He is hearding in the support needed. But to humor you, so exactly who is it that you DO support? Got to be somebody... you can't do it alone? So tell us who it is that you cheer for? None of them isn't an answer.
"If Google gives me a few thousand dollars check, God bless them."
"Few thousand dollars" isn't a lie, but notice how he didn't give you an exact dollar amount either. That's slimy politician talk right there. Could be $2,000 or it could be $10,000. Both statements are accurate, but are very different sums of money.
He's talking like this because Google was his 2nd biggest contributer in 2018, giving him $10,000. That's why hes hiding it in that Tucker Carlson video.
That's why he sat on his ass in legislation, but made a dog and pony show for TV when he questioned the Google CEO. He's a typical Ohio Republican piece of shit.
There is only one way to resolve this situation and that is to void the results of the 2020 presidential election. And revote the entire thing under the supervision of the military.
There is only one way to resolve this situation and that is to void the results of the 2020 presidential election. And revote the entire thing under the supervision of the military.
Upvoted for first sentence. Second sentence doesn't seem fair to Trump and his supporters. Why should we have to win again? Why should the democrats get a free do-over—"No harm, no foul!"—for cheating?
Instead IIRC the law says they actually forfeit the election to the side that didn't cheat. I'm not a biologist or legal analyst.
It might be more meaningful to win a second time than to simply win by forfeit. Because some people will claim that even with the cheating Biden should’ve won anyway. Either way, I don’t remember the mechanism for solving such a scenario - if they would even follow it, because these people are demons and do whatever the hell they want.
I somewhat agree but to make it wholly legitimate, a revote would be necessary. That's why the military supervising it is essential, no cheating. What a campaign for the republicans the last year (people have to be shown,) it would be a landslide.
The Way was originally a sect of Judaism, they kept the Older Covenant feasts and festivals, and debated the Sadducees and Pharisees on key points. In some places, even the Torah (first five books of our Scripture) teachers would affirm Jesus' words. They first started getting called Christians in Antioch, and it was used by their enemies as a derisive term. This was shortly after Paul saw Jesus and took on the name Paul and he started his ministry among the Jewish people first, then went to the Gentiles when some Jews would not hear him. Romans 11 is an expression of the cry of his heart for the Jewish people who did not believe him, but there are quite a few instances of Jews who did:
On the 11th of January 2021 President Donald J Trump awarded Jim Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
The highest civilian honor in the US of A if I'm not mistaken.
I find it absolutely impossible this would have happened, especially at this date, unless President Trump actually was sincere about the award.
And I'm 100% certain Trump "caught them all".
I suppose I could be wrong as many of Trump's allies turns on him eventually.
Maybe some of them according to plan but as one of President Trump's last official actions this would be a very strange twist if Jim would actually be working against President Trump.
Jim Jordan is one of the few I would want to see returned to Congress. About 90% of them can hit the dusty trail. I like Nunez too, but he has a job to do.
All in all I could probably count less than ten I would want in there.
Nice interview. I especially liked JJ putting that big-time, widespread collusion out there for the public. One of the "arguments" I've heard from the sheep inre the fake news lies is "They wouldn't ALL be saying X if it wasn't true."
I admit I like Jordan but I notice every interview he gives he says if the American people vote for us in the midterms..... it is almost as if I wont do anything UNTIL YOU vote republican.
We've been on that path before when republicans were the majority and still did nothing.
Then, too, because of no action taken, I very much doubt we'd have an honest election if at all.
It seems to be okay as long as you talk about it the same way we talk about any other issue connected to an identity group, like black inner city gang violence, homosexual grooming, Hispanic illegal immigration, or white liberal cuckoldry. But I think if you get hateful or obnoxious or refuse to talk about anything else, or start spamming the same comments, then you probably get banned.
He is hearding in the support needed. But to humor you, so exactly who is it that you DO support? Got to be somebody... you can't do it alone? So tell us who it is that you cheer for? None of them isn't an answer.
People down voting you as if this isn't a Q forum. A lot of idiots come out when their boys get knocked.
Stay strong, soldier.
I was a Gowdy fan too. I feel your pain.
This! ☝🏻
Remember, these people want you to like them. They want you to feel this way. Their job and livelihood depends on it.
So let me break it down for you:
Jim Jordan is a double agent.
Here's Tucker grilling Jim on taking campaign money from Google: https://youtu.be/pgzE1UBBs8Q
Here's the proof: https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/C00428623/candidate-recipients/2018
"If Google gives me a few thousand dollars check, God bless them."
"Few thousand dollars" isn't a lie, but notice how he didn't give you an exact dollar amount either. That's slimy politician talk right there. Could be $2,000 or it could be $10,000. Both statements are accurate, but are very different sums of money.
He's talking like this because Google was his 2nd biggest contributer in 2018, giving him $10,000. That's why hes hiding it in that Tucker Carlson video.
That's why he sat on his ass in legislation, but made a dog and pony show for TV when he questioned the Google CEO. He's a typical Ohio Republican piece of shit.
More importantly, who's funding him now?
Oh look, its Credit Union National Assn. 4th biggest contributer at $6k: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/jim-jordan/contributors?cid=N00027894&cycle=2022&type=I
And it looks like they primarily fund Democrats. https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/recipients?id=D000000136&cycle=2022
Wonder what he has in store for us this time around.
Seriously, don't trust the son of a bitch.
There is only one way to resolve this situation and that is to void the results of the 2020 presidential election. And revote the entire thing under the supervision of the military.
Upvoted for first sentence. Second sentence doesn't seem fair to Trump and his supporters. Why should we have to win again? Why should the democrats get a free do-over—"No harm, no foul!"—for cheating?
Instead IIRC the law says they actually forfeit the election to the side that didn't cheat. I'm not a biologist or legal analyst.
Yes....but have you ever played one on TV? ; )
I agree. They have the election results... Trump won, give the diamonds back
It might be more meaningful to win a second time than to simply win by forfeit. Because some people will claim that even with the cheating Biden should’ve won anyway. Either way, I don’t remember the mechanism for solving such a scenario - if they would even follow it, because these people are demons and do whatever the hell they want.
I somewhat agree but to make it wholly legitimate, a revote would be necessary. That's why the military supervising it is essential, no cheating. What a campaign for the republicans the last year (people have to be shown,) it would be a landslide.
Fraud vitiates everything.
Wakie Wakie Eggs and Bakie!
Yeah can’t stand Maria’s voice.
Also: https://www.weforum.org/people/maria-bartiromo
Why does she always look like she's just finished crying?
Maybe, but they're shiny, like they're full of tears. I'd be nervous talking to her like all the sudden a tearful outburst could happen.
And Paul slayed Jews before he didn't. Is there any sauce that Maria also bought in their crap...or did she just attend?
That is a great question.
President Trump seems to trust her. Or is it part of the show? I’ll only know for sure in the end.
He didn't slay Jews when he was Saul. He slew Christians who converted from Judaism. Stoned them IIRC
The Way was originally a sect of Judaism, they kept the Older Covenant feasts and festivals, and debated the Sadducees and Pharisees on key points. In some places, even the Torah (first five books of our Scripture) teachers would affirm Jesus' words. They first started getting called Christians in Antioch, and it was used by their enemies as a derisive term. This was shortly after Paul saw Jesus and took on the name Paul and he started his ministry among the Jewish people first, then went to the Gentiles when some Jews would not hear him. Romans 11 is an expression of the cry of his heart for the Jewish people who did not believe him, but there are quite a few instances of Jews who did:
On the 11th of January 2021 President Donald J Trump awarded Jim Jordan the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The highest civilian honor in the US of A if I'm not mistaken.
I find it absolutely impossible this would have happened, especially at this date, unless President Trump actually was sincere about the award. And I'm 100% certain Trump "caught them all". I suppose I could be wrong as many of Trump's allies turns on him eventually. Maybe some of them according to plan but as one of President Trump's last official actions this would be a very strange twist if Jim would actually be working against President Trump.
It's like certain people have specific tasks... they won't overlap and get out of their lanes until the time is perfect...
Maybe to keep the flood of information 'cleaner' and more understandable...?
Jim Jordan is one of the few I would want to see returned to Congress. About 90% of them can hit the dusty trail. I like Nunez too, but he has a job to do.
All in all I could probably count less than ten I would want in there.
Agreed. I see him as one only recently awakened to all this, and still working in the perceived system.
Like Neo still working with the agents rules. Got heart, just not making it far without help.
He's a good man, just needs to hit the precipice and wake up more, he's still groggy.
Nice interview. I especially liked JJ putting that big-time, widespread collusion out there for the public. One of the "arguments" I've heard from the sheep inre the fake news lies is "They wouldn't ALL be saying X if it wasn't true."
I admit I like Jordan but I notice every interview he gives he says if the American people vote for us in the midterms..... it is almost as if I wont do anything UNTIL YOU vote republican.
We've been on that path before when republicans were the majority and still did nothing.
Then, too, because of no action taken, I very much doubt we'd have an honest election if at all.
Lol, just fucking lying lying lying.
This is a joke. This resident admin has to be an act. This is a total shitshow
Controlled opposition.
Yeah it’s taboo to call out Zionistic Canaanites and Khazarian Jews. Kinda like it was taboo for Jesus to call out the pagan Pharisees and Sadducees…
It seems to be okay as long as you talk about it the same way we talk about any other issue connected to an identity group, like black inner city gang violence, homosexual grooming, Hispanic illegal immigration, or white liberal cuckoldry. But I think if you get hateful or obnoxious or refuse to talk about anything else, or start spamming the same comments, then you probably get banned.
Que!? shaking angrily