think the best explanation and history of the banks' theft of civilization's wealth is The Money Masters video documentary by Bill Still.
Absolutely, there is no doubt about that. That was not my point though, I was referring specifically to any world leader who openly called out central banks. Afaik even JFK did not do that.
Its not a judgement, just an observation. Putin has the advantage of being in the rearguard of this Plan and hence have a lot more latitude.
Thanks fren, I will watch the whole speech. I know Gaddafi stood against the Cabal and died for that, but beyond that I know very little. If he did call out the Central Banks openly, all the more respect to him.
Me 2
Gaddafi gave a speech to the UN specifically citing how the US creates virus then offers a premeditated cures, among a shit load of other topics in (2009). Especially now that Russia has gone to task, this whole talk is pretty chilling.
That looks pretty interesting. I'm going to look for a transcript.
MLV Mad lad Vlad! I LIKE IT
Who would have thought Putin and Russia would be red-pIlling US! LOL
I have come to believe that anyone who ha been painted as an evil tyrant is probably a wonderful guy. One of my self learning tasks I have set myself is to learn about Milosevic - the Serbian/Yugoslavian guy who was convicted for war crimes. I am starting to wonder if there is a deeper story there.
I'm done
Too funny
Good man!
Yeah, the problem with "crimes in front of open eyes" is that its very hard to call them out without looking like a fool. Trump had to walk a very fine line and worry a lot about optics and could never call out the Fed directly. Putin has a slightly easier time since he has been painted as Hitler in the west he does not have to worry about coming off as a fool with this point. He still needs to worry about his optics inside Russia.
For example, he did not say too much about Donbass genocide before the liberation/invasion started, but in this speech he went into good detail.
Same is happening with Modi in India. He is completely on the Russian side but he cant come out and say it openly, so he talks in code so most Indians are okay with his stand even if they dont understand it.
The Plan has paved the way for all these leaders to start making their moves more openly. Trump had it the hardest. I just cannot wait for his proper second term - Trump Unchained.
Key Take-aways (my impressions):
Putin is a patriot. In this speech, he's calling out the "Neo-Nazis" in Ukraine, the terroristic attacks on Donbass citizens, the "central bankers," the "ruling elites," the "5th column" media whom he refers to as "fake propagandists" who are all "for sale." Putin also declares that "Russians can distinguish between true patriots from the scum and traitors."
To minimize effects of rising inflation, Putin called for increases in pensions, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and wages for government workers. He asked for credit lines at 10% of citizens' annual wage to be issued immediately to Russian citizens and that government loan deferments be put into place immediately.
He asked for the government to pay half upfront on their orders to suppliers and providers to reduce the burden of production costs. He asked for Russia-based companies to increase their production of medical/healthcare-related products to minimize shortages due to sanctioned imports. And he asked for a public communication method be set up for people to enable them to submit ideas how to improve their city, region and country.
God bless this man.
Great summary. I liked the part in the middle where Putin was very inspirational towards their patriots. It applies to patriots everywhere as well.
I had mixed feelings about Putin in the beginning as in, he is fighting the Cabal, but he is also a bad man though not evil.
Now I am changing my mind. I have not seen anything to make me think he is a bad man. He is authoritarian and there are certain freedoms Russians dont enjoy, esp in terms of dissent, but I cannot see how Putin can take on the Cabal if they can create a color revolution inside Russia, if Putin does not clamp down on certain things. Putin is doing it not because he is bad but because its necessary in this warfare.
Thanks for your feedback. I've actually never disliked Putin. Always wondered if the media making him out to be the boogeyman was just bullshit to serve somebody else's goals - long before Trump became POTUS and all the "Russia Russia Russia" stuff came out full force.
I also remember how when those stories were circulating about Putin supposedly doing assassinations on 'opponents' using lethal bioweapons thru their skin or injections turned out to be a big lie and those people emerged later alive and well.
My rule of thumb is whoever the MSM paints as the good guy/hero is probably an enemy of the people, and whoever the MSM paints as the villain is usually the real hero. The media doesn't even realize that they're flat-out TELLING us who we can trust by whom they choose to villify.
Oh wow, I didnt know this. I remember reading that book a few yeas ago of the guy who was supposedly poisoned by Polonium by Putin and died. At that time I remember thinking this sounded a little bit crap, but never paid too much attention.
Yep, thats my mantra now. I have started watching speeches of Gaddafi and plan to watch Milasovic and Saddam next. Watching Gaddafi's speech at the UN in 2009 actually made me tear up. He was an amazing guy, a true hero and he knew the danger he was inviting tearing into UN and US like that. And this great man was killed by some antifa assholes by Killary.
Yeah, and I've seen a lot of stuff about a bunch of the supposed Saudi 'plane hijackers' on 9/11 were identities stolen from guys who are alive and well who've even done interviews saying, "That wasn't me on that plane!" And, of course, bin Laden was a CIA asset who was NOT killed in that Pakistan compound raid. The lies are endless!
Have you seen that CNN footage during the Kuwait "Desert Storm" deal where 2 CNN correspondents are wearing helmets and it says "LIVE from Kuwait" on the screen as if they're on the front lines. The 2 CNN "reporters" pretend that a chemical weapon was just shot off and they duck and put on gas masks and act all terrified. It was filmed on a sound stage - the whole thing - and it was recorded in the USA.
They pull this shit constantly. That CNN guy's 'heroic rescue' of someone drowning during a TX hurricane was another fake, staged setup. So despicable!
I'll have to look for Gaddafi's UN speech before he was assassinated by Killary "We came, we saw, he died.... cackle cackle cackle" Clinton. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks so much for the link!
Ur welcome, fren.
Yeah CNN fakery was exposed to the whole world to see and yet many closed their eyes went back to it, and then call us crazy for saying they are fake news.
Really sad, isn't it? I guess people are creatures of habit that way. I stopped watching TV news channels years ago, although I see little clips of something from a news channel here and there from someone posting it.
I'm still completely baffled why President Trump didn't crush MSM and social media monopolies and corrupt search engines from the very beginning of his presidency. He had multiple methods available to him (stripping fake news outlets of their FCC regulation licenses, fining the shit out of them for every lie they tell, reversing Section 230, anti-trust/monopoly actions, etc.), but yet he let them continue destroying our country at will and keeping sheep totally asleep.
The entire COVID plan-demic could NOT have occurred without the massive fear porn circulated by the MSM, and stopping the MSM dead in its tracks would have saved countless lives from COVID killing field hospital protocols and kill shot vaccinations.
And without the plan-demic, the cheaters could not have justified all the mail-in ballots and drop box votes that eventually helped steal the 2020 election away from POTUS.
That that would have given us another 10-15 years while the Cabal ran to the ground, regrouped and continued again.
This was the only way to allow the people to see the extent to which the Evil was prepared to destroy humanity while also allowing all the figures in the shadows to expose themselves.
As for media and social media - Q said it - they will collapse under they own lies. People have to watch it happen to believe it. Anything Trump did to crush them, and half the people would dig in and never believe a word of truth anymore because they would say Trump faked it.
On top of that there is the financial aspect of that, pretty deadly stuff planned leading up to Great Rest. That needs to play out to the end.
The most amazing thing Trump did was to scare the shit out of Cabal and make them expose themselves by coming out of shadows and rushing things before they were ready. Thats the only resaon why we will win.
Sorry for the twitter link. English translation
Can we get an update from No Name Jr?
It's a start I suppose? Putin is of course 100% correct...however why keep the speech verbiage so innocuous? Why doesn't he just call out the owners of the Central Banks? That is where the attention of the world needs to go! When is someone going to call out the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies...etc.? I do appreciate his words however. Like I said, it's a start...
When calling out such obvious and blatant criminality that people have accepted for decades, its very hard. If you are too loud, people will think you are just a crazy kook. Trump had a much harder time because he had to worry about optics a lot more. Putin is in the rearguard of this fight, and a lot of way has been paved for him, and how the west judges him is hardly his concern. So he has more freedom.
However its very very hard to call out Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Carnegies by name unless you have solid evidence backing it. This is the reason for this Great Awakening to happen this way, and why EBS/military tribunals were not used as the first step. It has to happen organically.
This makes my Peepee big
And let's not forget President Adolf Hitler, President Saddam Hussein, President Muammar Gaddafi, President Bashar al-Assad: all of those leaders refused to allow their countrymen to become usury debt slaves of the New World Order Jewish central banker slave masters... we went to war against Germany, Iraq, Libya and Syria in an attempt to murder those leaders and install Zionist Owned Governments and Jewish central banks.
Just to name a few.
You don't think WW2 was fought because of racism, do you?
All wars are central banker wars.
Q shows us that the central bankers are Jewish in post #135 - #138.
Many people have brought this up, so just want to clarify. Yes, lots of people have gone against the Central Bankers in the past, but my point was clearly about openly calling out the CBs.
I am interested in any speeches by any of them who have called out the CBs openly. Someone pointed me to a Gadaffi's speech, which I am yet to watch.