I agree with the sentiment but feel there is a better way. Kids are so curious and if you think this father’s answer will satisfy a kid’s curiosity you just don’t know children well. I think we need to take the mystery away from it by having conversations early and often. Not in any way graphic or detailed conversations but as parents we should frame it in a way that guides our expectations for them. Simply saying it’s too big for you to understand, no matter how eloquent your analogy, will only encourage them to find answers elsewhere. IMO the OP’s presented analogy shows the father shrugging his parental responsibility.
I respect you point of view. My daughter just asked some hard questions at seven years old. I gave her straight, honest answers and she valued them. I included the importance of a loving relationship and the privacy that comes with it. The reason she even asked is because we have quite a few farm animals. Let’s just say, farm life makes the sex conversation a whole lot easier.
However, there definitely are some topics and situations where this analogy could come in handy. Especially when you are sitting on a train. 😂
seriously when did it change....i think in the 2000s....only 20 years and here we are. Having said that....when do you let kids learn more so they're not so naive?
That answer wouldn't satisfy a curious and intelligent child, who would seek out answers from other, less trustworthy sources. My mother taught me to answer questions about sex from young children honestly, keeping the level of information shared age-appropriate, and I think this is a good policy. Five-year-olds might be satisfied with, "Babies come from mommy's tummy," while 12-year-olds will want to know more.
Yes, let kids be kids, but if they're old enough to have questions about sex, they're old enough to be given age-appropriate answers. You don't want to burden kids with sexual information they're too young to process. On the other hand, sex is a natural part of life and we don't need to make it out to be so sinful or mysterious that the subject can't be broached on any level until a child is practically grown up. We also need to teach our young children enough to know that no one is allowed to touch them inappropriately.
Kids ask questions they don’t necessarily want the answers for. Sometimes they are just looking for a quick answer (non-answer) to shut that curiousity down. I don’t think it’s right to make such a big deal about questions. Also sometimes kids ask things that they don’t even realize what they are asking because they are literally that innocent. They might be asking about a word just as a word - as a sound - and not realize the word has a sexual context around it, so you think the kid was asking about sex and really they were just asking about a sound.
And then beyond that, some good old fashioned sexual repression is valid too. This idea that every adult and by extension every child needs to be this open sexual book with deep connection to their nakedness and their genital pleasure and their physical and emotional desire is new age, fruity, crypto-Marxist bullshit and it now seems apparent it never even came from a genuine place but was just the set-up for pedophilic child sex grooming.
To me this makes a lot of sense because that whole free love hippy dippy little kids should shower naked with their parents and siblings because “the human body is beautifullllllll maaaaaaan” is a bunch of creeper nonsense. Sexual repression is super underrated and way closer to the Way than anything else, and it’s worked great to keep social degeneracy at bay for thousands of years. All you have to do is think about people YOU don’t want to sexualize to know this is true, like your boss or your parents or your teacher. If your schlubby, middle-aged, swinger boss is “so in touch with his sexuality” that he’s projecting his tantric sexual energy into everything he does - how he sits, how he eats, how he shakes your hand - everyone knows that’s not some beautiful, sex-positive, energetic knowingness of his own sexual energy, it’s just weird and fucking creepy. Most people would just want their boss to be normal and essentially sexless.
If you want your children to learn about sex from their friends, their creepy public school teachers, and the internet, then yes, don't answer their questions. Many parents prefer to guide their children on this topic, with age-appropriate information over the years, guided by the child's level of maturity and curiosity, so they can instill values along with biological facts.
Disagree, Lovely story though. Imho children are smarter and stronger than what bullshit story says. Think middle east.
There's no use hiding sins when it's all over the internet and especially Tik Tok. It's a shame really. But when was the first porno mags you've seen (not owned). Young age right? sad.
Have you seen comic book costumes?
Children are enslaved mentally starting from day 1 of Kindergarten in major cities. Try visiting a few, try not as a parent but fellow teacher. Sad.
Don your children with the armor of God too. Wish it wasn't so.
I think you do need a free and open internet. You just can't let kids get to it. There are enough niches on the internet that any sort of depravity will have an entire community in place to make it seem tame, commonplace, and acceptable. It requires a hugely mature mind to navigate the internet - and so much of the current and blossoming issues are because innocent minds have been allowed unfettered access to an ecosphere of enticing insanity. It's a mess! And on a side note, there is STILL NO reliable way of providing children age-based, limited-access internet. It should have been #1 priority 20 years ago now.
This is such a good analogy! They are/have been stealing our children’s innocence!
I agree with the sentiment but feel there is a better way. Kids are so curious and if you think this father’s answer will satisfy a kid’s curiosity you just don’t know children well. I think we need to take the mystery away from it by having conversations early and often. Not in any way graphic or detailed conversations but as parents we should frame it in a way that guides our expectations for them. Simply saying it’s too big for you to understand, no matter how eloquent your analogy, will only encourage them to find answers elsewhere. IMO the OP’s presented analogy shows the father shrugging his parental responsibility.
I respect you point of view. My daughter just asked some hard questions at seven years old. I gave her straight, honest answers and she valued them. I included the importance of a loving relationship and the privacy that comes with it. The reason she even asked is because we have quite a few farm animals. Let’s just say, farm life makes the sex conversation a whole lot easier. However, there definitely are some topics and situations where this analogy could come in handy. Especially when you are sitting on a train. 😂
Yea. A better and more accurate analogy would be if the father required her to carry the suitcase without her ever showing an interest in carrying it.
When did it change, it used to be just let kids be kids.
♪ We don't need sex education
We don't need no birth control
Don't teach orgasm in the classroom
Teachers, leave us kids alone
seriously when did it change....i think in the 2000s....only 20 years and here we are. Having said that....when do you let kids learn more so they're not so naive?
Author Corrie Ten Boom
Preach it!
couldn't put it better if I tried...
Great book.
This should be stickied!
That answer wouldn't satisfy a curious and intelligent child, who would seek out answers from other, less trustworthy sources. My mother taught me to answer questions about sex from young children honestly, keeping the level of information shared age-appropriate, and I think this is a good policy. Five-year-olds might be satisfied with, "Babies come from mommy's tummy," while 12-year-olds will want to know more.
Yes, let kids be kids, but if they're old enough to have questions about sex, they're old enough to be given age-appropriate answers. You don't want to burden kids with sexual information they're too young to process. On the other hand, sex is a natural part of life and we don't need to make it out to be so sinful or mysterious that the subject can't be broached on any level until a child is practically grown up. We also need to teach our young children enough to know that no one is allowed to touch them inappropriately.
Kids ask questions they don’t necessarily want the answers for. Sometimes they are just looking for a quick answer (non-answer) to shut that curiousity down. I don’t think it’s right to make such a big deal about questions. Also sometimes kids ask things that they don’t even realize what they are asking because they are literally that innocent. They might be asking about a word just as a word - as a sound - and not realize the word has a sexual context around it, so you think the kid was asking about sex and really they were just asking about a sound.
And then beyond that, some good old fashioned sexual repression is valid too. This idea that every adult and by extension every child needs to be this open sexual book with deep connection to their nakedness and their genital pleasure and their physical and emotional desire is new age, fruity, crypto-Marxist bullshit and it now seems apparent it never even came from a genuine place but was just the set-up for pedophilic child sex grooming.
To me this makes a lot of sense because that whole free love hippy dippy little kids should shower naked with their parents and siblings because “the human body is beautifullllllll maaaaaaan” is a bunch of creeper nonsense. Sexual repression is super underrated and way closer to the Way than anything else, and it’s worked great to keep social degeneracy at bay for thousands of years. All you have to do is think about people YOU don’t want to sexualize to know this is true, like your boss or your parents or your teacher. If your schlubby, middle-aged, swinger boss is “so in touch with his sexuality” that he’s projecting his tantric sexual energy into everything he does - how he sits, how he eats, how he shakes your hand - everyone knows that’s not some beautiful, sex-positive, energetic knowingness of his own sexual energy, it’s just weird and fucking creepy. Most people would just want their boss to be normal and essentially sexless.
If you want your children to learn about sex from their friends, their creepy public school teachers, and the internet, then yes, don't answer their questions. Many parents prefer to guide their children on this topic, with age-appropriate information over the years, guided by the child's level of maturity and curiosity, so they can instill values along with biological facts.
Good stuff,OP. Thanks for this great thought. Hope the idiots in congress will read it before they pass laws allowing parents to mutilate their kids.
Starting out reading, I thought it was going to be a piece of grooming literature.
So true
Oh for fuck sake, lol
Disagree, Lovely story though. Imho children are smarter and stronger than what bullshit story says. Think middle east.
There's no use hiding sins when it's all over the internet and especially Tik Tok. It's a shame really. But when was the first porno mags you've seen (not owned). Young age right? sad.
Have you seen comic book costumes?
Children are enslaved mentally starting from day 1 of Kindergarten in major cities. Try visiting a few, try not as a parent but fellow teacher. Sad.
Don your children with the armor of God too. Wish it wasn't so.
Also, it's foolish as a parent to think it's okay to let kids have open access to the internet.
I think you do need a free and open internet. You just can't let kids get to it. There are enough niches on the internet that any sort of depravity will have an entire community in place to make it seem tame, commonplace, and acceptable. It requires a hugely mature mind to navigate the internet - and so much of the current and blossoming issues are because innocent minds have been allowed unfettered access to an ecosphere of enticing insanity. It's a mess! And on a side note, there is STILL NO reliable way of providing children age-based, limited-access internet. It should have been #1 priority 20 years ago now.