My current theory is that this shooting looks like a false flag. It look so much like a false flag that is may be designed to wake up the normies to false flags.
That’s the problem. There’s a difference between a hoax and a false flag. A hoax suggests it never happened. A false flag suggests that our government did it and that, yes, people died.
That's very hopeful. Perhaps the white hats did a staged school shooting of their own to blow open the narrative. A really really shoddy one so that everyone can see.
Maybe. It's just that there are white hat patterns and one of them is the acceleration of black hat plans.
So for example. Trump's Warp speed accelerated the black hat vax plan so that it put all the timings out and the cabal could not lock down everyone for years then mandate approved vaxes to depopulate.
Also the white hats scuppered Hillary's cheating and so the black hats over cheated in 2020 and it's obvious. The white hats just let it run.
So it maybe a reach, but it fits the white hat pattern if there is a staged shooting so bad as to expose all the other ones.
Right? I have co-workers, double boosted, back to panic mask wearing. They always give me that, “Why isn’t she dead yet?” look.
They have all been sick or not feeling well at some capacity at least a half a dozen times in the last year and I haven’t had so much as a sniffle in YEARS.
It's scary to think that the blue pilled as just as firm in their belief as the red pilled.
Biden himself said they assembled the largest voter fraud organisation in history and it was ignored. He said it on camera during a campaign event and its brushed off.
My current theory is that this shooting looks like a false flag. It look so much like a false flag that is may be designed to wake up the normies to false flags.
Is this possible?
Most people I talk to don’t even know what a false flag is.
I've been screamed at if I deigned to say any of this was a FF, "KIDS DIED!!!!"
That’s the problem. There’s a difference between a hoax and a false flag. A hoax suggests it never happened. A false flag suggests that our government did it and that, yes, people died.
Right, the definition of a false flag is not a false event, it’s just the flag is false of who the event is attributed to
Correct. 911 is a FF; Sandy Hooke and the Boston bombing were hoaxes because nobody died.a
Alex Jones intention was to blur those lines.
It worked pretty well.
What i can't figure out is the Texas Rangers. They are infallible. Like the most honorable. How can they be giving false statements
What's diegned?
Definitely a pattern of psyops so obvious as to be caricatures of psyops in the before times
Some liberal on my ig feed who's always posting the current lib narrative even posted the video asking WTF?!
Posted what video
Yes, I’d like to know what video?
That's very hopeful. Perhaps the white hats did a staged school shooting of their own to blow open the narrative. A really really shoddy one so that everyone can see.
i think you’re grasping
Maybe. It's just that there are white hat patterns and one of them is the acceleration of black hat plans.
So for example. Trump's Warp speed accelerated the black hat vax plan so that it put all the timings out and the cabal could not lock down everyone for years then mandate approved vaxes to depopulate.
Also the white hats scuppered Hillary's cheating and so the black hats over cheated in 2020 and it's obvious. The white hats just let it run.
So it maybe a reach, but it fits the white hat pattern if there is a staged shooting so bad as to expose all the other ones.
That's my thinking there.
And increase homeschooling and show the mental issues of the rainbow club.
What’s with the videos of the cops just standing around not letting parents in?
Certainly hope so
In red states yes.
In my area (New England) and the West Coast, no.
You'd have to have Biden himself caught on camera saying it was planned, and then still half the coasters wouldn't believe it.
Correct. I work with these people.
Double masked, boosted and they think I'm evil incarnate since I have no shots and I refuse to wear a mask.
Right? I have co-workers, double boosted, back to panic mask wearing. They always give me that, “Why isn’t she dead yet?” look.
They have all been sick or not feeling well at some capacity at least a half a dozen times in the last year and I haven’t had so much as a sniffle in YEARS.
It's scary to think that the blue pilled as just as firm in their belief as the red pilled.
Biden himself said they assembled the largest voter fraud organisation in history and it was ignored. He said it on camera during a campaign event and its brushed off.
Seems the left has cancelled Hypocrisy.
He did say to parents your children don't belong to you when they're in school.
There are no blue states anymore. Quite possible there never were.
I believe this is true. If they were blue, why do voter fraud?