some ag chemicals are up 400%, and there are many shortages for herbicides. Smaller farmers getting hurt worse. Trying to kill the small family farm at the same time inflate food prices to untenable levels. The food and gas prices hit the poor hardest. Why do dem voters believe dems are helping the poor. They are breaking the backs of the poor to force dependency on government.
Wife and I farming on less than 2 acres no help. No tractor. Just wheel barrows of compost for diverse vegetable production. No corn, but everything else. Can't stop us micro farmers!
We lease land from a horse farm. Anyone can get into it if they ask enough people. Corn and soy bean farmers aren't paying much to lease land, you can easily convince someone it's worth it to let you farm there for a little more than they are renting it out to a big mechanical operation. Even a half acre is a lot if you're doing intensive market gardening.
Cover crops and rotational grazing with cattle completely eliminates the need for farmers to buy absurd amounts of inputs every spring.
I know farmers are older on average and resistant to change, but it needs to begin now. Gabe Brown has incredible videos on youtube where he shows how with no tilling, fertilizers, or pesticides, using cover crops and cattle he outproduces the vast majority of other farms in his county, and his profit margins are off the charts because he doesn't need to buy inputs.
Look up something that I think is called complementary agriculture.
So some plants are able to put nutrients into the soil, beans are one of them. They add nitrogen to the soil AS THEY GROW, so you can use them to help nitrogen hungry plants like tomatoes without needing additional fertilization while growing beans that you can eat!!!!!
Please do, I have seen at least two examples of someone starting a food forest in the middle of the desert. Hugleculture I think is what they used. Basically just burying organic matter like logs in the sand and letting them break down makes a nutrient dense soil perfect for growing that is amazeballs at storing water. Needless to say we have not been growing right at all, go figure.
You are correct. Even tree species in the legume family will fix nitrogen perennially instead of tilling in as a cover crop like clover or rotating like soy beans. I personally like to feed the biology of the soil, the microcosm of life is really what makes nutrients available for plants. So increasing organic matter for worms and fungus and bacteria etc, you're indirectly giving the plants easier food to use as fuel.
Guess I jumped the gun on that response, last in a long line of country folks. Another great source of nitrogen for the small farmer is urine, your body inhales a considerable amount of nitrogen an excretes it in pee. It's diluted in a 10:1 ratio.
The beans or legume plants pull nitrogen out of the air an put it in the soil. It's often used as a winter cover crop then tilled into the soil in early spring.
I saw that after I posted the link. I refer to D.C., London and The Vatican as the three sisters though. Evil, dark, wenches of the past!!!!! I felt so clever....
Corny as it may be, I don't think the cities are so bad, It's just the attitudes of the people, and the leaders they entrust with operating things, lol.
and? They have all the equipment necessary to make this work. Large farms are largely mismanaged for this specific reason. They were made dependent for this specific reason. Everything required to farm is naturally provided on this planet, and most would pay to have some of it removed.
The plane is in a nose dive. Someone screams, "pull up, dear God, PULL UP!!!!" Someone in the back, "actually this is a government rig and we aren't supposed to pull up in the event of a nose dive, we will crash soon at it will all be over then."
Meanwhile we were made dependent on the big farms when we could do what they do for a fraction of the cost gaining all the benefit of maintaining a garden that eventually becomes a net gain with near zero over head.
They need you reliant on them, we do not need to be reliant on them.
What I’m getting at is their main outlook is on profit and not filling your belly. They don’t care, and won’t want our help. They will bail and sue you to make a buck if you try and plant anything at all.
I am going to plant everything then! The policy focuses on profit. Hopefully the people will see through it but we are more than capable of surviving this. Start your own garden!
What? The rule has always been nothing grows where chickens have been. I tried too use our chicken house cleanings in the garden in the past and its been a no go besides green beans and broccoli
Tomatoes love the nitrogen as well. I have yard birds and no, nothing will grow where the birds have access to, they will eat it before you can see it. Also, a little nitrogen goes a long way so it is to be used sparingly. I wouldn't expect to see much growth around the coop, but you can make a slurry to control how much and how quickly the garden is exposed to the nitrogen. Find some nitrogen loving plants to throw around the coop to collect some of the excess from their area. I would go a few feet out as a little nitrogen goes a long way and can cause most plants a bad time when starting. Also try to get the nitrogen into the soil before you grown, do not add bird poop after you have planted, get it into the soil a few months before planting what you want to grow. There are other complementary growing methods you can use as well to help soak up excess nitrogen and put other nutrients into the soil.
This is due to the sanctions against Russia. Currently, the Kremlin controls over 30% of the world's fertilizer production via Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
They will steal 2022. No doubt about it.
Then they will wrap all the fraud in red tape and never talk about.
Jan 6th was to make an example out of all those protestors of the election fraud. In 2022 we will see all the drones saying "Its a trap - Do not go to the protest" and the steal will be completed again.
Nooo, you did this to yourselves. If you followed Biblical farming practices, then you wouldn't need the nitrogen pellets at all.
But since everyone is greedy and wants to wring the life out of every bit of farming land they have every year, then they have to artificially put nutrients back in the soil.
The funny thing about the Bible, is that if you just read it, you've got a manual for just about everything in life from how to raise kids to how to grow sustainable crops without one drop of fertilizer.
I don’t know the Bible as I should. That’s great information. I was posting because it’s just a reason for food prices to increase.
If farmers, big & small would use organic natural fertilizer everyone would be much better. Some where along the way the USA were taught the old ways were wrong. I’m sure it came from big companies.
It isn't that simple. Uncountable acres of farmland were consolidated in the eighties through deceptive and corrupt banking practices... Basically, the same tactics used to obliterate Somalia a few years later.
Farmers then were tricked or coerced into taking loans out, and using their farms and equipment as collateral, buying and planting seed for crops that were supposedly going to sell very well at harvest. But when harvest time came it didn't sell at all. Loans defaulted, collateral was seized, and farming became industrialized to the detriment of us all.
The Farmland Act? I think that was already in place or was becoming established when SHTF for over leveraged farmers. Willie Nelson's Farm Aid organization started began in 85 as a result. Been a while since I watched it, but I think County, 1984 covers the crisis from Hollyweird's perspective.
It came from the governments agriculture agencies, loans an aid was tied to what was called "best means an practices." Great book by renegade ag. agent "the plowman's folly". I will agree the government was pimping for the chemical companies, and justified it in the name of economic growth, the bribery an kickbacks were just incidental.
This is a true story, I live right outside of Des Moines and the air is thick with cow manure. The big farms next to my family are loading huge trailers with manure and being seen all over the back roads of Mid Iowa. I assume they are taking it back old school to compensate. The feed lots over the past few years have been piling manure out our way and looks like they saw this coming.
Since we rely on farmers to get our food, perhaps some online funding endeavor would help them
Sure many would donate to this cause. I know people who had their pet's medical bills covered this way. Our nation's farmers could really benefit
Food is as important as powder.
Every can of food put up by the American housewife increases our chances of victory.
Every one should offer life or labor for the defense of his country.
Victory depends upon home forces as much as upon field forces.
Battalions of men must engage the foe and battalions of women must engage the harvest when it arrives.
Every can of food you put up is a noble contribution to the cause of liberty.
some ag chemicals are up 400%, and there are many shortages for herbicides. Smaller farmers getting hurt worse. Trying to kill the small family farm at the same time inflate food prices to untenable levels. The food and gas prices hit the poor hardest. Why do dem voters believe dems are helping the poor. They are breaking the backs of the poor to force dependency on government.
Wife and I farming on less than 2 acres no help. No tractor. Just wheel barrows of compost for diverse vegetable production. No corn, but everything else. Can't stop us micro farmers!
One day I'll join you in owning a little farm. It's been a dream of mine since I was young
We lease land from a horse farm. Anyone can get into it if they ask enough people. Corn and soy bean farmers aren't paying much to lease land, you can easily convince someone it's worth it to let you farm there for a little more than they are renting it out to a big mechanical operation. Even a half acre is a lot if you're doing intensive market gardening.
Same, I call my own little Eden 🙏
NIce job! That is very true.
Bill Gates is the largest farm owner in the United States. He's probably doing A-OK.
Or maybe he's letting the farm go to dirt, who knows what his agenda is.
On the good news cultivators are making a comeback
Smaller farms can use urine. Its high in nitrogen.
Cover crops and rotational grazing with cattle completely eliminates the need for farmers to buy absurd amounts of inputs every spring.
I know farmers are older on average and resistant to change, but it needs to begin now. Gabe Brown has incredible videos on youtube where he shows how with no tilling, fertilizers, or pesticides, using cover crops and cattle he outproduces the vast majority of other farms in his county, and his profit margins are off the charts because he doesn't need to buy inputs.
This is the real great awakening! Gabe is great!
We know.
Anhydrous is a byproduct of natural gas....check out those prices. Potash comes from Russia so forget finding that.
Saskatchewan has pot put ash but I bet black face will crush it
chicken poop. beans...
It is gonna take some work but it isn't impossible and will be better over all.
You can use beans as fertilizer?
Look up something that I think is called complementary agriculture.
So some plants are able to put nutrients into the soil, beans are one of them. They add nitrogen to the soil AS THEY GROW, so you can use them to help nitrogen hungry plants like tomatoes without needing additional fertilization while growing beans that you can eat!!!!!
Agriculture is wicked awesome.
Look up the food forest oasis in the desert!
I will check that out. I live in the desert and myself and friends grow edibles. It is definitely a challenge over here.
Please do, I have seen at least two examples of someone starting a food forest in the middle of the desert. Hugleculture I think is what they used. Basically just burying organic matter like logs in the sand and letting them break down makes a nutrient dense soil perfect for growing that is amazeballs at storing water. Needless to say we have not been growing right at all, go figure.
"three sisters" method
Nitrogen fixing bacteria in their roots
I believe all legumes do this, so would clover work too?
You are correct. Even tree species in the legume family will fix nitrogen perennially instead of tilling in as a cover crop like clover or rotating like soy beans. I personally like to feed the biology of the soil, the microcosm of life is really what makes nutrients available for plants. So increasing organic matter for worms and fungus and bacteria etc, you're indirectly giving the plants easier food to use as fuel.
I do believe having one field completely filled with clover in a crop rotation system used to be standard in the old days.
Guess I jumped the gun on that response, last in a long line of country folks. Another great source of nitrogen for the small farmer is urine, your body inhales a considerable amount of nitrogen an excretes it in pee. It's diluted in a 10:1 ratio.
The beans or legume plants pull nitrogen out of the air an put it in the soil. It's often used as a winter cover crop then tilled into the soil in early spring.
I've already ordered 100 broiler chickens to fertilize my field. But those birds need feed, and it is going take fertilizer to grow feed.
Look into something that I am calling complementary agriculture. It brings up something weird when you search it though.
sometimes also called the "three sisters"
I think the name is based on three native american goddesses, doesn't it? or maybe it's a specific myth, I'm not sure.
I saw that after I posted the link. I refer to D.C., London and The Vatican as the three sisters though. Evil, dark, wenches of the past!!!!! I felt so clever....
lmao, It's clever.
Corny as it may be, I don't think the cities are so bad, It's just the attitudes of the people, and the leaders they entrust with operating things, lol.
The combo for cattle is grass + any legume. Clover is a good complement, but it's only one of many.
I WANT A COW!!!! but I need a fence first.
Watch Gabe Brown on youtube. His farm is incredible.
Work = fuel which they can’t afford either. Most farmers will cut their losses sell their land to bill gates and get a job in IT
They need help. People help. They didn't always rely on machines and fancy chemicals. Nature provides!
These are big commercial farms now not mom and pop operations.
and? They have all the equipment necessary to make this work. Large farms are largely mismanaged for this specific reason. They were made dependent for this specific reason. Everything required to farm is naturally provided on this planet, and most would pay to have some of it removed.
The plane is in a nose dive. Someone screams, "pull up, dear God, PULL UP!!!!" Someone in the back, "actually this is a government rig and we aren't supposed to pull up in the event of a nose dive, we will crash soon at it will all be over then."
Meanwhile we were made dependent on the big farms when we could do what they do for a fraction of the cost gaining all the benefit of maintaining a garden that eventually becomes a net gain with near zero over head.
They need you reliant on them, we do not need to be reliant on them.
What I’m getting at is their main outlook is on profit and not filling your belly. They don’t care, and won’t want our help. They will bail and sue you to make a buck if you try and plant anything at all.
I am going to plant everything then! The policy focuses on profit. Hopefully the people will see through it but we are more than capable of surviving this. Start your own garden!
And that’s what I’m getting at. A plan to feed the world by supporting farm corporations won’t work but a plan to feed you and your family sure will.
Doesn't matter if the crop is half the size,it's worth twice the money.
They may even make more.
What? The rule has always been nothing grows where chickens have been. I tried too use our chicken house cleanings in the garden in the past and its been a no go besides green beans and broccoli
Tomatoes love the nitrogen as well. I have yard birds and no, nothing will grow where the birds have access to, they will eat it before you can see it. Also, a little nitrogen goes a long way so it is to be used sparingly. I wouldn't expect to see much growth around the coop, but you can make a slurry to control how much and how quickly the garden is exposed to the nitrogen. Find some nitrogen loving plants to throw around the coop to collect some of the excess from their area. I would go a few feet out as a little nitrogen goes a long way and can cause most plants a bad time when starting. Also try to get the nitrogen into the soil before you grown, do not add bird poop after you have planted, get it into the soil a few months before planting what you want to grow. There are other complementary growing methods you can use as well to help soak up excess nitrogen and put other nutrients into the soil.
Gabe Brown, David Brandt, Ray Archuleta, Joel Salatin, Greg Judy. And so many others.
We don't need factory farming to feed the world we just need to stop using chemicals and take our land back from the globohomos.
We don't need jobs in the city that push paper around in circles... we need to get back on the land.
Regenerative agriculture .. Savory Institute, Gabe Brown, Joel Salatin, etc
My theory for this is that farmers are held by contact to certain processes... Monsanto/Bayer has a stranglehold on producers through seed IP.
This is due to the sanctions against Russia. Currently, the Kremlin controls over 30% of the world's fertilizer production via Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine.
They will steal 2022. No doubt about it. Then they will wrap all the fraud in red tape and never talk about.
Jan 6th was to make an example out of all those protestors of the election fraud. In 2022 we will see all the drones saying "Its a trap - Do not go to the protest" and the steal will be completed again.
Red Line. They think j6 was bad for them. Nope...
Nooo, you did this to yourselves. If you followed Biblical farming practices, then you wouldn't need the nitrogen pellets at all.
But since everyone is greedy and wants to wring the life out of every bit of farming land they have every year, then they have to artificially put nutrients back in the soil.
The funny thing about the Bible, is that if you just read it, you've got a manual for just about everything in life from how to raise kids to how to grow sustainable crops without one drop of fertilizer.
I don’t know the Bible as I should. That’s great information. I was posting because it’s just a reason for food prices to increase. If farmers, big & small would use organic natural fertilizer everyone would be much better. Some where along the way the USA were taught the old ways were wrong. I’m sure it came from big companies.
Oh no, I figured that's exactly why you posted it and I wasn't replying to your post, but to the farmers who put themselves in this position.
Yes, food prices are going to get crazy here soon.
It isn't that simple. Uncountable acres of farmland were consolidated in the eighties through deceptive and corrupt banking practices... Basically, the same tactics used to obliterate Somalia a few years later.
Farmers then were tricked or coerced into taking loans out, and using their farms and equipment as collateral, buying and planting seed for crops that were supposedly going to sell very well at harvest. But when harvest time came it didn't sell at all. Loans defaulted, collateral was seized, and farming became industrialized to the detriment of us all.
Wasn't that where Farm Aid was born out of?
The Farmland Act? I think that was already in place or was becoming established when SHTF for over leveraged farmers. Willie Nelson's Farm Aid organization started began in 85 as a result. Been a while since I watched it, but I think County, 1984 covers the crisis from Hollyweird's perspective.
I know I typed Farm Aid.. grrrrr autocorrect. Thanks for catching
I get that. I didn’t take your comment personal. It’s all good 😊
It came from the governments agriculture agencies, loans an aid was tied to what was called "best means an practices." Great book by renegade ag. agent "the plowman's folly". I will agree the government was pimping for the chemical companies, and justified it in the name of economic growth, the bribery an kickbacks were just incidental.
This is a true story, I live right outside of Des Moines and the air is thick with cow manure. The big farms next to my family are loading huge trailers with manure and being seen all over the back roads of Mid Iowa. I assume they are taking it back old school to compensate. The feed lots over the past few years have been piling manure out our way and looks like they saw this coming.
Since we rely on farmers to get our food, perhaps some online funding endeavor would help them Sure many would donate to this cause. I know people who had their pet's medical bills covered this way. Our nation's farmers could really benefit
Yeah, but gov subsidizes everything in the industry.
I have high level seed company owners in the family.
Don't be worried, at least in regard to the food producing. Pricing won't reflect inflation anywhere near %300
Urine is high in nitrogen, folks.