What a fucking hypocrite. He is the motherfucker who signed the EO that allows the MSM to use propaganda on us and now he is calling it out and making a butt ton on money doing so. I can't wait to see this fucker go down hard.
This needs to be shared as far and wide as possible. "Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs" and he continues: "surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign".
RENEGADE: renegade (noun) someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw deserter, apostate, renegade, turncoat, recreant, ratter (adj) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Check out of all things, Al Jezerra tv. That network is broadcasting the truth as we see it. Go figure.
The news is breaking worldwide. HRC and Ol Big Ears is trying to shut it down and change the rules.
Get a rope
I swear the phrase, "a threat to our democracy" must be a trigger term for brainwashing! In that clip of all of the news stations saying the exact same thing ALL said that phrase, so now when I hear it, I pay attention to who is saying it and why!
Translation; 'We have to censor and shut down social media accounts for reporting on the TRUTH! Loyalists to the 'system', tune in to my covert speech and we all can come up with more devious ways to prevent the TRUTH from getting out. We may have to do an all out communications black-out on these social media platforms sooner than later.'
He means “truth” is a threat to “their vision” of democracy.
Democracies value Freedom. Tyrannies value Censorship. Their hypocrisy and lies are always so obvious when you are awake.
Eff off Barry.
That's because Durham metaphorically threw a noose over his neck a few weeks ago and he knows it. Treason has a pretty rough ending... :)
What a fucking hypocrite. He is the motherfucker who signed the EO that allows the MSM to use propaganda on us and now he is calling it out and making a butt ton on money doing so. I can't wait to see this fucker go down hard.
I'd like to share these words of yours, Hussein, where it seems you are a threat to democracy
This needs to be shared as far and wide as possible. "Ordinary men and women are too small minded to govern their own affairs" and he continues: "surrender their rights to an all powerful sovereign".
Rumble link
RENEGADE: renegade (noun) someone who rebels and becomes an outlaw deserter, apostate, renegade, turncoat, recreant, ratter (adj) a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
I cannot wait until this POS is trying to flee to Kenya.
Yeah, if you like your plan you can keep your plan, if you like your doc you can keep your doc, and you will save thousands.
Biggest traitor to this country..EVER!!
The truth about Barry would end them all.
But when disinformation is done in purpose it's called propaganda
Lol shut up faggot
That’s rich, really rich.
Hey Barry, we are NOT a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic that has democratic elements.
But, you do you Barry. Keep using those buzzwords, just like your overlords taught you.
"Democracy", means class based oligarchy to them.
Check out of all things, Al Jezerra tv. That network is broadcasting the truth as we see it. Go figure. The news is breaking worldwide. HRC and Ol Big Ears is trying to shut it down and change the rules. Get a rope NCSWIC
Says the piece of SATANIC SHITCUNT who gleefully signed an EO authorising weaponised propaganda against the Americans.
Smells like a trash fire.
I swear the phrase, "a threat to our democracy" must be a trigger term for brainwashing! In that clip of all of the news stations saying the exact same thing ALL said that phrase, so now when I hear it, I pay attention to who is saying it and why!
Utter garabage and propaganda from bath house barry
Steve Kirsch was bummed he missed the event.
(If you haven't read him, he has been begging people to debate. No takers.)
Translation; 'We have to censor and shut down social media accounts for reporting on the TRUTH! Loyalists to the 'system', tune in to my covert speech and we all can come up with more devious ways to prevent the TRUTH from getting out. We may have to do an all out communications black-out on these social media platforms sooner than later.'
Hey Barry, wipe your chin bro. kek
From the P.O.S. who legalized the use of propaganda against the American people.
muh duh-mockracy.....what a tool........
What a POS.
We don't live in a democracy retard.
Uh, no thanks.