Technically the image is true.
It was made up system to divide slaves. The masters didn’t want slaves of different skin color to realize they could work together so “race” was actually made up.
I’ve seen southern Italians with darker skinned that “black Americans” but the Italian is white? It’s all bullshit.
You are under arrest for wrongthink. Your sentence is 500 years in prison. If you are unable to serve the entire sentence then it will be extended to direct family members.
And Ashkenazi Jews and biblical Hebrew Jews like the Cohen family all love Israel and all share seats at the Bilderberg Group and Davos Group tables and all participate in sharing dominance of Hollywood and our mainstream news media and our social media and banking and medical institutions, control the world's largest refugee relocation foundations, control the world's largest DNA collection agency (43andMe), control the world's largest Big Pharma companies that produce the deadly Covid-19 vaccine-AIDS poison and even our domestic terrorists through their Open Society Foundations.
As far as I can tell, they all recognize each other as Jews so I see no reason why I should pretend they don't or worry about Khazarian, Ashkenazi and Hebrew Jews who've all been breeding with each other for centuries.
I think SJWs would have a big problem with this book.
Because skin color should determine everything about you in their minds. This idea that white people 'made up' the concept of race would contradict their narrative.
And to SJWs, if something contradicts the narrative it is fascist, racist, unethical and factually incorrect.
You are forgetting the sjw's ability for doublethink, or holding two conflicting views simultaneously. They are able to do this, because they never actually dive into either issue fully: they are blindly following their emotions.
And then those white man changed everyone's DNA so we can differentiate between each race simply by the size and shape of a person's bones, a strand of hair or a drop of blood.
And those white people were called liberal democrats and were very evil. So evil some of them were even black and they hurt other black people. Then, one day in Chicago.... we can write books too.
Really, IQ is subjective based on the test you were taking. The San Bushmen are extremely skilled hunters, yet score 60-70 on conventional IQ tests.
"If you judge a fish's intelligence by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
That's what I say whenever someone uses IQ scores as an excuse for racism. If this post was not made with those intentions, sorry, but at least you learned something.
Have you hunted? I do. It’s a learned task. That’s all it is. What ground-breaking hunting process have they come up with that is so much better than modem technology and practices? You’re intentionally conflating this task with critical thinking, pattern recognition, deductive reasoning, and thought out intuitive understanding.
Those two things (IQ) and a task will never, ever, ever be the same, and you know it. Frankly I’m surprised you didn’t mention sport, where similar unique tasks can be achieved with hard work and innate ability. But the ability to throw a ball and finishing complex mathematical equations aren’t the same. As seen every day, you don’t have to be smart to be athletic.
So, your argument is invalid. IQ has been proven to be the basis for many, many successes. And lack of it, the basis for many, many failures. It is literally one of the requirements for a properly functioning society. Why White people (and Asian) developed higher IQ than other races is well documented, and I know you are aware of these things. The fact remains that IQ is extremely important. Cold and meat eating encouraged the cultivation of higher IQ. Delaying gratification also did.
Finally, because you went there, racism is a made up word. Calling someone a racist is no longer the insult you think it is. You implied that linking IQ to a higher life was racist. It’s not, it’s reality.
Yeah, you and I both know what arguments (those logical and the irrational ones) will happen next between you and I. I won’t respond, so type what you want. Just know that enough people see your “IQ is racist” trope, and not only understand what it is, but are tired of it. Crying “racist” doesn’t do what it used to anymore.
If a westerner wrote an IQ test for a Kalahari bushman, guess who is going to score higher?
I’ve taken sociology and done comparative culture work. IQ tests across border lines to native cultures who’ve never even done a math problem is a stupid comparison.
But look at twin studies. If you take a new born child out of a native environment and grow that child in the west, the IQ test could have some application. But genetics will also say this is the first generation to be exposed to western intellectual concepts.
I just want to chip in that not all Asians are of high IQ and that IQ doesn't mean that you are a better person. My wife is Filipino and a much nicer talk-about person than I am, and yet she would not understand most of the info going on, in fact, she doesn't like to talk about it. Not a Scientologist, but they discuss the whole IQ thing as Theta and there's some truth there.
I lived in the Philippines 3 years and ran into a lot of unintelligent teachers that couldn't solve simple math questions. A high School math teacher that couldn't figure out any number squared or cubed and we are talking 5 then 2... Nice person, but not who I'd want teaching math to my kids.
IQ is not a guarantee of success, never scored below 135 on an IQ test and could often score 145 and I have taken a lot of IQ tests, but I didn't do squat with my life. IQ is a curse for me because I realize my life was damaged by my shit childhood. Molested as a toddler, then again at 12-14. Watched Mommy get beat up by her fellow drunks that she choose to run with, and not even married to most of them. There were people who tried to buy me at the age of 10 (No idea their intentions)
Didn't do squat in school after Elementary school, slept and read in class in my self-medicated state of smoking weed, and got passed along, I didn't disrupt the class. At 19 I tried to go into the military, but couldn't get in due to the lazy eye from Daddy punching Mommy in the belly when pregnant, at least I lived even though born at 7 months 4 Lbs 5 oz, at least I didn't die like the sibling that lived 4 days, born 361 days later, she was 2 lbs 5 oz. The military sent me to an eye specialist, but I was a no-go, recruiter telling me my score was 1 in 1000 and they really wanted me, Thanks, Daddy.
Dropped out at 14, but passed the GED without studying at 26, and scored high enough on the ACT to receive an honors 2+2 scholarship, school doesn't get the money if they don't have a qualifying student. I didn't want that, I just wanted computer science classes. Didn't finnesh my degree tho'
I'm definitely damaged goods emotionally, but I use what happened to try and help people, and I'm proud of that. I'm not shy to share stories from my life if I can help someone turn their life around, by leaving an abuser before the children are damaged, or going to trade school, college, or the military. Maybe 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 has a lightbulb lit up by my conversation. I'm good with that.
First off, fuck this cunt to teaching this shit to children at such a young age, kids should be able to enjoy their childhoods without this crap floating in their heads
Second, race was a thing long before the concept of a homogeneous white identity. It basically was people of a given region. You might have the German race, the french race, the Anglo race, etc.
I mean, I knew marx was practically the archetype for the stereotypical trust-fund baby, but christ... Is there anything the man touched that he didn't poison!?!
A long time ago, before you were born, there was a lazy man named Karl Marx. He would barely ever do any work and would let his mother take care of him long after he was an adult. She kicked him out because she couldn't support both of them by herself, so he moved in with a friend.
He wrote a book about something he called "Communism." He thought that people who owned companies were evil people who stole from the people that worked at companies. He thought that the workers would group together and take the companies from those evil rich people, and that everyone would get everything they needed to live happily.
What actually happened was he inspired some very evil people to use his dream as a way to gain a lot of political power. They then used that power to murder millions of people and to try and control their people. Not many people were happy under what "Communism" actually became, except for the very few people with power.
These days, communists still exist! Scary huh? There are people that are very angry that communism hasn't succeeded. They don't understand that nobody is perfect enough to actually run communism in a way that it will succeed. There is an old saying: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Communism is absolute power. A corrupted person is a person who no longer has any empathy for his fellow people. A corrupted person would gladly kill people who don't obey him or her.
I think as a white male I can agree with that statement. The slave trade started as blacks selling blacks to foreigners. But to justify slavery before Christians in America, race was more or less invented to justify the subordinated class. At first there were plenty of white slaves in America, but that was quickly put down. It's really unfortunate that the Churches couldn't stand up against theological tricks to justify the slave trade. It hurt a lot of churches. There was (and still is) a lot of cherry picking Bible verses to justify that kind of chattel slavery.
I think if I could change that statement, I would call them a group of bigots instead of "white people". Also the message isn't really appropriate for the age group it looks like it's aimed at... but I can't exactly tell.
You can literally tell what race a person was by the skull. Forensic investigators use it all the time. You can 3D scan the skull and reconstruct the face for a "have you see me" poster.
It reminds me of the 322 skull and bones painting with the words "which one is the wiseman, the begger, the King or the fool".......... "it doesn't matter because all are the same in death"
Having had a lot of dogs, the ones breed in northern environments as evidenced by longer fur tended to be smarter than the shorter furred dogs. Harsher environment...White people seem to be good at saving and planning for a rainy day, and got the jump on developing tech. as well. IQ doesn't mean good person, many high IQ serial killers running around.
I think there's 7 forms of intelligence in vogue with scientists, and most people are ok at several and good at one or more, but some people seem to be extremely high level at some and very low level at others. Look for a picture of Einstein's office, a real mess. He was terrible at everyday life.
Actually the group of people that did all that are Jews, Kazarian mafia if you will but they call themselves Jews, but as Whoopi pointed out, they white too.....
What it should read is:
A long time ago, way before you were born, a group of globohomo satan-worshipping pedophiles made up an idea called race"
A long time ago, an angel led a rebellion against God…
Exactly. I hate being blamed for stuff that the globohomo pedos do!
Technically the image is true. It was made up system to divide slaves. The masters didn’t want slaves of different skin color to realize they could work together so “race” was actually made up.
I’ve seen southern Italians with darker skinned that “black Americans” but the Italian is white? It’s all bullshit.
So if race was just made up, how do we know it was these supposed “white” people?
You are under arrest for wrongthink. Your sentence is 500 years in prison. If you are unable to serve the entire sentence then it will be extended to direct family members.
you have been unpersoned
Because the ADL from the Jewish race nation of Israel say so.
Khazarian Jews
And Ashkenazi Jews and biblical Hebrew Jews like the Cohen family all love Israel and all share seats at the Bilderberg Group and Davos Group tables and all participate in sharing dominance of Hollywood and our mainstream news media and our social media and banking and medical institutions, control the world's largest refugee relocation foundations, control the world's largest DNA collection agency (43andMe), control the world's largest Big Pharma companies that produce the deadly Covid-19 vaccine-AIDS poison and even our domestic terrorists through their Open Society Foundations.
As far as I can tell, they all recognize each other as Jews so I see no reason why I should pretend they don't or worry about Khazarian, Ashkenazi and Hebrew Jews who've all been breeding with each other for centuries.
I think SJWs would have a big problem with this book.
Because skin color should determine everything about you in their minds. This idea that white people 'made up' the concept of race would contradict their narrative.
And to SJWs, if something contradicts the narrative it is fascist, racist, unethical and factually incorrect.
You are forgetting the sjw's ability for doublethink, or holding two conflicting views simultaneously. They are able to do this, because they never actually dive into either issue fully: they are blindly following their emotions.
This is a great point. Because it sounds negative towards white people they may applaud the book without doing any basic logic.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways -- James 1:8
And then those white man changed everyone's DNA so we can differentiate between each race simply by the size and shape of a person's bones, a strand of hair or a drop of blood.
And those white people were called liberal democrats and were very evil. So evil some of them were even black and they hurt other black people. Then, one day in Chicago.... we can write books too.
Investigate the author...
I GUARANTEE you its a blue blood
Don't the rules say no doxxing? This explicitly encourages it.
I don't think finding the author of a published book is really dicing.
We name public figures all the time. Dozxing is to protect the average guy commenting.
Direct descendant of satan.
No doubt
I was trying to find a PDF or more images of the book to be completely sure, but it's likely Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race by Jessica Ralli and Megan Madison. A few reviews shitting on the book quoted the text in OP's image.
That book was obviously written by a white liberal hair arm-pitted woman.
Next lines: That, children, is why Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett are the wealthiest business persons in the world.
And that is not fair! But you have to agree that Musk and Bezos are more pinkish than white and Gates and Warren are more sallow looking.
Hmm when I was a kid no black folks were wearing weaves. Now almost all do including younger men. Hair envy lol
How racist and anti-scientific of them to assume human biodiversity is limited to the colour of a person's skin.
Book stores gone full crt groomer retard for awhile now.
Research why IQ levels seem to be higher in extremely cold areas... Also affects saving for rainy days attitudes.
Really, IQ is subjective based on the test you were taking. The San Bushmen are extremely skilled hunters, yet score 60-70 on conventional IQ tests.
"If you judge a fish's intelligence by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
That's what I say whenever someone uses IQ scores as an excuse for racism. If this post was not made with those intentions, sorry, but at least you learned something.
Have you hunted? I do. It’s a learned task. That’s all it is. What ground-breaking hunting process have they come up with that is so much better than modem technology and practices? You’re intentionally conflating this task with critical thinking, pattern recognition, deductive reasoning, and thought out intuitive understanding.
Those two things (IQ) and a task will never, ever, ever be the same, and you know it. Frankly I’m surprised you didn’t mention sport, where similar unique tasks can be achieved with hard work and innate ability. But the ability to throw a ball and finishing complex mathematical equations aren’t the same. As seen every day, you don’t have to be smart to be athletic.
So, your argument is invalid. IQ has been proven to be the basis for many, many successes. And lack of it, the basis for many, many failures. It is literally one of the requirements for a properly functioning society. Why White people (and Asian) developed higher IQ than other races is well documented, and I know you are aware of these things. The fact remains that IQ is extremely important. Cold and meat eating encouraged the cultivation of higher IQ. Delaying gratification also did.
Finally, because you went there, racism is a made up word. Calling someone a racist is no longer the insult you think it is. You implied that linking IQ to a higher life was racist. It’s not, it’s reality.
Yeah, you and I both know what arguments (those logical and the irrational ones) will happen next between you and I. I won’t respond, so type what you want. Just know that enough people see your “IQ is racist” trope, and not only understand what it is, but are tired of it. Crying “racist” doesn’t do what it used to anymore.
Lmao visibly mad you literally wrote 5 paragraphs against a like maybe 80 word comment
If a westerner wrote an IQ test for a Kalahari bushman, guess who is going to score higher?
I’ve taken sociology and done comparative culture work. IQ tests across border lines to native cultures who’ve never even done a math problem is a stupid comparison.
But look at twin studies. If you take a new born child out of a native environment and grow that child in the west, the IQ test could have some application. But genetics will also say this is the first generation to be exposed to western intellectual concepts.
There we go!
Funny, one supposedly high IQ dude I know couldn't start a freaking fire with a Bic lighter. He couldn't figure it out for himself either.
He could be taught but he still sucked.
You would thin the high iq dude would be excited to figure it out.
I just want to chip in that not all Asians are of high IQ and that IQ doesn't mean that you are a better person. My wife is Filipino and a much nicer talk-about person than I am, and yet she would not understand most of the info going on, in fact, she doesn't like to talk about it. Not a Scientologist, but they discuss the whole IQ thing as Theta and there's some truth there.
I lived in the Philippines 3 years and ran into a lot of unintelligent teachers that couldn't solve simple math questions. A high School math teacher that couldn't figure out any number squared or cubed and we are talking 5 then 2... Nice person, but not who I'd want teaching math to my kids.
IQ is not a guarantee of success, never scored below 135 on an IQ test and could often score 145 and I have taken a lot of IQ tests, but I didn't do squat with my life. IQ is a curse for me because I realize my life was damaged by my shit childhood. Molested as a toddler, then again at 12-14. Watched Mommy get beat up by her fellow drunks that she choose to run with, and not even married to most of them. There were people who tried to buy me at the age of 10 (No idea their intentions)
Didn't do squat in school after Elementary school, slept and read in class in my self-medicated state of smoking weed, and got passed along, I didn't disrupt the class. At 19 I tried to go into the military, but couldn't get in due to the lazy eye from Daddy punching Mommy in the belly when pregnant, at least I lived even though born at 7 months 4 Lbs 5 oz, at least I didn't die like the sibling that lived 4 days, born 361 days later, she was 2 lbs 5 oz. The military sent me to an eye specialist, but I was a no-go, recruiter telling me my score was 1 in 1000 and they really wanted me, Thanks, Daddy.
Dropped out at 14, but passed the GED without studying at 26, and scored high enough on the ACT to receive an honors 2+2 scholarship, school doesn't get the money if they don't have a qualifying student. I didn't want that, I just wanted computer science classes. Didn't finnesh my degree tho'
I'm definitely damaged goods emotionally, but I use what happened to try and help people, and I'm proud of that. I'm not shy to share stories from my life if I can help someone turn their life around, by leaving an abuser before the children are damaged, or going to trade school, college, or the military. Maybe 1 in 50 or 1 in 100 has a lightbulb lit up by my conversation. I'm good with that.
Not really, my great grand mother is from North Africa and black. I'm blur eyed, blond and olive skinned when tanned. Pale as fuck when not.
First off, fuck this cunt to teaching this shit to children at such a young age, kids should be able to enjoy their childhoods without this crap floating in their heads
Second, race was a thing long before the concept of a homogeneous white identity. It basically was people of a given region. You might have the German race, the french race, the Anglo race, etc.
but the term was mainly a rhetorical term that meant nothing until Marx
Christ, so Marx has been fucking things up all along...
Are you surprised?
a little bit, weirdly enough...
I mean, I knew marx was practically the archetype for the stereotypical trust-fund baby, but christ... Is there anything the man touched that he didn't poison!?!
Not that I'm aware of.
Man... I mean I knew about his daughter and the misery following his ideology caused her, but fuck... Not gonna lie, that's weirdly depressing...
A long time ago, before you were born, there was a lazy man named Karl Marx. He would barely ever do any work and would let his mother take care of him long after he was an adult. She kicked him out because she couldn't support both of them by herself, so he moved in with a friend.
He wrote a book about something he called "Communism." He thought that people who owned companies were evil people who stole from the people that worked at companies. He thought that the workers would group together and take the companies from those evil rich people, and that everyone would get everything they needed to live happily.
What actually happened was he inspired some very evil people to use his dream as a way to gain a lot of political power. They then used that power to murder millions of people and to try and control their people. Not many people were happy under what "Communism" actually became, except for the very few people with power.
These days, communists still exist! Scary huh? There are people that are very angry that communism hasn't succeeded. They don't understand that nobody is perfect enough to actually run communism in a way that it will succeed. There is an old saying: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Communism is absolute power. A corrupted person is a person who no longer has any empathy for his fellow people. A corrupted person would gladly kill people who don't obey him or her.
I think as a white male I can agree with that statement. The slave trade started as blacks selling blacks to foreigners. But to justify slavery before Christians in America, race was more or less invented to justify the subordinated class. At first there were plenty of white slaves in America, but that was quickly put down. It's really unfortunate that the Churches couldn't stand up against theological tricks to justify the slave trade. It hurt a lot of churches. There was (and still is) a lot of cherry picking Bible verses to justify that kind of chattel slavery.
I think if I could change that statement, I would call them a group of bigots instead of "white people". Also the message isn't really appropriate for the age group it looks like it's aimed at... but I can't exactly tell.
You can literally tell what race a person was by the skull. Forensic investigators use it all the time. You can 3D scan the skull and reconstruct the face for a "have you see me" poster.
Put it back
In the trash
It reminds me of the 322 skull and bones painting with the words "which one is the wiseman, the begger, the King or the fool".......... "it doesn't matter because all are the same in death"
Written on the Keystone!
Having had a lot of dogs, the ones breed in northern environments as evidenced by longer fur tended to be smarter than the shorter furred dogs. Harsher environment...White people seem to be good at saving and planning for a rainy day, and got the jump on developing tech. as well. IQ doesn't mean good person, many high IQ serial killers running around.
How dare they assume my age.
I think there's 7 forms of intelligence in vogue with scientists, and most people are ok at several and good at one or more, but some people seem to be extremely high level at some and very low level at others. Look for a picture of Einstein's office, a real mess. He was terrible at everyday life.
Author and publishing date, publishing house?
Are Skulls of different races different shapes?
LET'S spew hatred!! Come on, man!!
Zondervan! Lmao
Actually the group of people that did all that are Jews, Kazarian mafia if you will but they call themselves Jews, but as Whoopi pointed out, they white too.....