Looks like those court cases earlier this year that decided Executive Privilege doesn't apply after a President steps down are finally coming home to roost.
But, the texts between Mark Meadows and people other than POTUS wouldn’t have fallen under EP anyway. Mark Meadows himself was the one who turned over those texts to the committee. It was nice to feel a bit of hopium for a moment, though.
Barry going around begging people not to believe the news. Biden's disinformation board. I'd say these two things suggest these criminals know they're about to be exposed to the public and their only hope is to convince them that what comes out is fake news.
But I don't think what the public thinks is actually going to matter.
Yo boss, you forgot to call for communications from the head of the 0bama DOJ, Loretta Lynch, and her video broadcast for "blood in the streets" to be carried out.
Pretty sure this means they have it all
My first thought!!
Yep. He wouldn't open his mouth about this if he didn't know full well what was in those texts. They indeed have it all.
Step one. Set the trap.
I’m hoping we’re not on step one this far into the shitshow
Looks like those court cases earlier this year that decided Executive Privilege doesn't apply after a President steps down are finally coming home to roost.
Ain't it delicious?
But, the texts between Mark Meadows and people other than POTUS wouldn’t have fallen under EP anyway. Mark Meadows himself was the one who turned over those texts to the committee. It was nice to feel a bit of hopium for a moment, though.
Assuming judges who are blackmailed and threatened won't do blatantly hypocritical justice on our side
The tide is turning, pedes!
This is why people like Madcow are quitting. They're all gonna be implicated.
Haha... It's funny because he knows what the texts say :D
The public has been given a select taste (i.e. sampling) - rest assured others have it all (100% verifiable and impossible to refute).
Denis McDonough
From 2013 to 2017, McDonough served as White House Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama, the only chief of staff to date to serve a full four-year term exactly.
This DM?
Q Drop #1828
[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]?—-?[HRC/DNC]
Care to explain this to people who can’t decipher Q messaging. Thanks
Yes, brilliant. Fascinating drop that one. So much info. Almost shows they had it all back then, looking back on it now.
Now there are two Russian hoaxes.
They said long ago they had it all. This is just the announcement of what's coming next.
The classic Trumptease? I like it.
Barry going around begging people not to believe the news. Biden's disinformation board. I'd say these two things suggest these criminals know they're about to be exposed to the public and their only hope is to convince them that what comes out is fake news.
But I don't think what the public thinks is actually going to matter.
Yo boss, you forgot to call for communications from the head of the 0bama DOJ, Loretta Lynch, and her video broadcast for "blood in the streets" to be carried out.
I wonder if BarryGirl is still under the impression that he can tweet his way out of this, and avoid multiple Treason charges?
Shame for obama that all this precedence has been set overriding executive privilege...
Is this a Broadside, Shot Across The Bow, or The First Salvo?
Put that thang down, flip it, and reverse it! 🤣 Every time the DS sets a precedent, White hats use it against them
Notice he did not say, bad things WOULD be revealed.
He said it. It’s inevitable that we will see these texts.
Yeah, I'm confused as well?
Big oof 🙃
I say no one will know what you are revealing if you don't edit that shit.