This is the correct answer. The libs and the normies are blindsided to this possibility. Their worldviews won't allow them to get exposed to the concept.
It's the rabid anti-Q, fake-MAGA crowd who are so apoplectic with rage at Devolution that they don't know whether to shit or go blind over the prospect.
devolution baby
This is the correct answer. The libs and the normies are blindsided to this possibility. Their worldviews won't allow them to get exposed to the concept.
It's the rabid anti-Q, fake-MAGA crowd who are so apoplectic with rage at Devolution that they don't know whether to shit or go blind over the prospect.
I miss being a Pearl Jam fan. Loved the music. That band has been so beyond cucked.
Some of their lyrics are revealing. Sadly
It’s been to long, and now I have to ask. How do I pronounce devolution? Is it “dee-evolution” or “dev-olution” or “dee-ev-o-lution”?
I know.
It's like Revolution, only with a 'D'. Revolution War 2.0 is what we're going through.
Maybe in the future this will be called the devolutionary war.
Well, the word evolution is typically spoken as "ev-o-lution" not "eev-o-lution" so I'd think it would be "dev-o-lution" as opposed to "deev-o-lution"
But then again when I say evolve or devolve, I tend to say "ee-volve" and "dee-volve"
Our language is fascinating
Same. Our language is both fascinating and very annoying.
LoL exactly! Fascinating.
It's either, up to the preference of the speaker. Like evolution. Neither is incorrect.
I like dee-volution because it avoids saying "devil", especially for something good. Simple.
I'm also responsible for starting the trend of calling Uranus "You RAN us" for those who prefer to avoid saying anus or urine when it's not necessary.
My choices are no more correct than the other pronunciations, merely esthetic preferences.
True, I've noticed some folks are more keenly interested in, more devoted to the anus than others. ;)
One isn't saying "devil" with devolution - devol last I checked o isn't pronounced like an i.
Unstressed they can sound pretty similar, like a schwa ;)
Luke revolution with a d.