I do not have food like you, but I congratulate you for that. I would like to be like you right now. Your friend is not real friend. How sad he behaves like a little child.
Agreed. The people I’d expect to hold their own were the first people to cave in and cope with their “new normal”. Absolutely disgusted with those folks, but you live, you learn.
I got a buddy who had someone he thought was a very close friend..turns out the mother of his children was sleeping with this "friend" and then up and abandoned him (and then got pregnant by the guy she left him for), and she's putting him through hell in family court with that "friend" right beside her
That's just the shit people do in a "stable" society. When it all starts falling down don't underestimate how despicable people can become. Loyalty breaks when the weight of self-preservation gets too heavy.
Hell, old ladies get stepped on just for black Friday deals imagine what it'll be like when it's find food BAMN or starve.
It is sad what is happening in the world. I have never got married and I wish I had a family of my own. But Instead God gave me a baby girl(companion dog) which I loved her with all my heart and still do and gave me a lot of happiness unfortunately she died last October. Since then I have not been the same, but I bet she will be a real girl in heaven waiting for Mami to meet her. The thing is all should be grateful for what God is giving us. Thank you Lord for giving me so much. Amen.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my best buddy March 26, 2022. I miss him so much. I pray the Good Lord will bless you with true love in both human and canine companions.
Thank you so much, I know God has plans for me. I really love him, he gave me an angel named Ani and gave me a lot of friends here and many many other things like life. God loves us very much. Grace of God be with you always.
I’ve got the same kind of situation - except I had to decide not to have the laundry ducts cleaned out with the rest of the house after reconstruction and drywall work because I didn’t want anyone I didn’t know seeing my prep area, which has lots of emergency stuff like lanterns, walkie-talkies …and a huge ass gun safe …
Gosh it makes me feel really uncomfortable when people find out I am a prepper. I don’t want them remembering that fact when shit hits the fan 👍🏻 Starve bitches
I want to say, "I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex." But, I bet it's true.
If someone disowned me soley because I had an "emergency" food supply, I'd just think they're the biggest retards on the planet and why I was ever friends with them in the 1st place.
They've been told that to store cans of food in the basement in case of emergency is extremist, because to be a rational member of society you must rely on the government for everything
How dare you doubt the governments ability to take care of you when shtf...
These people are so invested in their own normalcy bias that when confronted with the possibility of any upset to the system they rely upon so heavily, some of them just can't cope. It would be like an Amish person seeing a 80's era peep show in time square. Needless to say, it would shock a person with a mindset so diametrically opposed the harsh reality of what could happen. Just think of all the good people that are going to face judgement and how surprised they will be to find out they're doomed after all.
ALL you commenters are mean! I bought 100# of rice and #100 of beans. When they come for my food that is what I'll give them! Not all at once, you understand, but something to leave me alone.
You got any of that scratches neck non-perishable food left?
This little ball of lead will let ensure you won’t go hungry ever again 😂
Build a man a fire, keep him warm for a night. Set a man on fire, keep him warm the rest of his life.
So saith the Prophet of Kek.
I do not have food like you, but I congratulate you for that. I would like to be like you right now. Your friend is not real friend. How sad he behaves like a little child.
You don't show anyone any of your prep stash, then they'll know where to come when they get hungry. Best to keep it a secret.
You shouldn't have to hide things like that from your friends. Random strangers? Yeah for sure.
You shouldn't, but the past 5 years have shown me that even family cannot be trusted.
Agreed. The people I’d expect to hold their own were the first people to cave in and cope with their “new normal”. Absolutely disgusted with those folks, but you live, you learn.
It's disappointing, but there are a lot of people I've met that are ready and waiting. I'm still hopeful for the future.
"Betrayal never comes from a stranger"
I got a buddy who had someone he thought was a very close friend..turns out the mother of his children was sleeping with this "friend" and then up and abandoned him (and then got pregnant by the guy she left him for), and she's putting him through hell in family court with that "friend" right beside her
That's just the shit people do in a "stable" society. When it all starts falling down don't underestimate how despicable people can become. Loyalty breaks when the weight of self-preservation gets too heavy.
Hell, old ladies get stepped on just for black Friday deals imagine what it'll be like when it's find food BAMN or starve.
It is sad what is happening in the world. I have never got married and I wish I had a family of my own. But Instead God gave me a baby girl(companion dog) which I loved her with all my heart and still do and gave me a lot of happiness unfortunately she died last October. Since then I have not been the same, but I bet she will be a real girl in heaven waiting for Mami to meet her. The thing is all should be grateful for what God is giving us. Thank you Lord for giving me so much. Amen.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my best buddy March 26, 2022. I miss him so much. I pray the Good Lord will bless you with true love in both human and canine companions.
Thank you so much, I know God has plans for me. I really love him, he gave me an angel named Ani and gave me a lot of friends here and many many other things like life. God loves us very much. Grace of God be with you always.
Thank you, friend. God has blessed all of us here, indeed.
How many of these people were willing to strip away every right you had to presumably offer themselves slightly more protection from covid?
If anyone of those people miss nine consecutive meals they’ll be at your door with an axe to get that food.
Let the grasshoppers starve. This world is for the ants. kek
I’ve got the same kind of situation - except I had to decide not to have the laundry ducts cleaned out with the rest of the house after reconstruction and drywall work because I didn’t want anyone I didn’t know seeing my prep area, which has lots of emergency stuff like lanterns, walkie-talkies …and a huge ass gun safe …
I wish I had a basement!
Gosh it makes me feel really uncomfortable when people find out I am a prepper. I don’t want them remembering that fact when shit hits the fan 👍🏻 Starve bitches
Not really
Ill feed ya if I can safely
Dude will completely drop dead if he ever sees what the Mormons have!
Having non perishable food is considered extremist behavior now? Can't wait until 6 months from now when eating becomes extremist.
I want to say, "I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex." But, I bet it's true.
If someone disowned me soley because I had an "emergency" food supply, I'd just think they're the biggest retards on the planet and why I was ever friends with them in the 1st place.
Actual footage of u/catsfive showing his friend his stash room.
Is his head in the sand? Tell him to stroll through a grocery store and then come back and tell you you're crazy for stocking up on food.
Lol I can see that for a well stocked armory. Food tho? That's some weak ass shit lol.
They've been told that to store cans of food in the basement in case of emergency is extremist, because to be a rational member of society you must rely on the government for everything
How dare you doubt the governments ability to take care of you when shtf...
These people are so invested in their own normalcy bias that when confronted with the possibility of any upset to the system they rely upon so heavily, some of them just can't cope. It would be like an Amish person seeing a 80's era peep show in time square. Needless to say, it would shock a person with a mindset so diametrically opposed the harsh reality of what could happen. Just think of all the good people that are going to face judgement and how surprised they will be to find out they're doomed after all.
Love it.
ALL you commenters are mean! I bought 100# of rice and #100 of beans. When they come for my food that is what I'll give them! Not all at once, you understand, but something to leave me alone.
Bible,Bullets,Bread,Beans and Beer!!
Most of our stuff is in gallon-size glass jars.. Buying a freeze drier this year.
Feema recommends everyone have two weeks of stuff on hand
IDK, maff is hard.
And these morons will still blame Trump for it!