Remember that our military is taken from our society. Since Clinton (before that actually) as the society has moved left, so has the military. Senior officers, especially flag officers, are as much political creatures as any other bureaucrat. Unfortunately, that has now also infected the enlisted ranks. Many good men in the military but do they understand that their oath of office to "...obey the orders of those appointed over me..." does not include illegal or immoral orders (see Nuremberg). For most, probably not. They will step on the people because they sincerely believe they are upholding the Constitution and their oath.
As a retired Army officer, I grieve over this assessment. Be careful how far you go in building your expectations. Failed expectations can lead to significant emotional events.
I have a strong feeling when this is over, our military is going to look dramatically different. I think the Pentagon goes away in its current form, and the military shrinks dramatically. It’s already happening. Look at the Navy decommissioning all the brand new shitty LCS ships. They are just flat out throwing in the towel and getting rid of them.
I think that we are going to lean down the military significantly, because we are done being world police. We are done nation building.
It’s going to be a military based on 5th gen warfare, relying heavily on socom and space force. The nuclear weapons triangle inside Air Force and navy will remain similar. Space Force will become equal to Navy in size and scope.
Basically I believe just about every facet of the military will look much different from now, with exception to the Navy sub fleet and strategic weapons side of the Air Force.
There is always another that has more intelligence and wisdom. Always ego and humility. The definition of strong and weak within even the group of people who can discern good and evil. This is how we people are and always will be.
We all have different gifts. Faith sometimes can carry us into what another could call fantasy.
If the fantasy is good and of good spirit is this wrong? Is it wrong to fantasize of a military that loves God and it’s people? Some are called to be judges and others are called to be followers.
I am a follower who has a fantasy of God giving the wisdom and the ability to follow through on this endeavor. I hear people always find fault and bicker and dismiss the meek as fantasy fanatics.
Could America fall? Yes it can and some might say it did. Yet what is wrong about the fantasy of America rising again?to separate politics from God is wrong. To separate mens power over both is good.
If America is to rise again people have to love the fantasy again. This fantasy is not weak. It forces people to make a choice of repentance or hardening their hearts with more doubt.
When I wake up I will doubt again, I am human. Yet I will rekindle this fantasy again and again. This is hope. The devil hates hope and hate this fantasy I have.
Were you ever in contact with the military elements that Q was connected with? He always seemed to stress that patriots ultimately held sway over the military.
But I respect your perspective and can imagine how much woke ideology has crept into the ranks. Thank you for your service.
The military didn't protect their own members from being injected with an injury causing "experimental vaccine".
Of course, deception is an important part of warfare. We are told (and so was the Deep State, and NWO Cabal) that nearly 100% of all U.S. soldiers submitted to the "experimental" damaging "vax"... but in reality, that might not be true. It may be that most U.S. soldiers were injected with a Vitamin shot or saline instead.
The Deep State might be counting on the complete destruction of the U.S. military due to severe health problems... but they may be counting on a lie.
This is why the ‘support the thin blue line’ and all the praise for anyone in our military can go fuck itself. They’ll stomp you with boots first chance they can get.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
You are wrong in using the word "fantasy" to refer to anything of God. God does not deal in fantasy. He does deal in hope, but fantasy is completely in the realm of Satan, so it does not belong in this discussion. Think of fantasy in the world today: Pornography, anything labelled "erotic", and all the film and tv drivel connected with fantasy. None of it is edifying in the least. None of it instills anything good in the soul. So there you have it. Fantasy.
Let’s get this fact checked first, and foremost, THEN worry about the problem. Then ignore it after the thought and create a new one. Solve it with donations for tax and bullshit reasons. Who’s going to tip your new yacht over in the middle of floating paradise? - said Satan
If people (who had extremely strong attachments) to this country took thier oath seriously we would have never even got this far in the shit hole. There are too many ppl who are just in it for the benefits and many who don't have generations of family living here.
Congress’ role is to fund and establish rules for the military. When Congress is corrupt, so is a lot of the military (especially general officers)! I retired Army in June 2020, worked at the Pentagon and sadly saw the degradation in our force. Not everyone is woke, just hard to fight so you keep your mouth shut until you can safely move on!
We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are accomplishing the impossible for the ungrateful.
We have done so much with so little for so long we can now do anything with nothing.
Quick lesson: JCoS is an advisory role to POTUS only. They have no operational command over anything.
If you aren’t in the military, I can guarantee you this question is brought up somewhat often “when do we consider someone an enemy of the Constitution?” I’ve had that question since I joined way back when. It is no more pertinent than it is today.
But here’s the fortunate truth…. The military you see is for show only (I say this as an AD pilot). The real military are the groups you don’t see. That is why our ships are in terrible condition, our aircraft are old and overflown, and our recruits are subpar….. curious that our submarine groups don’t have the same issues.
Anyway, chill out it’s going to be ok. If you don’t think it is, go join yourself and figure it out. You also don’t have to be part of the military to effect change, start your own militia.
"Trust but verify"
Remember that our military is taken from our society. Since Clinton (before that actually) as the society has moved left, so has the military. Senior officers, especially flag officers, are as much political creatures as any other bureaucrat. Unfortunately, that has now also infected the enlisted ranks. Many good men in the military but do they understand that their oath of office to "...obey the orders of those appointed over me..." does not include illegal or immoral orders (see Nuremberg). For most, probably not. They will step on the people because they sincerely believe they are upholding the Constitution and their oath.
As a retired Army officer, I grieve over this assessment. Be careful how far you go in building your expectations. Failed expectations can lead to significant emotional events.
I have a strong feeling when this is over, our military is going to look dramatically different. I think the Pentagon goes away in its current form, and the military shrinks dramatically. It’s already happening. Look at the Navy decommissioning all the brand new shitty LCS ships. They are just flat out throwing in the towel and getting rid of them.
I think that we are going to lean down the military significantly, because we are done being world police. We are done nation building.
It’s going to be a military based on 5th gen warfare, relying heavily on socom and space force. The nuclear weapons triangle inside Air Force and navy will remain similar. Space Force will become equal to Navy in size and scope.
Basically I believe just about every facet of the military will look much different from now, with exception to the Navy sub fleet and strategic weapons side of the Air Force.
There is always another that has more intelligence and wisdom. Always ego and humility. The definition of strong and weak within even the group of people who can discern good and evil. This is how we people are and always will be.
We all have different gifts. Faith sometimes can carry us into what another could call fantasy.
If the fantasy is good and of good spirit is this wrong? Is it wrong to fantasize of a military that loves God and it’s people? Some are called to be judges and others are called to be followers.
I am a follower who has a fantasy of God giving the wisdom and the ability to follow through on this endeavor. I hear people always find fault and bicker and dismiss the meek as fantasy fanatics.
Could America fall? Yes it can and some might say it did. Yet what is wrong about the fantasy of America rising again?to separate politics from God is wrong. To separate mens power over both is good.
If America is to rise again people have to love the fantasy again. This fantasy is not weak. It forces people to make a choice of repentance or hardening their hearts with more doubt.
When I wake up I will doubt again, I am human. Yet I will rekindle this fantasy again and again. This is hope. The devil hates hope and hate this fantasy I have.
Were you ever in contact with the military elements that Q was connected with? He always seemed to stress that patriots ultimately held sway over the military.
But I respect your perspective and can imagine how much woke ideology has crept into the ranks. Thank you for your service.
The military didn't protect their own members from being injected with an injury causing "experimental vaccine".
Of course, deception is an important part of warfare. We are told (and so was the Deep State, and NWO Cabal) that nearly 100% of all U.S. soldiers submitted to the "experimental" damaging "vax"... but in reality, that might not be true. It may be that most U.S. soldiers were injected with a Vitamin shot or saline instead.
The Deep State might be counting on the complete destruction of the U.S. military due to severe health problems... but they may be counting on a lie.
Hoping this is the case.
"Hero's" are individuals, not groups. Military, Law Enforcement, Firefighters and Paramedics are groups. Get the difference?
This is why the ‘support the thin blue line’ and all the praise for anyone in our military can go fuck itself. They’ll stomp you with boots first chance they can get.
This, and few and far between.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
You are wrong in using the word "fantasy" to refer to anything of God. God does not deal in fantasy. He does deal in hope, but fantasy is completely in the realm of Satan, so it does not belong in this discussion. Think of fantasy in the world today: Pornography, anything labelled "erotic", and all the film and tv drivel connected with fantasy. None of it is edifying in the least. None of it instills anything good in the soul. So there you have it. Fantasy.
Thought this was from "US Citizens"... ;)
Good catch!
delete the extraneous apostrophes and you are on your way to usability!
Let’s get this fact checked first, and foremost, THEN worry about the problem. Then ignore it after the thought and create a new one. Solve it with donations for tax and bullshit reasons. Who’s going to tip your new yacht over in the middle of floating paradise? - said Satan
The military is being INTENTIONALLY decimated. CCP wants to reduce the possible response to their endeavors foreign and DOMESTIC...
What else makes sense??
If people (who had extremely strong attachments) to this country took thier oath seriously we would have never even got this far in the shit hole. There are too many ppl who are just in it for the benefits and many who don't have generations of family living here.
Congress’ role is to fund and establish rules for the military. When Congress is corrupt, so is a lot of the military (especially general officers)! I retired Army in June 2020, worked at the Pentagon and sadly saw the degradation in our force. Not everyone is woke, just hard to fight so you keep your mouth shut until you can safely move on!
Domestic enemies are point
If you wont help when the tyrants are being fought then don't butt in
A pearl of wisdom from my military days:
We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are accomplishing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much with so little for so long we can now do anything with nothing.
Do please, get on with it.
When you people realize the current military is not on your side there will be some real tears. I am sorry for your delusions.
Gee fellas way to think positively!
You spelled U.S. Marines wrong.
Quick lesson: JCoS is an advisory role to POTUS only. They have no operational command over anything.
If you aren’t in the military, I can guarantee you this question is brought up somewhat often “when do we consider someone an enemy of the Constitution?” I’ve had that question since I joined way back when. It is no more pertinent than it is today.
But here’s the fortunate truth…. The military you see is for show only (I say this as an AD pilot). The real military are the groups you don’t see. That is why our ships are in terrible condition, our aircraft are old and overflown, and our recruits are subpar….. curious that our submarine groups don’t have the same issues.
Anyway, chill out it’s going to be ok. If you don’t think it is, go join yourself and figure it out. You also don’t have to be part of the military to effect change, start your own militia.