And all of us here that are not shills are already on the list of 'Dark MAGA' because we are onto them, and are exposing them daily. They fully intend to completely destroy out lives and unable to purchase anything or travel. All without violating the Constitution because it won't be government doing it.
everyone nose
Good one. I see a few Karen rabbis downvoted you.
When all of the elves come out to downvote, you know you're over the target.
Absolutely. I am over the target frequently. I love getting the Karen's panties in a knot around here
Agree WE KNOW ... We have Karen rabbits? Ugh be gone you Karen’s off with you! TAKE YOUR Kevin’s with you.
It’s the noseferatu!
Watch yourself, goyim!
Musk has gotta be a white hat or at least a grey hat. He's pulling a Trump: asking a question he knows the answer to.
Marc obviously knows what's up. Look at that avatar. Look at it. It screams of, "man who just wanted to be left alone."
And all of us here that are not shills are already on the list of 'Dark MAGA' because we are onto them, and are exposing them daily. They fully intend to completely destroy out lives and unable to purchase anything or travel. All without violating the Constitution because it won't be government doing it.
That's a list I'm proudly 1000% on and have been on since I began telling people 911 was a lie lol
Oy Vey goy.
It's annudah shoah!
Definitely feels like i'm watching a poorly written movie for sure
Every time someone says that phrase 'we're watching a movie' I remind them that 'The Room' is a movie too.
Oh hi Mark!
Gimme a K! Gimme an A! Gimme a Z! Gimme...
Gimme a J! Gimme an E! Gimme—
> you have been banned from the internet for 30 days.
That's antisemitic!!!
The original "how dare you!"
Oy vey!
"Fellow white people"
Elon is everwhere… trolling everyones feed…fuckin hillarious…
I really thought this was a consume product post
Seriously, which direction for new readers to dig?
I assume Federal Reserve, or IMF come to mind for some reason (but that is likely just a random thought).