This is where Christianity comes it. It teaches you about reality, about evil. We know there is spiritual warfare, and that Satan is the Prince of the Powers of the Air. Add this into your "reality of being".
Ask yourself this question... if everything that we know up until this point has been controlled and dictated by the DS/Cabal would the word of God be unaltered by their manipulation?
If those who believe and have faith think for a second that the Bible/Bibles have not been altered by the Cabal I have some bad news for you.
Much understanding has been compromised . Turn other other cheek was to stand in defiance. First slap was backhand a sign of disrespect turn the other cheek they now slap with palm they have now recognized you as an equal instead now of lesser than. The book of Maccabees 1-2 is a guerrilla war that the Israelites fought to preserve themselves when the govt over them started killing them forcing them to act against God Torah etc . Which is what we have today an attack on the women children identity laws God . True love is correcting which is the opposite of what the church is today so loving the enemy could be pushing back against their wrongs to correct make right
There is a lot of information in the books of the Bible that the jews removed after the 1611 King James was written.
To many Christians think they are supposed to be cowards. Jesus helped people that were actually doing something to help themselves.
This is where Christianity comes it. It teaches you about reality, about evil. We know there is spiritual warfare, and that Satan is the Prince of the Powers of the Air. Add this into your "reality of being".
Ask yourself this question... if everything that we know up until this point has been controlled and dictated by the DS/Cabal would the word of God be unaltered by their manipulation?
If those who believe and have faith think for a second that the Bible/Bibles have not been altered by the Cabal I have some bad news for you.
Much understanding has been compromised . Turn other other cheek was to stand in defiance. First slap was backhand a sign of disrespect turn the other cheek they now slap with palm they have now recognized you as an equal instead now of lesser than. The book of Maccabees 1-2 is a guerrilla war that the Israelites fought to preserve themselves when the govt over them started killing them forcing them to act against God Torah etc . Which is what we have today an attack on the women children identity laws God . True love is correcting which is the opposite of what the church is today so loving the enemy could be pushing back against their wrongs to correct make right
There is a lot of information in the books of the Bible that the jews removed after the 1611 King James was written. To many Christians think they are supposed to be cowards. Jesus helped people that were actually doing something to help themselves.
And it's time to beat your plows into swords !
100% rigged.... No surprise....without a doubt!
This has me wonder, what was the REAL outcome of the 2018 Venezuelan election?
We were led to believe that Nicholas Maduro was the baddie, and the young opposition leader Henrique Capriles was the up and coming good leader.
Did the media flip it on us?
Any Venezuelan Anon's in here than can explain?
Oh how your "opinion" rings truth! I know of no despot in history that was "voted" out of power. Sad but true.
And with La Pen conceding so easily, she's likely a part of the rigging.
The question really now becomes - "Have we ever had an honest election ?"