The Great Depression hit the prepared.
Farmers, hunters, ranchers, and most homes had gardens - the country was stocked with the hardiest survivors and yet the Great Depression still left lasting scars.
What happens when the Much Greater Depression hits the baristas, accountants, lawyers, and coders that make up today's society?
We are looking at the single most destructive human caused event in our history.
NCSWIC, prepare.
This occurred to me when I stepped out of my bathroom the other night. Going from a bright room to a dimmer hallway, my eyes had not adjusted. As I opened the door a ball of thread got sucked toward the door opening where I was standing. It looked like a giant bug and I jumped.
Man...I don't know about you, but I am not tough enough to face what world events are leading towards. God save us all.
The best is yet to come.
I don't doubt it will be scary but I don't think that it will be catastrophic. I think Patriots are in control
You'll be alright, fren.
You are stronger than you think.
You're right fren .... It won't be easy. All will suffer. Many will die.
Humans can be despicable creatures
They had the Dust Bowl which added a big kick to the balls on top of the financial depression. Hopefully they wont reenact that scenario, because they do have the tech that can. Makes one wonder it they did back then.
They had the dust bowl, we are heading towards the collapse of the centralized just-in-time food supply chain. We might also have war, energy collapse, dollar collapse...
What a coincidence that all those catastrophees occur simultaneously, and they all happen to be man-made. Move on, nothing to see here.
Let's see... overseas destabilization, Spanish Flu, financial crash, food shortage (Dust Bowl), Great Depression. Replace Spanish Flu with Covid, Dust Bowl with numerous food processing plants being destroyed, and Great Depression with the Great Reset. seems like a pattern to me. But I'm cRaZy because I see patterns everywhere.
Scare event necessary.
Hope you're right fren, but they did have canned foods in their root cellars.
I have a question about this if someone more knowledgeable could please help me out.
If everyone is too broke to pay for anything, what happens? As in, does it work similarly to when everyone was forced to stay home from Covid - bills were just expected to not be paid? Or is everyone going to lose their home and utilities? I mean, how could they possibly have the manpower to evict everyone at the same time, right?
What can a family that can barely pay the bills as-is do? I tried to stock up months ago but money got so tight despite cutting back on everything possible that now we're running through it.
Would love to start a garden, but even that isn't feasible.
Nobody knows how it will all play out. People are likely to resort to barter soon after the dollar crashes.
Can you buy dried beans and dried rice? 50 pounds of dried foods and a water filter (the camping/hiking kind) can keep you fed for a long time.
DO you eat peppers? Potatoes? Perhaps use one or two to start? You eat garlic? Use a couple of the slides to grow more. Same with onions.
What about carrot seed? Simply buy a pack for 50 cents or so and start your garden. There is nothing out of the ordinary needed. Same with lettuce, and other greens. If you go on in a bang, it will cost you. Try making one step at a time. Berry bushes ain't very expensive. And maybe that is your spiel. A niche that guarantees you are growing something special you can exchange for something else. Or trade up and moonshine.
Perhaps if money is really tight, you may find someone who is willing to dote, or to exchange something for services rendered ( like helping int he garden in the xchange for seed ... yeah ... that did come out wrong ....)
If push comes to shove, you could even use your own poo to start making mulch. see dry toilet. All kinds of greens you throw away? Put it on your own compost heap. ashes from the BBQ also are helpful.
Ah ... and do not forget the golden shower ..... you do not need fertilizer, but circulation.
When I made my garden, ate from what it produced and used what we spent, there seems to be a mystic connection that is expressed in the phrase: people of the land.
Today, our food comes from all over the place, missing all kinds of nutritious value and have become strangers on our own land without any connection.