Lmfao 😆🤣
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Dats a definite BTFO LGB FJB
He acts like it was $10/gallon before. Hes doubled the price
The Putin price cut!
Is he really spiking the football on a +200% increase in gas prices?
What do all those states have in common?
Exactly. This is one of the biggest self owns I've ever seen. Maybe it IS Jim Carrey in a mask playing Biden to make Republicans look good after all!!
Give Putin the credit or you're a hypocrite, Brandon.
The taco strikes back
Hehe…great burn on the resident, Mayra!
You know what the big deal really is? It’s how quickly your puppet administration has fucked over Americans. Fuck you, puppet pedo sniffer poopy pants! So many people are tired of your communist bullshit.
A 200% increase? Yeah, I'd say that's a big deal.
If people think it is bad now, wait a bit. 10-15 per gallon is coming.
Yup. No doubt. Here we go...
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc. - the woketards have to be shitting themselves seeing this chick go full patriot on their dumb asses.
I'm surprised he didn't end it with "You're welcome."
Is this real?
Thank you. I can't decide if this is epic gaslighting or epic retardation.
Everything they do is to try to gaslight.
That, and they have this warped view of reality and think no one remembers 2020 when gas was $1.42.
HECK, I log all my gas and just checked what the lowest I paid. With a Kroger discount, I paid $0.83 (it was ~$1.40 without, I think) in April 2020. Cost me less than $10 to fill up. Would cost me 4-5 times that now. I ain't forgot. I won't forget.
In March/April 2020 gas was 1.05 a gallon. With 1 dollar off at Kroger I filled up for 5 cents a gallon. I put 25 gallons in my truck for a buck and a quarter. I was really hoping to see what Kroger would do if the price went below 1.00. Would they give me cash back for filling my tank? But 1.05 was the low.
Dang!!! It never got quite that low where I am.
And I thought George Bush is Jr was the most retarded president ever. I was dead wrong.
$3.85/gal for 87 Octane where I live in FL
Still about $3.00 too high.