Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
Kenneth H. Riffle is or was a Democratic Member of the West Virginia State House of Delegates in the 30th District; Elected 1984. He was also involved in the oil and gas industry in the 80's.
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
Kenneth H. Riffle is or was a Democratic Member of the West Virginia State House of Delegates in the 30th District; Elected 1984. He was also involved in the oil and gas industry in the 80's.
Are you sure the person exposed to the monkeys in Pennslyvania is the same person who died? The article in your first link says the lady is from Danville PA. Quite a ways away from the funeral home of the lady referenced in the second article.
I may just be face blind, but looking at their faces, I think it's possible that they could still be the same person with a different haircut; the nose, eyes, mouth and weight level in both photos are similar. If these are different people, any idea why the 4chan anon would want us to look into the WV woman? The twitter account of the one from PA is still tweeting as of this month: https://mobile.twitter.com/michelefallon7
/u/TrustTheTruth what do you think? Same person? Different person? Is she a crisis actor and this whole story is faked to drum up fear, including her death?
I looked them both up as well. The truck accident Michelle is from Danville, PA and is 45 years old, middle initial R. The obituary for Michelle Lee indicates she was 51 years old.
I agree there is a similarity in the facial features.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the truck full of monkeys that crashed back in january and killed someone who was exposed to them
https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/378397521 https://archive.ph/jKLBE
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
In PA where the driver said he was hauling cats, but turned out to be test monkeys
Yep...4 tons of diseased dead dogs and cats inbound to stir up the pot some more. Probably from a lab
Was truck refrigerated?
Feeding illegal immigrants infected animal carcasses?
Hmm.. I thought to put in our human food.🤮
Michelle Fallon Riffle, the first monkey-pox victim, who was cremated in West Virginia, appears to be related to a Democratic politician from West Virginia!!
/u/throwawayforyou u/PatriotSkorzeny u/LetsG0Brandon
Looks like the truck got lit up by Mexican Army.. threat averted
They could be killing the Dog narrative for the liver disease and now moving back to monkeypox narrative.
I didn't know they said she died from it.😲 Last thing I heard was the initial story.
Are you sure the person exposed to the monkeys in Pennslyvania is the same person who died? The article in your first link says the lady is from Danville PA. Quite a ways away from the funeral home of the lady referenced in the second article.
cremated body = evidence destroyed
But cremated body can also be disease containment.
This was a different Michelle Fallon who died.
Maybe it is a different woman? I started looking into this from the info i got from this 4chan thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/378397521 https://archive.ph/jKLBE
I'm somewhat confused now... Here are pictures of both of them:
Michelle Fallon
Michelle Lee Fallon Riffle
I may just be face blind, but looking at their faces, I think it's possible that they could still be the same person with a different haircut; the nose, eyes, mouth and weight level in both photos are similar. If these are different people, any idea why the 4chan anon would want us to look into the WV woman? The twitter account of the one from PA is still tweeting as of this month: https://mobile.twitter.com/michelefallon7
/u/TrustTheTruth what do you think? Same person? Different person? Is she a crisis actor and this whole story is faked to drum up fear, including her death?
/u/BoatingAccident u/ThetruthSpreadsinNY
I looked them both up as well. The truck accident Michelle is from Danville, PA and is 45 years old, middle initial R. The obituary for Michelle Lee indicates she was 51 years old.
I agree there is a similarity in the facial features.
They are not the same person.