What many leftist people don’t understand is that when they see nothing wrong with pigeon holing males and female as being interchangeable, they forget about those leaders pushing it, like Zelinsky and perhaps many Western leaders like Biden, is that leftist people find nothing wrong with women being sent to the frontline. A couple of weeks ago I reported that not just men from 18-60 were being rounded up and sent to the front line, but women of that age too, but a couple of people on here said there is no proof. Not happening etc. If they cared to look thru IntelSlavaZ on telegram, they would see videos of dozens of young women in training. But the most upsetting thing was a young women, in fatigues lying in a pool of her own blood where she and others in her group were killed when they came under missile attack. How do I know it was a women? Her back was bare and you could see her bra and longish hair and her hips. This is what the West have reduced the role of women to. This is not some movie set, this is real. Anyone that’s says that there are many women in the Military. Correct. Well trained professionals. They go in knowing that at anytime they may be deployed to a war. These poor women are being rounded up at swimming pools, in shopping centres etc., given a notice to report to XYZ on ABC. Just maybe this is why Putin is bringing in a law for anyone living in Ukraine to receive a Russian passport. To protect not just those men caught up in a dragnet but to protect women from what can only be described as a death sentence.
As Health Director in Penn, Levine took its mother out of a nursing home immediately prior to sending infected patients into the nursing homes. I'm sure there were many crimes prior to that but that was the one the whole world witnessed.
Cousin IT was the health secretary from PA. That bastard took his mother out of the nursing home and into a hotel right before sticking covid people in nursing homes to raise the death count. This appointment is payback for a job well done.
It is really unbelievable how many people are okay with this.
What many leftist people don’t understand is that when they see nothing wrong with pigeon holing males and female as being interchangeable, they forget about those leaders pushing it, like Zelinsky and perhaps many Western leaders like Biden, is that leftist people find nothing wrong with women being sent to the frontline. A couple of weeks ago I reported that not just men from 18-60 were being rounded up and sent to the front line, but women of that age too, but a couple of people on here said there is no proof. Not happening etc. If they cared to look thru IntelSlavaZ on telegram, they would see videos of dozens of young women in training. But the most upsetting thing was a young women, in fatigues lying in a pool of her own blood where she and others in her group were killed when they came under missile attack. How do I know it was a women? Her back was bare and you could see her bra and longish hair and her hips. This is what the West have reduced the role of women to. This is not some movie set, this is real. Anyone that’s says that there are many women in the Military. Correct. Well trained professionals. They go in knowing that at anytime they may be deployed to a war. These poor women are being rounded up at swimming pools, in shopping centres etc., given a notice to report to XYZ on ABC. Just maybe this is why Putin is bringing in a law for anyone living in Ukraine to receive a Russian passport. To protect not just those men caught up in a dragnet but to protect women from what can only be described as a death sentence.
I just gotta wonder, what did Levine do to deserve this role in this movie? He had to have drawn the short straw that day 😵💫🙂😊
As Health Director in Penn, Levine took its mother out of a nursing home immediately prior to sending infected patients into the nursing homes. I'm sure there were many crimes prior to that but that was the one the whole world witnessed.
Yes, I remember that. Shameful.
I just threw up in my mouth. Need an ice pick for my eyes.
Sorry to say, but if I was in position of power to negotiate whatever on their level, I would not take the US serious.
The title of this post is just classic!
Mitch McConnell is the one on the left.
Dickweed chicks
This is circulating in Russia. I posted it but one pic. was enough, so deleted mine.
Biden appointees.
Cousin IT was the health secretary from PA. That bastard took his mother out of the nursing home and into a hotel right before sticking covid people in nursing homes to raise the death count. This appointment is payback for a job well done.
Guys with tits.