Thought the same thing. And runs for president “to fix the family”, I fail to see how that ties in?
Probably was no physical laptop, just a hacked iCloud account or Apple handed the CP files over to authorities. I don’t buy the computer repair man cover.
Back when the first laptop dig came out I remember there was quite a bit of evidence to support this. No concrete evidence (because thatd be illegal) but autist evidence that was pretty dang convincing.
There was evidence that came out that seemed to support that Hunter molested his young niece, not that he impregnated her, that she went on to give birth to his baby, and that he's now raising that baby with his new wife. Anything's possible with this crew, but I didn't see any credible evidence of that.
This is highly inaccurate, outdated by a little under 2 years (in terms of relevance to the situation), and completely unrelated to the current icloud backup being dug into.
I have a nagging suspicion that Brandon went to Crooked to ask her how to deal with the situation since she certainly has the experience. She just went through the whole "run for POTUS so I don't go to jail" thing in '16.
If that is correct, when the indictments come down I can't wait to see what goes on between the Clintons and Bidens while both families try to cut deals to save themselves.
Seems like some of the more famous rehabs (or the ones that take famous people) exist more for excuses and images than rehab. I imagine money and politics help with that.
I am actually still more interested in burisma, 10% to the big guy, the Chinese contracts that indicate they got million dollar loans with zero collateral, etc. way more than I am the sex timeline.
Sex sells - Burisma doesn't. The new thing with FJB selling oil to the Chinese firm Hunter works with is bigger now than Burisma, and normies can actually understand this one. "Bad Resident is selling our oil to the enemy."
You need to realize that once we began to tolerate evil in the office, it became a matter of "what kind of evil is okay" (but only for those that are actually aligned with evil, mind you).
Sex may sell, but it sells far too well here - because the son of a president that has a sex issue becomes a "well, that doesnt really mean Joe Biden did anything illegal as president" - and therefore, excusable.
Burisma isn't excusable. It is right over the target as to why Biden is such a horrible president. The Chinese loans spoken of earlier speaks to the oil issue you spoke about just now.
IE - the sex angle is part of the Psy Op, and we fell for it in 2020, and are falling for it here. Not that it is matters, though, because I honestly think the DS are done with Biden, which is why the oil thing is being reported as it is right now.
Sorry I wasn't more clear. When I said sex sells I meant it in the same way as "If it bleeds, it leads". Probably the only way the Bidens are brought to justice is if really salacious stuff (like in the diary) comes out in pictures. Then there will be media groups that will no longer be able to resist publishing the evidence. When pics start showing up with any of the Bidens paired up with young boys/girls the tabloids will go crazy. Even international papers - the Sun or The Daily Mail for example. They live for stuff like this.
I agree about the levels of evil, and Burisma for that matter. I just think it is easier for the media to hide/downplay some stuff (like Burisma) because it won't generate the same amount of clicks for them. I know most of us here "get it", but there's a reason the dems use all those goofy Tik-Tok/YouTube celebs or singers or athletes to put out their messages for them. We dig for info - they want it in a 30 second entertaining video. Realistically we aren't the audience that needs to be convinced and/or outraged.
I only mentioned the oil thing because everyone sees the gas prices, and this was a new news story so it is inside the average attention span of the lefties. They will forget this as soon as the next cat video comes out.
The sex angle will be easily proven if pictures come out that can be validated. I'm not worried about a psy-op. If they are real and are published they will be damning. If nothing comes out then it's just another 2 weeks right?
Hunter is a White Hat! LOL! Naw! But Hunter is a White Hat! After the degree of clownishness we have been through, it would not surprise me at all! The greatest fukin show on earth!
HE WAS IN - VENICE BEACH - AT A FAMILY - FRIENDS - HOME IN THE CANALS ( Dell St. I think ) The owner is the owner of A CHINESE FOOD DELIVERY CHAIN —> I bet it was cover for delivering drugs, kids, spying, shipping anything from China and Vice versa. The home had one round blacked out window. Definitely had underground tunnels because the area and house sit atop TUNNELS UNDERNEATH that use to be for the canals and workers. Gates are still there in use, locked. Months later, he then moved into a home in Malibu for a shorter while. You know there are still open mine caves used for transporting and incase of “rapid wildfire locked”, they could escape. These residents are the elite and who controls a lot of Hollywood. Also, if you walk out at low tide, you can see what they call storm drains that you can drive an actual bus in that goes INLAND under L.A. I know they connect to the ones under downtown. There are so many more. ( Playboy mansion is a prime example. Check out the 👉Getty Museum. Built to withstand nukes and fire. Now it all makes sense.
...And down the memory hole it goes, never to be seen again...? Or...???
Normies not only don't know what's on Hunter's laptop, they don't even know they're supposed to care if he HAS a laptop, never mind what's ON it. (They're brainwashed with the MSM mantra "Hunter Biden is not president of the United States. He's a private citizen. His laptop is protected by PRIVACY LAWS!")
...and the normies who have heard of it don't WANT to know what's on it, because it's horrifying and distressing, and ignorance is bliss
Hunter is a dumbass. His only thought when taking the laptop to the computer repair guy was "can he fix it". Hunter did not give any thought as to the incriminating things on the laptop (especially if he was using). Hunter hopes the computer guy can fix the computer, but doesn't realize the computer guy will be able to see "images" on the laptop. Typical dumb criminal behavior, not thinking further down the road than the current emergency.
Could it be possible that the white hats got a hold of Hunter and gave him the plan to drop off his computer at a repair shop? Hunter may not have even known they were white hats…maybe they were “friends of his father’s” or whatever…but since Hunter already knew his laptops were taken by “the Russian mob” or whatever (this is the story he was relating to one of the hookers he was doing drugs with) and they were overdosing him, or letting him overdose,then taking his laptops…
Maybe there was a plan to have the information get “leaked” to give Hunter cover… because of some horrible computer repair guy that mad illegal copies…and/or this was a strategy to cover for the theft of the other laptops.
What if similar “friends” helped Ashley with the idea of leaving her diary? Perhaps Ashley and Hunter both wanted cover for information that blackmailers had on them. It just seems too coincidental that they both left intimate information about so easily. Yeah yeah, Hunter’s a crackhead….but I can’t imagine a girl leaving a diary accidentally—with all kinds of rehab journaling in it. She was in a sober living house or a halfway house/recovery house at the time? This journal would be an important part of the work there.
I don’t know what happened…but I think that there was some leverage used to get them to leave this info. I don’t know what yet….but if we know that DJT was tweeting about elections in 2010…this plan has been in the works for a long while. I don’t believe these were just two ‘’lucky breaks”.
That's what i immediately thought
Thought the same thing. And runs for president “to fix the family”, I fail to see how that ties in?
Probably was no physical laptop, just a hacked iCloud account or Apple handed the CP files over to authorities. I don’t buy the computer repair man cover.
Discernment rising. Good call!
Cover everything up
You mean, like, with a cloth?
That seems about like all they did, since it is all exposed
See my comment above.
Some 4chan connect the dots back when the laptop dropped.
Enough to where Im convinced and im a not easily convinced of anything.
hearsay, rumours, unsubstantiated
Which it’s not. Much of what’s in OPs image is accurate and not conjecture.
I was just answering the question about the word. Never heard anything about pregnant Natalie. Have heard the laptop swimming pool thing before.
What parts do you think are substantiated?
Could all be pieced together from texts, emails and other stuff on the laptop, right?
Ah, like my mother's cooking. (It's OK, she's gone. I would never criticize her if she were on this earth. God rest her soul.)
Back when the first laptop dig came out I remember there was quite a bit of evidence to support this. No concrete evidence (because thatd be illegal) but autist evidence that was pretty dang convincing.
Yeah, where did they sauce "she threw the laptop in the water"
Never heard that or a lot of what OP is saying on 4ch
There was evidence that came out that seemed to support that Hunter molested his young niece, not that he impregnated her, that she went on to give birth to his baby, and that he's now raising that baby with his new wife. Anything's possible with this crew, but I didn't see any credible evidence of that.
I've seen enough evidence to be convinced he was sleeping with her and her friends.
The pregers thing, I do remember a 4chan dig on that. Just dont remember what the evidence was so, yeah that I am not sure of that. I should clarify.
No, some can be ascertained thru records & emails, texts, etc found on the laptop.
So, no Top Comment, it is most definitely not all conjecture.
For a family that pushes abortions I’m surprised they didn’t abort the baby.
Natalie is too old to abort. Though HRC would probably try to get her aborted
This is highly inaccurate, outdated by a little under 2 years (in terms of relevance to the situation), and completely unrelated to the current icloud backup being dug into.
If you could kindly take a moment and tell us what you mean by "This", that would be just swell.
Sounds about right.
“Joe agrees to run for President to cover the whole thing up?”
You lost me on this.
I have a nagging suspicion that Brandon went to Crooked to ask her how to deal with the situation since she certainly has the experience. She just went through the whole "run for POTUS so I don't go to jail" thing in '16.
If that is correct, when the indictments come down I can't wait to see what goes on between the Clintons and Bidens while both families try to cut deals to save themselves.
Treason won't protect him and I'm sure he's committed it several times.
And when Hunter was in rehab he kept smoking crack.
Great rehab place, huh.
Seems like some of the more famous rehabs (or the ones that take famous people) exist more for excuses and images than rehab. I imagine money and politics help with that.
That's some bullshit... my rehab cut me off cold turkey. Assholes.
I imagine there’s ‘rehab’ for pr purposes and whatnot and then there’s actual rehab for people that want to get clean.
I am actually still more interested in burisma, 10% to the big guy, the Chinese contracts that indicate they got million dollar loans with zero collateral, etc. way more than I am the sex timeline.
Sex sells - Burisma doesn't. The new thing with FJB selling oil to the Chinese firm Hunter works with is bigger now than Burisma, and normies can actually understand this one. "Bad Resident is selling our oil to the enemy."
You need to realize that once we began to tolerate evil in the office, it became a matter of "what kind of evil is okay" (but only for those that are actually aligned with evil, mind you).
Sex may sell, but it sells far too well here - because the son of a president that has a sex issue becomes a "well, that doesnt really mean Joe Biden did anything illegal as president" - and therefore, excusable.
Burisma isn't excusable. It is right over the target as to why Biden is such a horrible president. The Chinese loans spoken of earlier speaks to the oil issue you spoke about just now.
IE - the sex angle is part of the Psy Op, and we fell for it in 2020, and are falling for it here. Not that it is matters, though, because I honestly think the DS are done with Biden, which is why the oil thing is being reported as it is right now.
Sorry I wasn't more clear. When I said sex sells I meant it in the same way as "If it bleeds, it leads". Probably the only way the Bidens are brought to justice is if really salacious stuff (like in the diary) comes out in pictures. Then there will be media groups that will no longer be able to resist publishing the evidence. When pics start showing up with any of the Bidens paired up with young boys/girls the tabloids will go crazy. Even international papers - the Sun or The Daily Mail for example. They live for stuff like this.
I agree about the levels of evil, and Burisma for that matter. I just think it is easier for the media to hide/downplay some stuff (like Burisma) because it won't generate the same amount of clicks for them. I know most of us here "get it", but there's a reason the dems use all those goofy Tik-Tok/YouTube celebs or singers or athletes to put out their messages for them. We dig for info - they want it in a 30 second entertaining video. Realistically we aren't the audience that needs to be convinced and/or outraged.
I only mentioned the oil thing because everyone sees the gas prices, and this was a new news story so it is inside the average attention span of the lefties. They will forget this as soon as the next cat video comes out.
The sex angle will be easily proven if pictures come out that can be validated. I'm not worried about a psy-op. If they are real and are published they will be damning. If nothing comes out then it's just another 2 weeks right?
Hunter is a White Hat! LOL! Naw! But Hunter is a White Hat! After the degree of clownishness we have been through, it would not surprise me at all! The greatest fukin show on earth!
HE WAS IN - VENICE BEACH - AT A FAMILY - FRIENDS - HOME IN THE CANALS ( Dell St. I think ) The owner is the owner of A CHINESE FOOD DELIVERY CHAIN —> I bet it was cover for delivering drugs, kids, spying, shipping anything from China and Vice versa. The home had one round blacked out window. Definitely had underground tunnels because the area and house sit atop TUNNELS UNDERNEATH that use to be for the canals and workers. Gates are still there in use, locked. Months later, he then moved into a home in Malibu for a shorter while. You know there are still open mine caves used for transporting and incase of “rapid wildfire locked”, they could escape. These residents are the elite and who controls a lot of Hollywood. Also, if you walk out at low tide, you can see what they call storm drains that you can drive an actual bus in that goes INLAND under L.A. I know they connect to the ones under downtown. There are so many more. ( Playboy mansion is a prime example. Check out the 👉Getty Museum. Built to withstand nukes and fire. Now it all makes sense.
...And down the memory hole it goes, never to be seen again...? Or...???
Normies not only don't know what's on Hunter's laptop, they don't even know they're supposed to care if he HAS a laptop, never mind what's ON it. (They're brainwashed with the MSM mantra "Hunter Biden is not president of the United States. He's a private citizen. His laptop is protected by PRIVACY LAWS!")
...and the normies who have heard of it don't WANT to know what's on it, because it's horrifying and distressing, and ignorance is bliss
Sorry, but this is a bit too far fetched for me. I'll wait.
Could you imagine being so privileged that when you screw up like Hunter has you get rewarded with an all expense paid full time vaca to Malibu?
Hunter is a dumbass. His only thought when taking the laptop to the computer repair guy was "can he fix it". Hunter did not give any thought as to the incriminating things on the laptop (especially if he was using). Hunter hopes the computer guy can fix the computer, but doesn't realize the computer guy will be able to see "images" on the laptop. Typical dumb criminal behavior, not thinking further down the road than the current emergency.
Not the very last line. That's true.
So the password was not Natalie16, it's Natalie12.
Could it be possible that the white hats got a hold of Hunter and gave him the plan to drop off his computer at a repair shop? Hunter may not have even known they were white hats…maybe they were “friends of his father’s” or whatever…but since Hunter already knew his laptops were taken by “the Russian mob” or whatever (this is the story he was relating to one of the hookers he was doing drugs with) and they were overdosing him, or letting him overdose,then taking his laptops…
Maybe there was a plan to have the information get “leaked” to give Hunter cover… because of some horrible computer repair guy that mad illegal copies…and/or this was a strategy to cover for the theft of the other laptops.
What if similar “friends” helped Ashley with the idea of leaving her diary? Perhaps Ashley and Hunter both wanted cover for information that blackmailers had on them. It just seems too coincidental that they both left intimate information about so easily. Yeah yeah, Hunter’s a crackhead….but I can’t imagine a girl leaving a diary accidentally—with all kinds of rehab journaling in it. She was in a sober living house or a halfway house/recovery house at the time? This journal would be an important part of the work there.
I don’t know what happened…but I think that there was some leverage used to get them to leave this info. I don’t know what yet….but if we know that DJT was tweeting about elections in 2010…this plan has been in the works for a long while. I don’t believe these were just two ‘’lucky breaks”.
Accurate to a "T"
Bad thought... I wonder if Joe (in his dementia) came up with the name Corn Pop because of the things he used to do to his kids?