GAW is your family, pedes—but we're not your immediate friends! Covid did some real damage to our lives, and many of us have seen our social support circle of friends (and acquaintances, also important!) shrink. Covid ends when we heal and rebuild our social circle! Take a chance! GET OUT THERE! 🐸

Easier said than done. Tried joining various walking groups etc and it was full of desperate men. Making friends with women is also hard: married women see you as a threat, single women as competition. Seems to be easier to make friends in the US, Brits are very closed and inhospitable as a rule.
Absolutely right. Some cannot live without knowing the truth, most can't live with it, Many of us will always be square pegs in round holes. Having a high IQ is a distinct disadvantage in many ways as well. I am resigned to walking alone, as long as God is with me.
Its by God's grace that we have understanding and discernment, can't be judgemental about those who do not. Stay cheerful and busy, do what good you can and never lose hope or let anything erode your faith.
Well said fren! Reminded me of "Digital soldiers" by Michael Beatty, especially this part:
"All have been chosen, for this epic time
Make no mistake, this is God's grand design!"
I feel we all Patriots are a very important piece of The Plan, God's Great Plan!
This is the way
You are never alone here, fren
I don't think I'll be able to look at 95+% of people in the same way after this. I know that's divisive but it's true - the respect has gone. It's like we're on two different planets.
Time heals, even bitter memories fade. Forgiveness and acceptance is the only way to move forward.
I wish we could be friends ❤️
Me too.
Hey, just wanted to post an invite to GAW.Social. Its a new private chat platform I set up a little over a week ago. Thing is its hard to have deep conversations and get to know people on this site because content goes stale after a day or two and typically the conversations die with it. GAW.Social let's you add friends and create private groups, all end to end encrypted, BTW.
Already have some good discussions going including a common law study group with u/corrbrick (the guy who stood up to Siemens). Come check it out! Just click join on the main page to create an account and you should automatically get added to the main room.
Join conservative women's meetup - or, start one!
Where would a guy who identifies as single join the meetup?
Much easier said than done. I think you got it a bit backwads. "Covid ends when we heal and rebuild our social circle!" In reality its "our social circles with start to rebuild after the normies stop being manipulated."
Please explain how i can rebuild my friendships when they wont hang out unless im in a mask or vaxxed?
Amen, fren. I'm in a group that is made up entirely of hopelessly brainwashed Dems. They are all boosted to the max, still getting sick anyway, scared to death of the coof and still wearing masks. I've had to drop out of the in-person meetings because I know if I walked into the same room as them, unjabbed as I am, they'd all cower in the corner like I was Frankenstein come to life.
It's our job to help get them to the other side in one piece and still a fren
Agreed. I've had to walk on eggshells and measure out every word carefully in order to maintain the peace. I know this group will be one of the most devastated when the truth bombs finally hit, as they are nowhere near ready for the truth.
I moved to Egypt, so. I'm fully prepared for radical measures, but, I don't deal with retards anymore.
I'm fascinated to understand why you moved. Is there something you can share with us about it? Without doxxing yourself, of course.
Marriage discombobulated, less drama, was getting zero respect for what I do and who I am back home. Wife can work her job and wear three masks as much as she wants, I left before I basically got got locked in the country (no flying, no entry into USA without vax proof)
Canada, EU, all the countries aligned with the Great Reset can GFT, so, skipped out for a bit (left mostly everything), not sure when/if I'll ever go back. Canada half cucked
Canada going martial law. People think, well, DUH, catsfive, Egypt has martial law, too! Yeah. Egypt is an old hand at martial law... ~100m people already know how to bribe, get around or circumvent the system. Martial law is corrupt.
Egypt depends on tourism, hard currency, which I have, making staying in the country way easier
No masks, no Karens
Better weather, been diving, seeing the sights and making friends, lots of things to do, Egyptians are friendly and generous and generally happy
Nicer weather
Far easier to quit drinking here, less stress, less idiots
Thanks for sharing. And you're definitely right about Canada (where I live). My hope and expectation is that the Great Reset plans will die in a smoking ruin once the Plan fully unfolds. But until then, enjoy life, fren!
A good destination - for a man. Enjoy.
Wow…I thought you were just vacationing there?!! I could do that, but not Cairo. I speak some arabic but can’t read or write it. As I told you, I love Arabic food, and their hospitality knows no bounds. I’d just love to research & explore. Edit; yes, the diving in the Red Sea is spectacular 👍🏽😎
Find the others
I have no friends. I had a few work friends where I used to live, but we moved last year and now I have no friends who live within a thousand miles of me. And I don't really consider text/Facebook friends to be true friends. We're just friends on a screen.
It's a lonely time for many people. I am happy and blessed to have my husband and I am thankful for him every day. But we really just have each other at this point. Even our families are many, many miles away.
He is, of course. There's no one more important. We used to socialize with others occasionally and I had women friends I stayed in touch with. No more. But that seems to be the case for many people now.
We're about to move again to a rural area where I'll probably see even fewer people. On the other hand, the people we will see will be conservative and family-oriented, so that's good. I'm thinking about going back to church, but my husband thinks church people are crazy. I know they can be, but I think it's the only hope I have. We'll see how it goes.
Thank you so much for the link. I didn't even know that your forum existed since I only hang around here for news, though I did also join The Prayer Garden. I will join tonight.
Thank you also for the advice on finding a church. It gets so confusing and discouraging when I look at church websites and see that so many have a "contemporary" format, and I don't enjoy that. I appreciate churches that are more old-fashioned and simple.
My husband grew up in an extremely Catholic household and went through twelve years of strict Catholic school, so he pretty much refuses to try a church at this point. He thinks they're all bad and doesn't want anything to do with it. I am hoping and praying that he will become more open to it. Maybe moving to the area where we're going will help with that. I have a feeling that all the people we will meet there will be church people, so he's going to have to get used to it to some extent, lol.
Same here but my husband just died. I have my adult son, but I can't expect him to be my social life.
I am so sorry to hear that. I pray you will find companionship and a solid social circle to support you.
You do you, fren
If GAW is family, I request a family reunion immediately. There is way too much blue for my RED life around me. TBH, I just married my inner circle of friend. I for one hate being anonymous. Gato is the nickname, Jeff is what Momma named me. So, hi family, I'm Jeff, glad to meet you all!
We need a convention one day
TOTALLY!!! I’ve said this many times, and most just like the anonymity, but it would be a blast!!
I have no desire to be friends with these people. The way I have been treated, vilified, and defamed leads me to continue to make my circle smaller.
If we ever were to all get together, why do I think it would look exactly like this picture? Kek! 🤣
I decided that most are to stupid to even talk to.
Seems like the old we get, the less true friends we have. And the harder it gets to make new friends. :/
Try going on dates. I give up. Unvaxxed
I know 2 twenty-something conservative, un-vaxxed women who are having the same problem finding anyone.
How did you travel to Egypt not being vaccinated?
Plz give then my # in your PM shortly lol
Very true. My closest friends were older than me, I loved their wisdom and wealth of experience. Sadly all gone.
I'm down in the dumps lately because of the alienation. I don't really care to see my friends who are still dumb enough to embrace the bs that is happening to our nation. Red pilling where I can but it seems i'm at saturation of who will really even listen. It seems too easy for them to keep their heads in the sand. Lucky for me I'm married for 50 years to my best friend. The post does cheer me up though. Love the picture of us. Trying to hang in there.
You are very blessed to have a good husband. Very blessed.
Yes, I am very blessed. Thank you.
I like those kekonuts in the palm tree😃
Wife and I have lost friends but also found out one long time friend is a patriot.. I still do stuff with some old normie friends and red pill when I can.
There's always a cracked-out spongebob at these parties. Fun at first but he makes me really uncomfortable now.
I wish but no. My wife and I have interests and hobbies purely co-opted by normies where we would never see eye to eye
Plus we're complete weirdos to begin with, then add the Trump, Q, and Jesus thing into it
Good thing we have each other.
(We’re all weirdos)..ssshhhh.
Honkler never fails to make me smile.
I never left out there.
Same, everyone is just now catching up 😉
You guys still have social circles? kek
My mom and I don't speak.
Shame. My daughter and I speak but avoid a LOT of topics, its like walking on eggshells.
GREAT MEME! I have used it to Fuckbook and all my normie friends and family have shared it and totally agreed with it! Thank You!
I am still going through separation while putting effort to distance myself from my family at this point, I am simply striving for solitude so I can clear my mind short term and plan to continue my journey with new opportunities. I have extreme gratitude for the beautiful souls in this community who despite whom I’ve not met, I feel a deep connection with. When bodies start going limp from their hanging and criminals have been cleanest here in my prison island, I hope to cross paths with you when we defeat tyranny and normal human beings in my prison island who haven’t succumbed to the poison experimental injections, are finally able to actually fly out of the country.
I cannot wait for the GAW meetups to happen when it is safe! I so want to meet you all in person and rehash events.
We all should bring a dish…like a potluck. Just NO POPCORN!! (I’m maxed-out). 😂
Definitely no popcorn!
I like this idea. Getting out and doing things you enjoy is healthy. If someone is consistent with it they will be bound to eventually meet people. It doesn't hurt to be friendly with people even if we have different perspectives.
For my wife, it purged her list of acquaintances that were simply not true friends. Socializing with these people was a waste of time and energy.
Batman clearly does not need a life saver
It’s there job to reach out not ours.
Hope that's working out for you. :)
Sounds like my best friend: she listens patiently to all my red pilling without being really interested, does not share my interests but - God bless her - she is always there in time of need.