Yes, Trump Was Taught About & Prepared To Take Down The Cabal. Nixon, JFK Jr. Prepped Him.
✅ - TRUTH - ✅
Great David Nino and Juan O’Savin video on the current situation, what’s left to happen, and interesting historical info on Trump and the people that prepped him to become President and take down the Cabal. A lot in this video to unpack Anons. Enjoy and God bless you all. WWG1WGA.
Talks forever too. When you think he’s going to make his point he goes on a tangent. When you think he’s going to again and it’s the same thing. Then he just says something vague
Never talks about my health or being prepared too.
LOL. Here, I will: you should try Ageless Multi-Body Collagen! Or...something like that! Turmeric, maybe!
Shout out to the Fighter-Flare flashlight.
Now, isn’t that interesting…
LOL love Dave but sometimes I have to laugh at his pronunciation of things and lack of enunciation. Fighterfireflashlight. Hillary Cliton. The Deep State is exacerbated LOL.
A complete and utter disaster.
Ive yet to see him get to the point
We’ll talk more about that a little bit later…
Haha he always does as David corners him well with some good punches. You just have to listen to what is said and not said. Juan also talks on a very broad spectrum hoping people have done certain pieces of research. And he always gives the bits he hopes people will catch and go look up themselves. That’s why I constantly refer people back to Fall of the Cabal Part 10. It’s all the crumbs scattered all over in that single video, then understanding Game Theory, String Theory, the Bible, Trump and The Art of The Deal, Project Looking Glass, and last reading Juan’s book would one fully understand the culmination of what Juan gets at. Without those things, he can seem convoluted for sure.
I do agree that he could do most of his shows in a quarter of the time he takes but I do think he has some good connections.
That's fine, but I've not the patience to hear from him in 2 hours what I can learn from other sources in 15 minutes.
I feel the same about Steve Bunion's War Room.
He's got great guests but man does he ramble. I could probably put up better if his recording engineering wasn't ATROCIOUS. Haven't they ever heard of compression!? I mean just for STARTERS. If they did that and only that it would be MILES better.
Jesus Christ sometimes you can't understand a word of it depending what kind of speakers it's coming out of. Pretty much anything other than phone speakers it just sounds like straight mud. Totally unlistenable in a car with so much low-mid background noise from both driving and the bad recording itself.
Great podcast otherwise though! Bit of a rant haha frustrating because it really wouldn't be that hard to improve it without any additional equipment. I KNOW several people have contacted them about this, including myself. It's a pet peeve when people have bad audio and don't care.
I'm not looking for all conservative radio to win engineering awards lol, but you should AT LEAST BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THE WORDS!
Steve Bannon is pretty popular with alot of boomer conservatives. Don't they know boomers got hearing problems? I'm not making fun, I'm genuinely saying it would be good for them to fix this.
You should research and study Game and String Theories, watch more of his videos with David, read his book Kid by the Side of The Road (2nd Edition), and get more acquainted with him. Maybe meet him in person. You’ll have a sudden change of mind. He is the closest person we get to the actual White Hats in Control. If you decide to deny this, you’re not any closer than purposely running into a brick wall.
I deny this because there's zero proof that it's actually true. Have you met him in person? I have no reason to believe that Juan (real name Wayne Willott and former Seattle-based insurance investigator) is anything other than your typical "Paytriot". None of the fantastical claims he's made over the past two years have come to fruition. He rambles without ever actually answering any questions he's asked. String theory and game theory have nothing to do with one another. This post is quite similar to another you made around 2.5 months ago here: This board needs to do a better job at filtering out noise.
I have had a personal interaction with him and can vouch for the paytriot gripe. Fuck that guy.
Exactly.. amen. 107 is a grifter, just like the rest of the TEAM ( Parks, Ward, Jako, Vineamin). And Peters!
Not true, in many podcasts he was calling Ukraine / Russia conflict before Russia even positioned military assets to invade. Then as weeks went on it became obvious what Russia was going to do once they had artillery moving towards the Ukraine border. This was the lightbulb moment in my brain that added a lot more credibility to what Juan is saying. Most of what he has said hasn't materialized yet in the USA. And if/when it does it's going to be really bad.
Or this single person I’m replying to needs to do a bit more research and read that I have in fact met Juan in person in Las Vegas as I’ve also stated several times. And don’t you think us Mods communicate behind the scenes about all sorts of things we can’t share here? Yes we do. And all of us Mods are well aware of Juan and the things he discusses….. which are far above your pay grade.
Not directed at you personally but, I still don’t get people who question the stuff on the Q-Forum/GAW, that the Mods put out!! And think we all don’t talk, and, and may or may not get some instruction from higher ups. I just don’t get it sometimes.
I question it because I question pretty much everything these days. That's just a part of becoming awakened. Great that you've met him in person but that still doesn't make what he says any more (or less) factual. Believing something because somebody says to is the province of the normies.
While you may ultimately be right, this is the wrong attitude. Like the comment below, everything should be questioned. We aren’t NPC’s. To say you don’t “get people” who question the stuff the mods put out is a little ridiculous on a forum like this. In God we trust, all others pay cash.
Supposed "insiders" boasting of privy information they just can't share because it's "above everyone's paygrade" is the antithesis of the entire Q movement.
This was stickied for hours, upvoted like crazy, and yet had absolutely zero sources.
Communicate about stuff you can't reveal here? Really? Explain why you can't. Because it seems if have info u can't share then this sight is useless. I come here because I thought all was being exposed. I'm not believed g you have any inside information or insights that are special. That's a leap
Ya know, I’m glad you shared this. I haven’t looked into 107’s background at all. Never read any of his books. And I’ve only watched his videos on Ninos channel (both YouTube and And until someone shows me something to the contrary, I could tell from the jump that this guy is connected to Trump and the white hats. There’s no question for me. It’s obvious. But I also have many years of special operations and military experience. Zero chance 107 is a shill or a pay-triot. ZERO.
IMO: he's very interesting and fun to listen to. Talks on all KINDS of subjects. I suppose if one wanted to hear just one thing that might be annoying, but I rather like just letting him talk on a range of things - stuff I never knew about even after decades in the trenches of what I suppose should have always been called a truth movement.
He does seem sincere but we can only take him at his word. One thing he had said last year was that unfortunately things were going to get worse before getting better, and that has shown to be the case actually.
LOL, I've been saying things are going to get worse before they get better for two years! And I'm a nobody!
Interesting shows on flyover conservatives and the Jennifer mac channel on rumble. I heard him talk about " the perfect day" several years ago and Then the movie hit on jan7. Worth watching. His monologue about ester and haman are great
If you listened to the podcast he did with Nino talking abut Nixon and how Nixon told Trump what to expect if he ran for president like who knows that? He talked about Chicago vote fraud that tipped the election towards Kennedy which was news to me since JFK is always depicted as a saint on these boards and in the patriot community. He also said something about a nuclear accident during the Vietnam era that was a setup to try to start a war with China. Again, who knows that? He went in deep about Facebook and how it was gifted to Zuckerberg when Facebook was really a DARPA project before it went public as Facebook, again who just randomly knows that? He's either making things up and straight lying or he's revealing closely guarded insider military knowledge like he's saying. He knows way too much about military command structure, military knowledge, military history, airplanes, war strategies to just be some civilian, it's just not possible. He speaks as someone with experience in these matters he's not just making things up and changing the story in another podcast. So he's either a professional liar or he's closely connected with members of military intelligence / NSA intelligence / Trump and he's leaving us bread crumbs for people with enough brains to catch on. Obviously he's not going to know the entire plan nor would he ever leak sensitive stuff to us too early. He also correctly called the Ukraine/Russia conflict well before it happened and well before Russia even positioned military assets to invade Ukraine. He's predicted a China / Taiwan conflict and if that comes to pass later this year that will be another correct prediction.
Anyone who has watched international news since 2014 could have called a Russian invasion. Lots of people were calling this invasion about a month or two before the actual invasion when there were massive Russian troop movements and exercises very close to the Ukrainian border.
Some smooth brained Karen downvoted this. This place is attracting so many shills and faggots. I guess the truth hurts.
Your post sums up Juan o Savin perfectly. Much better than I could have done.
kid by the side of the road is the book that got my pops to renounce the masons.. it shook me to the core when i found out he was a member... he found his own way out and salvation.. then sent me the book
Is that the title? Author? More info please!
I think a key question is why does the number 17 matter so much to this movement? Why do we need to "win it back" as Juan sometimes says? I truly believe that at the core of all of this, there are groups of adepts (both white hat and black hat) fighting for control of this country and the world. Wizards and warlocks.
And it’s very eye opening isn’t it. One of my favorite Patriot books.