The whole article is all griping how a 10-year old girl had to go through the inconvenience of leaving the state to get an abortion. Not a word about how she got pregnant.
If this is actually true we know Modern Media focuses on everything except details and reality. But what kind of parent would publicize the "injustice" of having their PREGNANT 10 year old cross a state line for an abortion. The state line is not even one of the RED LINES these people need to be enraged about.
I'm sure you are right because I've seen other articles; one about a 12 year old girl and the other another 10 year old. I think they are sensationalizing this BS to keep the R v W fight going.
I mean even if she does exist, the baby is a gift from God. Period. Even if it was from rape. And given the difficulty many people have with conceiving, I’d say this is an especially merciful gift after just one instance of intercourse. She and her family should be thrilled to accept new life into this world.
The media is going to keep doing this garbage. 99.9% of women getting abortions are NOT 10-year-old girls, or low-IQ (retarded) girls, or rape victims who got pregnant.
Those are the 0.1% who the media will hold up as 'examples'... but fail to tell you that person can simply travel to another state that allows abortions.
We're going to keep hearing over and over again about the 0.1% of cases. That's how the media works these days. Disinformation, hype and misleading stories.
That is what I was wondering. Where are child services on this one? They are probably to busy harassing normal parents for disciplining their kids. Man this world needs a Jesus reset.
Who's the guy? Probably a male relative, or the same asshole who is driving her to the clinic to get the abortion. The fake news bunch neglects to mention Ohio clinics are required by law to report patients coming in for abortions under a certain age. A girl that age coming in pregnant is a red flag for sexual abuse. If it is reported the case gets investigated by CPS. That is why they are driving out of state.
Exactly. Where's the arrest warrant for the rapist? Where is his name? Why isn't it spread all over the news? Is it a family member? Where's the report of CPS's visit to the parents?
According to national statistics, less than 10% of females start their periods before age 11, and they are generally African American. The average age at start of menarche is age 13.75 using all races combined.
I call bullshit. The idea that an actual 10 year old ended up pregnant is just silly. 90%+ of 10 year olds aren't even menstruating yet thus are physically incapable. So she's an early bloomer and fully sexually active at 10? WTF!
The first menstrual bleeding is referred to as menarche, and typically occurs about two years after thelarche.[49] The average age of menarche is 12.5 in the United States.[54] Most American girls experience their first period at 11, 12 or 13, but some experience it earlier than their 11th birthday and others after their 14th birthday. In fact, anytime between 8 and 16 is normal. In Canada, the average age of menarche is 12.72
Fake News "stories" like this really piss me off. They are knowingly trying to deceive people and push a BS narrative. Any mention of how the girl came to be pregnant? They mention the girl was seen by a "child abuse" doctor but that's it.
Of course they also neglect to mention Ohio has laws for clinics to report potential cases of abuse. A girl that age coming in for an abortion is a screaming red flag for sexual abuse. Her rapist is probably the same shitbag driving her to the clinic for the procedure. Likely an uncle, stepdad, mother's boyfriend, etc.
Planned Parenthood in Ohio has been sued multiple times by different women for failing to report their abuse cases to Ohio CPS. That's probably why the girl in the article is being driven to Indiana. So she can get the abortion, no questions asked, and her rapist skates on by.
The whole article is all griping how a 10-year old girl had to go through the inconvenience of leaving the state to get an abortion. Not a word about how she got pregnant.
She was born on February 29th, 1980. So she’s only had 10 celebrated birthdays.
Most 10 year Olds aren't even menstruating!! What the hell!
If this is actually true we know Modern Media focuses on everything except details and reality. But what kind of parent would publicize the "injustice" of having their PREGNANT 10 year old cross a state line for an abortion. The state line is not even one of the RED LINES these people need to be enraged about.
I'm sure you are right because I've seen other articles; one about a 12 year old girl and the other another 10 year old. I think they are sensationalizing this BS to keep the R v W fight going.
I've noticed they arent harping on the girls' race either.
I mean even if she does exist, the baby is a gift from God. Period. Even if it was from rape. And given the difficulty many people have with conceiving, I’d say this is an especially merciful gift after just one instance of intercourse. She and her family should be thrilled to accept new life into this world.
Not at that age.
The girl could die.
Nah, this ain’t it chief
The media is going to keep doing this garbage. 99.9% of women getting abortions are NOT 10-year-old girls, or low-IQ (retarded) girls, or rape victims who got pregnant.
Those are the 0.1% who the media will hold up as 'examples'... but fail to tell you that person can simply travel to another state that allows abortions.
We're going to keep hearing over and over again about the 0.1% of cases. That's how the media works these days. Disinformation, hype and misleading stories.
Wtf is a 10 year old needing an abortion. Where’s the rest of the story? Who’s the guy? Is he charged and in jail?
That's not what they want to discuss.
And what about her parents?? Where the hell have they been? Tic tok is raising your children… Sad
What are the odds that a 10-year-old is even capable of becoming pregnant?
That is what I was wondering. Where are child services on this one? They are probably to busy harassing normal parents for disciplining their kids. Man this world needs a Jesus reset.
Who's the guy? Probably a male relative, or the same asshole who is driving her to the clinic to get the abortion. The fake news bunch neglects to mention Ohio clinics are required by law to report patients coming in for abortions under a certain age. A girl that age coming in pregnant is a red flag for sexual abuse. If it is reported the case gets investigated by CPS. That is why they are driving out of state.
Exactly. Where's the arrest warrant for the rapist? Where is his name? Why isn't it spread all over the news? Is it a family member? Where's the report of CPS's visit to the parents?
According to national statistics, less than 10% of females start their periods before age 11, and they are generally African American. The average age at start of menarche is age 13.75 using all races combined.
Who was looking out for this child?
Hunter what did you do?
This article exists to push sex with young children as being normal. And that’s it.
I wonder if anyone has set up networks to monitor this kind of movement? Like say pedos panicing and taking their victims across state lines.....
I call bullshit. The idea that an actual 10 year old ended up pregnant is just silly. 90%+ of 10 year olds aren't even menstruating yet thus are physically incapable. So she's an early bloomer and fully sexually active at 10? WTF!
Oh for fucks sake!
Fake News "stories" like this really piss me off. They are knowingly trying to deceive people and push a BS narrative. Any mention of how the girl came to be pregnant? They mention the girl was seen by a "child abuse" doctor but that's it.
Of course they also neglect to mention Ohio has laws for clinics to report potential cases of abuse. A girl that age coming in for an abortion is a screaming red flag for sexual abuse. Her rapist is probably the same shitbag driving her to the clinic for the procedure. Likely an uncle, stepdad, mother's boyfriend, etc.
Planned Parenthood in Ohio has been sued multiple times by different women for failing to report their abuse cases to Ohio CPS. That's probably why the girl in the article is being driven to Indiana. So she can get the abortion, no questions asked, and her rapist skates on by.
So if true this kid has been sex trafficked, then there could be multiple rapists involved including illegal migrants.
"where's Hunter?" moment
Most likely a male relative. Probably the same asshole driving her to the clinic.